College Scholarship Essay Example
College Scholarship Essay Example

College Scholarship Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (425 words)
  • Published: August 13, 2021
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Friedrich Nietzsche, the philosopher, famously said that when we face adversity, it can make us stronger. In my own life, I experienced this to be true when my family had to move to a different town when I was 8 years old. This taught me the valuable lesson that change is inevitable and can help us become more resilient. Similarly, in 2011, the United States faced an economic crisis which caused financial difficulties for my family and many others. We struggled to afford basic necessities and even faced the possibility of being evicted from our home.

While we were packing our things, I glanced back at our house and noticed the vacant walls and rooms. Everything was devoid of belongings, and the swings on the swingset gently swayed in the breeze as we departed. During the lengthy summer,


my sister, mother, and I resided at our grandparents' residence in Utah. The destination of our next move remained uncertain, causing us to eagerly await a phone call.

While my dad was searching for a new place to live and work in California, I eagerly wanted to go back home. Eventually, he called us with excitement, sharing that he had found an amazing farmhouse on 23 acres in San Luis Obispo! We were all thrilled to be reunited with him; however, I felt uneasy knowing I would have to attend a different school. Once we settled into our new house, the autumn semester started. On the first day of school, anxiety twisted in my stomach as my sister and I walked towards the unfamiliar campus, thoughts about my teacher and classmates racing through my mind.

All the children appeared

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peculiar and unusual. The scent at the new school differed from that of the old one. It had a chilling and alarming odor. During recess, the monkey bars felt cold, as did the benches. During lunchtime, I sat alone and consumed my frigid sandwich.

Later that year, I formed friendships, and the highlight was having an amazing teacher. Every day, she would entertain us by speaking to various objects in her room with a humorous voice. This experience taught me the significance of change in life and how it can build one's resilience. Throughout the year, I faced numerous changes, which proved to be challenging.

I discovered that even though challenges may arise, the key is to give it your all in order to see improvements. I now understand that during tough times, if I persist, I can overcome obstacles and become a more resilient individual, ultimately reaching my aspirations.

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