Cross-Cultural Communication Knowledge and Skills Essay Example
Cross-Cultural Communication Knowledge and Skills Essay Example

Cross-Cultural Communication Knowledge and Skills Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (901 words)
  • Published: November 23, 2021
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I hope you are doing well. I wish to submit my Cross-cultural communication knowledge and skills in preparation for the next international business conference the company is willing to grant me the opportunity to attend. In respect to this, I have adequate cross-cultural communication skills required in achieving a dynamic growth in business perspective. The rich communication skills have helped me develop a roadmap that has recalibrated my career path to set actionable goals to gain powerful opportunities in international trade competence.

Focusing on business knowledge skills and attributes as it applies to international business develops an opportunity for this company to develop the great understanding for cultural intelligence in international business. As the esteemed team for this company, I understand the potential problems of cross-cultural communication. I have the expertise to


make conscious efforts through my skills and knowledge to overcome these problems considered by business experts a setback to the growing business economy (Johnson & 2006). Secondly, if given the chance, I will be able to understand and adjust one’s behavior appropriately. Moreover, I will be able to assume that cultural difference is causing communication problems and try to be friendly but not hostile and aggressive to those go against it. By doing so, I will have created a good image of our company outside there.

I have a lot of interest in the use of cross-cultural communication principles to support better understanding and respect between diverse cultures. For instance, I will emphasize on awareness to bring talent from other parts of the world available to all. This develops the appreciation for the full range of expertise available worldwide. By doing so, the business take

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the initiative to realize the missing opportunities for international business competence. Secondly, I will promote the principle of development. In this context, I will create a program for building a reliable global executive bench. The spirit of development ensures that at the process of expanding business horizons the other parties are not neglected. This gives our company the opportunity to cross borders for the next step in business development.

In this role, I understand the executive selection and integration. A Clear understanding of the factors necessary for this assignment enables global management competencies such as inquisitive, flexibility and adaptability in diverse cultural agendas. Because home expectations may vary considerably with the host country, the need for alignment and external assessments is necessary. Besides, I will work for the need to acknowledge challenges. In this regard, I will be forced to pay particular attention to the challenges of working in a new cultural environment. Paying maximum respect for cultural norms and promoting understanding and open sound communication among members with different cultural orientation will lead my priorities. This supports a favorable working condition that promotes collaboration and the drive toward organizational goals. I will give much weight and concern to end stories of miscommunications relating to issues such as hierarchy and mistrust that in most cases lead to series of cultural clashes.

There have been many barriers to effective cross-cultural communication. In working with other people, there is the need to be aware of how various cultures affect each other. Barriers to Intercultural Communication entail your values. Personal values constitute to restrictions in a case where one takes his or her cultural identity for granted. Prejudice comes next

as a barrier to cross-cultural communication. This entails prejudging of one's characteristics just because they have categorized as belonging to a particular group. This kind of barriers is associated with negative attitudes towards a particular group which creates both ethnic and racial overtones. Additionally, we have ethnocentrism behavior where culture from certain groups is assumed more superior, right and rational; in this context, individual tends to evaluate issues concerning their standards without paying respect to other member’s perspective (David & Fahey, 2000).

On social culture, there is a need to understand various dynamics to avoid challenges of cross-cultural communication. For instance, different methods are used to overcome these difficulties. First, employees should take the initiative to learn about other cultures language. In this perspective, employees from various cultural backgrounds gain the understanding of norms and acceptable beliefs from different groups. Secondly, I would emphasize the need to conduct joint activities to demonstrate how dependent we are on the various diverse ground. Moreover, I will work to provide techniques for enhancing effective communication in the cross-cultural work environment. Besides, I would provide opportunities for employees to solve situations from different viewpoints. Increasing awareness of different cultures improves communication with other people. Identifying and adapting to language differences enhances cultural understanding. Likewise avoiding offensive non-verbal signals also creates great understanding and cultural unity. People from different cultural backgrounds must keep an open mind to respect diversity through learning about other cultures without judging others by their unexamined biases.

With the past experiences and culture which are critical factors affecting our perceptions in working in new environments trying to adopt to the workplace cross-cultural communication provides a better chance to

grow and compete in internal business points. My experience will lead you to perceive that my cross-cultural knowledge and skills are the best suited for you.


  • Johnson, J. P., Lenartowicz, T., & Apud, S. (2006). Cross-cultural competence in international business: Toward a definition and a model.Journal of International Business Studies, 37(4), 525-543.
  • David, W., & Fahey, L. (2000). Diagnosing cultural barriers to knowledge management. The Academy of Management Executive, 14(4), 113-127.
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