Cabo San Viejo – Possible Solution Essay Example
Cabo San Viejo – Possible Solution Essay Example

Cabo San Viejo – Possible Solution Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (794 words)
  • Published: December 3, 2017
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Cabo san viejo is facing challenges in both increasing competition and retaining customers.

When considering whether to implement a loyalty program, our primary goal is to address competition and boost sales, rather than relying on such programs. We carefully assessed multiple factors before reaching our decision. For instance, in a survey of 2500 Americans, it was discovered that around half of loyalty program participants value special treatment, but only a small fraction (7%) actually receive it from their respective programs.

High percentages of senior executives believe they are building relationships with customers, but only a small percentage of customers feel the same. Research shows that consumers highly value loyalty programs and frequently use them to earn rewards. However, these programs do not equate to true loyalty. Loyalty programs primarily encourage short-term behavior rather than fostering genuine


loyalty. Most customers participate in these programs for points and rewards, not because they hold the company in high regard. This raises important questions: Why should a company have to "buy" loyalty? Shouldn't the value proposition's benefits and activities be enough to attract and retain customers? Do loyalty programs impact customer behavior? At cabo, we firmly believe that loyalty programs do influence customer behavior.

However, if our goal is to establish lasting customer loyalty - the kind of loyalty that is based on an emotional bond - we should not immediately resort to implementing a loyalty program. The desire for personalized treatment that customers seek, which is often lacking in loyalty programs, must come from a deliberate effort on our part to provide excellent customer service, demonstrate genuine interest in our customers, and create opportunities for meaningful engagement. The evidence we examined

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indicates that loyalty programs do not significantly enhance customer loyalty or behavior. They primarily function as a form of price discount. At cabo, we believe that our success lies in our employees and in fostering personalized relationships with our customers in a customer-centric environment. Our current main objectives are to avoid the negative impacts of competition, withstand the threat posed by new entrants, and maintain control over the assets that determine the value of our competitors.

To mitigate the negative impact of competition, our industry must recognize that its intelligence is determined by its least intelligent rival. Thus, we need to identify this competitor and take appropriate action. One approach is to concentrate on specific market segments in order to reduce the number of competitors. Additionally, we can establish switching costs by cultivating customer-specific knowledge and encouraging customers to develop product-specific knowledge. Implementing frequent customer programs aids in targeting undecided or hesitant customers.

To safeguard against potential new entrants, we need to adopt their perspective and devise strategies to deter them. Establishing enduring relationships with suppliers and customers while building a reputation that newcomers cannot easily replicate is essential. Furthermore, creating barriers to production through securing superior access to critical inputs and leveraging exotic locations is crucial.

Furthermore, it is imperative for us to control assets that determine our competitors' value. This entails identifying the particular assets that new entrants bring into the market and finding ways to gain control over them.

Our case involves providing a low priced service, and we are determined to counter competition from low cost competitors. We have decided to utilize a decision flow diagram that emphasizes the importance of creating value in

order to achieve profitability. Value is defined as the advantages our customers receive compared to the cost of production. To economically create value for our products, we employ several strategies at cabo including guaranteed one minute check-in, guaranteed room availability, eliminating unnecessary paper transactions, and celebrating family functions such as silver and golden jubilees.

Our commitment is to ensure transparency and exclusivity for all of our customers through personalized and dedicated customer care. We treat each customer equally, aiming to provide them with the optimal experience. For privileged customers, we offer express checkout where everything is settled in advance. Furthermore, we provide a complimentary pick-up and drop-off service to the airport.

We strive to exceed customer satisfaction and cultivate lasting loyalty and advocacy for our brand. To enhance our commitment to enhancing customer relationships, we suggest implementing the following measures: designating three individuals - a Connect Administrator in charge of managing our customer relationship management (CRM), a Campaign Manager responsible for creating an effective and economical system for strategizing, segmenting, monitoring, and assessing marketing communication initiatives via direct channels.

The responsibility of the customer technologist involves data warehousing, data mining, and reporting to develop strategies for customer growth. It is crucial to acknowledge that although the suggested strategies and recommended actions are valid, their effectiveness may diminish in the future due to the continuously changing business environment. Hence, it is essential to consistently update and adjust these strategies for long-term sustainability.

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