Different Aspects of Environmental Protection Essay Example
Different Aspects of Environmental Protection Essay Example

Different Aspects of Environmental Protection Essay Example

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  • Pages: 7 (1674 words)
  • Published: November 19, 2021
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The United States is at a dilemma of investing more on fossil fuels which are highly demanded as the source of energy or to seek other alternatives to save the environment. The fossil fuel continues to impose severe and disastrous environmental conditions that may be costly for the current and the future generations. The country has an uphill task to consider maintaining the current sources of energy or adjust to other alternatives where they can get more environmental-friendly sources of energy. The costs of using the current energy path are high, and the rates may not be going down any soon if the trend is maintained. American consumers and business fraternity spent a rough estimate of around 700 billion dollars annually on coal, oil and natural gas (Mansur et al. 190). These fossil fuels have an adverse impact on the e


nvironment, and the situation may be even worse shortly. The main objective of the paper is to highlight the impact of fossil fuel energy to the environment and emphasize on the importance of seeking an alternative source of energy among the U.S populace.

Environmental conservation is equally important as the earth is our home and supports our entire life system. The earth is where we live, breathe, eat and raise the future generation that will come and inherit the earth. The current generation ought to be very careful to make the earth a better and safe place (Nidumolu et al. 56). Environmental conservation is significant as failure to protect the environment poses a major threat to environmental degradation which can adversely affect the earth’s natural resources like clean water supply and food supply as well. The

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environment is a source of natural beauty which needs to be preserved by all means. If nature is healthy, definitely the inhabitants will too be healthy thus environmental protection is a worthy course. It is important to note that the globe is in danger, and many animal and plant species are gradually nearing their extinction (Geller 687).

Critical natural resources like water and air are polluted and are harmful for human consumption. Everyone is responsible for environmental protection and should take a drastic action to save the planet. The Environmental Protection Agency of the U.S government was set up by President Richard Nixon in 1970 to deal with national pollution control standards. The agency was formed to ensure that laws enacted pertaining environmental conservation are adhered to (Geller 685). The body enjoys several successes one being striking with the automobile manufacturers to fix their cars with catalytic converters. That reduced carbon emission by higher percentages.

Americans are reliant to fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil as their primary sources of energy. Vast amounts of revenues are set aside to cater for the fossil fuel energy whose demand is very high in the States (Nidumolu et al. 60). The dependence on fossil fuels is costly to the citizens regarding the revenues needed to meet the high demand for the energy supply. The worst bit is that the same United States is responsible for the largest volume of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere (Crutzen 390). Global warming is a real threat that needs urgency and carbon emissions are a great contributor to the menace. The climate changes as a result of global warming are beginning to

show themselves currently in horrible ways; it is predicted that the future may be even worse if the world does not respond accordingly. Scientists predict that global warming may lead to mass extinction of species, flooding in coastal areas as a result of melting polar ice and spread of infectious diseases (Crutzen 392). The rising levels of Carbon dioxide in the ocean’s water are likely to lead to the destruction of coral reefs. The Himalayan glaciers, notable for to provide more than half of the drinking water for a larger population of individuals all over the world are most affected by climate change. In the next fifty years, people may face massive drinking water shortage and even food shortage attributed to lack of irrigation. Thus, it is important that the U.S shift their primary sources of energy to environment-friendly sources of wind power.

The production of fossil fuels is notable for the damage to the environment and human health in general. The use of fossil fuels is a key contributor to global warming which is both hazardous to the environment and humans. It can also lead to serious s economic damages that can cost people dearly (Hill, Jason, et al. 11204). It is evident that increase in the Sea level and severity of storms is likely to expose major cities like New York and Miami to an impending danger of storm attack and damage. A study conducted estimated that hurricanes could be disastrous with time and can cause damages of over $400 billion. This can be experienced shortly in areas like Atlantic and Gulf Coast if drastic measures are not put in place to address the

issue. Fossil fuel production and use impose environmental and social costs apart from global warming (Pasqualino et al. 875). Production and transport of fossil are the main contributor to the frequent catastrophic accidents and environmental pollution. For instance, the December 2008 incident of the collapse of coal pond in the Tennessee power plant caused real damage, and the cost of cleaning up the affected area cost a lot.

However, there are negative impacts of the renewable energy sources that can substitute the fossil fuels. Wind power for instance ha environmental impacts which may include land use and habitant loss and use of hazardous materials in manufacturing. The effect of wind turbines on birds and bats is severe due to collisions with the moving turbines leading to deaths. It is evident that still these pose a threat to the animal species. Individuals living close to the wind facilities suffer from the sound generated by the turbines and also vibration issues. Solar facilities may raise concerns on land degradation an also loss of habitat (Hill, Jason, et al., 11208). Solar projects rarely share land with agricultural use thus installation will require the land portions to be used specifically for such projects. Environmental activists may be out to push for use of clean energy but still they overlook the impacts they pose to the environment. Offshore wind facilities that are not in use in the U.S need larger due to the larger sizes of the turbines and blades. Such offshore installation facilities may compete with other ocean activities like fishing and recreational activities. Some solar plants need water for cooling and they require several gallons of water depending on

the design.

I am for the opinion that the United States should stop using fossil fuels as they harm the environment. Green living is the best practice to conserve the environment and lead a healthy living.. Currently the whole globe is at crisis due to the threat of global warming that has raised temperatures above the normal limit. Why should we wait for the worst rather than preventing those repercussions that may be brought about by climate change? Emissions of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere has led to global warming and the U.S being a leading consumer of fossil fuel energy contributes to the largest percentage of carbon concentration in the atmosphere (Geller 677).

The negative impacts of renewable energy are negligible and do not pose serious threats to the environment as compared to fossil fuels Fossil fuels are the principal pollutants of air and water. These two natural resources are the basics of life for both plants and animals. Once they are contaminated, the life of these creatures is automatically compromised. The economic cost of air pollution in the areas regulated by the Clean Air Act has an estimate of around $ 9 trillion for the last four decades. The infection has resulted in early mortality rates, illness and possible loss of productivity. Back in 2007 American more revenues in importing fuels with a large sum of the money being spent on crude oil (Demirbas 1778). The money spent in acquiring this fossil fuel is a transfer of wealth from the American citizens to oil companies and states enjoying the oil resource. The ordinary citizen ends up being the big loser in the process, and the

government should lay down strategies to protect their citizens from such abuse

In conclusion, the United States depends on fossil fuels as their primary source of energy. The production and use of these fuels cause environmental pollution. Transportation of oil, for instance, causes dangerous water and air pollution. The United States is responsible for approximately thirty percent of Carbon emissions into the atmosphere. Renewable sources of energy like wind and solar have some negative impacts to the environment Carbon emissions cause global warming in charge of the current climate change experienced all over the world. The U.S should consider using alternative sources of energy as the current disadvantages outweigh the benefits.


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