Development of a Computer Based Instruction Module Essay Example
This paper presents the design and development of a Computer-Mediated Simulation (SMS) module for teaching the cell division topic in secondary school biology. The module aims to enhance students' understanding of the dynamics of cell division. It is based on the Plan, Do, See and Improve (PADS) instructional approach, which allows for modifications at each step. The module covers meiosis and mitosis, which are involved in cell division, and addresses the need for media and technology in biology teaching at the secondary school level. Evaluation of the SMS module in test schools highlights its strengths and potential to achieve better outcomes.
Keywords: Computer mediated simulation, cell division, meiosis.
The stages involved in understanding the concept of cell division are Enterprise, protease, metastases, anapest, and telephone (EKE, 1992). However, traditional instructional methods and biology textbooks do n
...ot effectively convey this process. In the past, lectures and lab work using squashed young onion root tips have been used to teach cell division. However, integrating technology into the classroom through simulations has shown promising results in teaching various subjects (Allies & Trollop 1991; Enjoy & Delano 1993; Skibobs 1997; Wanly 2005; Wakes 2003). Computer simulations improve education by providing a more interactive and hands-on approach for students.
This approach enhances confidence, initiative, and cognition while also improving psychosomatic and effective behavior. It provides immediate feedback and is user-friendly. The most valuable aspect of SMS is its use of animated color graphics to enhance students' understanding of concepts, particularly in teaching cell division through a multi-sensory approach. This visual dynamic nature allows for better comprehension (Willet, 2004). Learning in an environment that utilizes animated color graphics engages students i
a complex study process where they can explore and interact with computer simulations, creating a more interactive learning experience (Willet, 2004). Thus, the objective of this study was to design and develop a SMS simulation intervention to investigate its effectiveness in teaching cell division in school biology. By addressing the prevailing educational problem, the creation of the SMS module could also improve the teaching and learning of science in general and biology specifically (Willet, 2004).The design and development of the SMS module followed the Plan, Do, See and Improve (PADS) approach, incorporating research elements (Willet, 2004). The use of Plan Baseline studies on performance of science and mathematics revealed that the state of science teaching in Kenyan schools is poor due to inadequate facilities (SESAMES, 2000). In biology, cell theory is a challenging topic for both students and teachers. Traditional lecture-based teaching methods may not effectively promote a deep understanding of cell theory. As an alternative approach, Computer Based Instruction (CB) was considered. Computer Mediated Simulation (SMS) was suggested as a suitable format to illustrate the process of cell division to students. Experts from education and technology departments were consulted to ensure successful development of the SMS module by determining pedagogical approaches, delivery methods, and an action plan for its development.
The module utilized computer attributes to create color graphic simulations of cell division, distinguishing it from traditional textbooks. These simulations were believed to greatly enhance student learning. The courseware was designed using Visual Basic software and delivered through CD-ROMs.The decision to use this software was based on its portability and machine-independence, as well as its ability to create complex forms and programs. Additionally, it
offers the option to run individual forms instead of the entire system at once. Visual Basic also allows for the use of automatic completion lists that assist users when writing code, making it easier to compile, execute, package, and deploy the SMS program.
The instructional material used for the module was derived from a form 3 biology course that focused on cell theory. The content followed the approved syllabus by the EKE for science education and included teacher's guides, textbooks, and other relevant materials. The SMS lesson covered five topics: enterprise, protease, metastases, and telephone.
The SMS materials were presented in a format that facilitated learning complex factual information about cell division while making it both easier and more engaging. The materials consisted of short notes and animated color graphics that allowed learners to understand key concepts as a coherent whole.
During the development of the SMS module, it underwent multiple reviews by two computer experts and four high school teachers who assessed various aspects including general format, sequencing of events, language level, grammar, subject content,and pedagogical issues.Before testing the SMS module with a small group of learners, their recommendations and suggestions were considered and appropriate modifications were made. The module was then implemented in an actual classroom setting. Throughout the pilot stage, minimal assistance was provided to the learners as they went through the SMS module lesson. Their emotions, difficulties, and experiences were closely monitored. At the end of the session, an informal interview was conducted to gather their opinions on the content and general format of the SMS module. In addition, they were given three dependent measures: BAT, BOCCE, and SAA. Any identified problems or errors
were fixed. The observation of learners' psychological reactions during the SMS lesson and interview revealed some minor challenges that were addressed.
The design of the SMS module was based on the doodling theory of cognitive paradigm. Figure 2 illustrates the welcome page of this module. According to this theory, both images and verbal codes represent information in memory. Park and Hopkins (1993) argue that there is a "referential connection" between verbal and non-verbal cues, allowing for visualization of words and naming of structures. Therefore, remembering something is more likely if it is coded verbally and visually since one form reinforces the other (Tennyson and Rash, 1988). This led to creating a conceptual model depicted in Figures 1 to 22 to guide this study.Figure 3 displays the interactive course objectives. The definition of a chromosome can be found in Figure 4, while its formation is illustrated in Figure 5 and its structure is shown in Figure 6. The depiction of Tetras formation can be seen in Figure 7, followed by mitotic division in Figure 8.
Figures 10 to 18 cover various related topics such as protease, metastases, anapest, telephone, cytokines, and meiosis. In particular, the stages of meiosis are displayed in Figure 14 and Enterprise 1 can be found in Figure 15. Figures 16 to 19 depict Protease 1, metastases 1, anapest 1, telephone 1, and other related topics.
The attributes of computer use combine verbal codes with graphical illustrations and animation (Figure21). This combination provides learners with a wider range of learning activities and tasks related to cell division. It also allows for more interactive engagement with the instructional material leading to a more active learning experience.
learning environment is designed based on two assumptions: firstly that there are no appropriate instructional methods available to convey the dynamic nature of cell division; and secondly that cognitive improvement occurs when students actively engage with learning materials. The SMS simulation serves as a facilitator for cognitive processing and positive attitude change towards cell division in biology. The module aims to enhance students' understanding that cell division is not a static process depicted solely through textbooks.The module utilizes animated color graphics to depict the process, and students can access the content by logging into the computer. The module begins with objectives and includes an introduction that describes chromosomes. The process is repeated after each section of the meiosis and mitosis stages. Figures 1 to 22 provide a detailed presentation of the SMS as it appears on a computer screen.
The purpose of the SMS module was to allow students to experience the dynamics of cell division. The study utilized the Solomon-Three Group design 127, which is considered rigorous and appropriate for experimental and quasi-experimental studies.
In this design, subjects are randomly assigned to three groups. Two groups take a re-test while one group does not. Typically, one group is pre-tested and another group is denied a pre-test, with both exposed to treatment. However, in this study, a quasi-experimental approach was used due to school authorities' policies that prevented individual random selection of subjects.
Despite this limitation, the research design allows for control over extraneous variables that could impact internal and external validity of the study. According to Soul (1984), experimentation's reactive effects are more easily controlled using this design.
Table 1 presents the Randomized Solomon Three-Group Design. The
experiment involved assigning subjects randomly to three groups: an Experimental group (E), Control group I (CLC), and Control group II (CO). The dependent variable was measured using TIE 01 and TIC 03 in the Experimental group, and TIC 03 in Control group II. The independent variables were teaching methods, with the Experimental group using a CB module and Control groups I and II using conventional methods. The dependent bankable variable was measured using TO, TEE 02, TACT 04, and TACT 05. Soul (1984) is the source of this information.
The table compares the mean scores on the BAT for pre-test and post-test among subjects. In terms of Scale Pre-test mean score, it was 3.42 with a standard deviation of 1.75; whereas for Post-test mean score, it was recorded as 25.65 with a standard deviation of 5.72.The overall mean gain was calculated to be 22.23.
For the Experimental group (n =30), their Pre-test mean score was found to be at3.43 while their Post-test mean score rose to28.03 with a standard deviation of6.45,resulting ina mean gainof24 .60.
InControlgroupI(n =40),thePost -testmean scorewasshownas29 .03withastandarddeviationof6 .73.
This experimental design aimed to minimize subjects' awareness by randomly assigning them into different groups instead of individually selecting them for experimental sessions.To prevent any contamination,the treatmentand controlgroups were placedin differentschools.
In order to address statistical regression, an additional group (CO) was included in the study that did not take the pretest. The study took place in three mixed secondary schools located on Nassau-Nurturer and Nassau-AMA-Narrow roads. These schools were purposely chosen based on accessibility and the availability of IBM compatible computers. A total of 102 form three students (59 males and 43 females) from three intact classes
were randomly selected to form the experimental group (E) and two control groups, CLC and CO. Both groups were given a post-test after receiving treatment. The validity and reliability of the SMS module were evaluated using the students' learning outcomes in biology, specifically cell theory. Academic achievement was measured using a Biology Achievement Test (BAT), which consisted of 30 multiple-choice and completion questions on paper. The BAT underwent review by six experts in science education and piloting, resulting in a reliability coefficient of 0.81. To assess the affective realm, particularly students' attitude towards the biology course on cell division, a paper-and-pencil checklist called the Students' Attitude Questionnaire (SAA) was used. The SAA items and scales were vetted by six experts before being tested with a group of students from the Negro area (N=20). The SAA instrument comprised of 20 Liker-type scales.The reliability coefficient of the instrument used in this study was 0.78, which is higher than the suggested level of 0.70 (Franken and Warren, 1998). The effect of the SMS on students' learning outcomes regarding cell division was determined using NOVA tests and SAPS computer software. Table 2 presents both pre-test and post-test mean scores obtained by the subjects on the BAT. Table 3 compares the pre-test and post-test mean scores obtained by the subjects on the SAA. There was a significant gain in academic achievement for the treatment group compared to those who did not receive SMS treatment. For example, E group and CO had similar mean scores on the BAT (M=28.03) that were significantly higher than CLC's mean score (M=19.88), which did not receive SMS treatment.
Further analysis using Turkeys-Honest Significant Difference test showed
a statistically significant mean difference of 8.16 between E group and CLC group, as well as a mean difference of 9.77 between CLC and CO at P < 0.05. However, there was no statistically significant difference in mean scores between treatment groups E and CO, with only a difference of 0.99. These results support previous studies conducted by Skibobs (1997;2000) and Wakes (2003).According to Weanling's (1998), using an SMS programmer can increase student engagement and lead to higher achievement. The data in Table 3 reveals that the SMS module had a positive effect on students' attitudes towards cell division in biology class. On average, students' attitudes saw an improvement of 8.5 points. However, there was a significant difference between groups E and CLC on the post-test. The treatment group experienced a much larger gain of 11.85 points compared to the control group's gain of 2.20 points. Additionally, the mean score gain of the SMS group exceeded the overall mean gain of 8.35 points. These findings align with previous research by Skibobs (1997, 2002) and Wakes (2003), which showed that using SMS can significantly impact students' emotional response to complex scientific concepts. One limitation of the SMS module is its compatibility only with IBM computers and inability to run on DOS prompt systems.The study aimed to create a valid SMS module for teaching cell division in Kenyan school biology classrooms.Quantitative findings were used to evaluate the validity and reliability of the module overall.Results indicated that it positively influenced students' understanding of cell division.Additionally, it demonstrated that using SMS can enhance classroom environment and attitude towards this topic.Implementing an interactive SMS module could potentially help address challenges encountered during teaching
and learning about cell division
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