Posts by Marguerite Castillo:
Answer: The amount of conflict between parents. Recource PSY 313 Ch 8-10
Read moreAnswer: true Recource Music Appreciation (Module 2 And Module 3)
Read moreAnswer: B. 250 The ending inventory equals the beginning plus production minus expected demand.
Read moreAnswer: Overpopulation results in increased immigration to the United States Explanation The overpopulation of many South American countries has a number of impacts on the United States. One of the most significant is the strain on resources. The growing population in these countries requires more food, water, and other resources, which can lead to shortages […]
Read moreAnswer: molecules move through transport proteins that have been activated by ATP Recource Chapter 3 A&P
Read moreAnswer: regards intelligence as entirely due to causes within the child. Recource HDFS 2400, Chapter 9
Read morequestion All living things are composed of ______. answer matter question Define: Matter answer anything that occupies space and has mass question Matter exits in what 3 states? answer solid, liquid, gas question Define: Weight answer force of gravity acting on mass question Define: Energy answer capacity to do work question What does the Law […]
Read morequestion What is the structure of an atom? answer An atom consists of a densely-packed positively charged nucleus, made of protons and neutrons, surrounded by negatively charged electrons at different energy levels/ in different shells. question What is the relative mass and charge of a proton? answer 1, +1 question What is the relative mass […]
Read morequestion What is apparent magnitude? answer The apparent magnitude, m, of a star in the night sky is a measure of its brightness, which depends on the intensity of the light received from the star. question What is the Hipparcos scale? answer first classified stars in six magnitudes of brightness, a star of magnitude 1 […]
Read morequestion What is biology answer The study of living things question What is a monosaccaride answer One sugar question What is the function of carbs answer Store and release energy Provide the least amount of energy but the easiest to break down question What 3 groups are carbs classified into? answer Monosaccharides-one sugar(glucose, galactose, fructose […]
Read morequestion Which of the following is NOT true for the Group 1A elements answer They are named alkaline earth metals question Which statement about the four quantum numbers which describe electrons in atoms is INCORRECT answer L= subsidiary (or azimuthal) quantum number, l=1,2,3…, (n+1) question If the reaction A has an activation energy of 250 […]
Read morequestion What are the functions of concepts? answer We use concepts, mental groupings of similar objects, events, ideas or people, to simplify and order the world around us. We form most concepts around prototypes, or best examples of a category. question Cognition answer all the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering and communicating question […]
Read morequestion What is the crisis of middle childhood according to Erikson? answer Industry versus inferiority question What is the primary goal of trait theories? answer To explain the origins of the differences in personality question What are components of Bandura’s model of personality development? answer -PERSON COMPONENT -ENVIRONMENT -BEHAVIOR question What term refers to children’s […]
Read morequestion Due Process Clause answer Clause contained in the fifth and fourteenth amendments. Over the years, it has been construed to guarantee to individuals a variety of rights ranging from economic liberty to criminal procedural rights to protection from arbitrary governmental action. question Substantive Due Process answer Judicial interpretation of the fifth and fourteenth amendments’ […]
Read morequestion virtuosity answer expert or highly skilled excellence question opera answer a large-scale music drama that combines poetry, scenery, and costumes with singing & instrumental music; in baroque period they were smaller and less emotional than they are today; includes orchestral overture, solo arias, recitatives, & ensemble numbers, including choruses question figured bass answer -notation […]
Read morequestion nuclide answer an atom that is identified by the number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus question nucleons answer particles in the nucleus question mass defect answer the difference between the mass of an atom and the sum of the masses of the atom’s protons, neutrons, and electrons question nuclear binding energy answer […]
Read morequestion Most revolutionary period answer Early Baroque question Early Baroque characterized by answer Homophonic texture question Middle Baroque characterized by answer Diffusion of style in every corner of Europe question Keyboard instrument sound produced by brass blades striking strings answer Clavacord question Most characteristic feature of baroque music answer basso continuo question Terraced dynamics answer […]
Read morequestion Rhinitis answer Inflammation of the nose question Pulmonary answer Refers to the lungs question Pharyngitis answer Inflammation of the throat question Chronic laryngitis answer Likely to cause aphonia question Sputum answer Material raised from inflamed membranes of the respiratory question Antitussive answer An agent that is used to prevent of relieve a cough question […]
Read morequestion In which one of the following U.S. Supreme Court cases did the high court make it clear more than 50 years ago that a category of speech called obscenity is not protected by the First Amendment? answer Roth v. United States question A community may use studies done in other cities to establish its […]
Read morequestion According to Vygotsky, ____ speech is another term for thought. answer inner question During underextension, a word is used too broadly. answer false question Improvements in infant memory that occur around six months after birth may be the result of development in the ____ area of the brain. answer hippocampus question Motherese is also […]
Read morequestion Drama answer The literary genre which reached its zenith during the Elizabethan period question William Shakespeare answer Renaissance drama is epitomized in question Shakespeare answer England’s greatest writer question Utopia answer An ideal society question More answer Wrote Utopia question Cranmer answer The major figure to develop the Book of Common Prayer question The […]
Read morequestion Achaeans answer Term for the Greeks, along with Danaans and Argives. question Menelaus answer King of Sparta; the younger brother of Agamemnon. question Myrmidons answer The soldiers under Achilles’ command, hailing from Achilles’ homeland, Phthia. question Patroclus answer Achilles’ beloved friend, companion, and advisor, killed by Hector. question Diomedes answer The youngest of the […]
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