John Smith

City: Minneapolis, Minnesota
University: Dakota County Technical College

Posts by John Smith:

Chapter 4: Neurochemistry – Flashcards
12 Nov 2018 Flashcards

question Neurochemistry answer Focuses on the basic chemical composition and processes of the nervous system question Neuropharmacology answer The study of compounds that selectively affect the nervous system question Frog heart experiment answer Otto Loewi. Showed the role of the vagus nerve and the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in slowing heart rate. Ach was the first neurotransmitter […]

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Biochemistry Test – Flashcards
11 Nov 2018 Flashcards

question bio macromolecules and their building blocks answer … question what is the biomacromolecule of alcohol? answer –O H- CARBS AND STERAL LIPIDS question WHAT IS THE MACRO MOLECULE OF AMINOS? answer NH2 PROTEINS question WHAT IS THE MACRO OF CARBOXYL? answer -C -OH ALSO PROTEINS question WHAT IS THE MACRO OF CARBONYL? answer -C- […]

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Ap Psych: Social Psychology Answers – Flashcards
11 Nov 2018 Flashcards

question Social Psychology answer subfield in psychology that deals with how our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by our social interactions with others question Social Perception answer processes by which we form impressions, make judgements, and develop attitudes about the people and events that constitute our social world question Impression Formation answer process of […]

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chemistry ch12 – Flashcards
08 Nov 2018 Flashcards

question Name five areas of chemistry research and give examples of the types of problems chemists are trying to address within each area answer Organic chemistry (deals with substances containing carbon), Inorganic chemistry (deals with substances not containing carbon) Biochemistry (deals with processes in organisms) Analytical (deals with the composition of substances) Physical (deals with […]

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Public Speech: an Audience Centered Approach Vocab – Flashcards
06 Nov 2018 Flashcards

question Public Speaking answer The process of presenting a message to an audience. question Empowerment answer Having resources, information, and attitudes that lead to action to achieve a desired goal. question Source answer The public speaker. question Encode answer To translate ideas and images into nonverbal symbols. question Code answer A verbal or nonverbal symbol […]

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Biology Biochemistry Unit Review – Flashcards
05 Nov 2018 Flashcards

question Name the four main Macromolecules answer Carbohydrates, Lipids, Nucleic Acid, and Protein question Give the monomer, function, and example of the Carbohydrate Macromolecule. answer Monosaccharides, Quick Energy, Sugar or Starch question Give the monomer, function, and example of the Lipid Macromolecule. answer Triglycerides, Storing Energy and Insulation, Oils or Fats question Give the monomer, […]

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AP Psych Unit 3 Test – Flashcards
01 Nov 2018 Flashcards

question A person whose hand had been amputated actually felt sensations on his nonexistent fingers when his face was stroked. This best illustrates the consequences of____________? answer Brain Plasticity question Evolutionary psychology studies the evolution of behavior and the mind using principles of__________? answer Natural selection question To identify which specific brain areas are most […]

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Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing Mechanisms – Flashcards
31 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question types of connective tissue answer tendons ligaments cartilage bone question nearest; closer to the body answer proximal question prefix for “not having something” answer a- question pertaining to one side answer lateral question non-elastic, tough fibers answer tendons question blood carries _______ of metabolism away fro the cells of the body answer bi-products question […]

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Technology Now Chapter 1 – Flashcards
31 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Abacus answer A manual counting device that people used to add, subtract, multiply, and divide by moving beads along parallel rods. question Address bus answer An electronic channel that transfers information to the CPU about where data exists in memory. See also Data bus. question All-in-one desktop answer A desktop computer that combines the […]

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Review Chapter 22 – Flashcards
31 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Which of the following is not a function of the respiratory system? A. It helps control the pH of body fluids. B. It promotes the flow of lymph and venous blood. C. It helps regulate blood pressure. D. It assists in the synthesis of vasodilators. E. It helps with defecation. answer It assists in […]

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Suprasegmental aspects of Speech – Flashcards
31 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Coarticulation answer overlapping of articulatory movements so that acoustic characteristics of adjacent sounds influence each other. question Backward coarticulation/progressive or preservative assimilation answer the influence of an upcoming sound on a preceding sound (e.g., /s/ in ‘Sue’ vs. /s/ in ‘see’) question Anticipatory coarticulation/regressive assimilation answer the influence of preceding sounds on an upcoming […]

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Ch 1: Four Levels of Psychological Analysis – Flashcards
30 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Biological answer Focus: 1. Brain Systems 2. Neurochemistry 3. Genetics question Brain Systems: What is studied? answer Neuroanatomy, animal research, brain imaging. question Neurochemistry: What is studied? answer Neurotransmitters and hormones, animal studies, drug studies. question Genetics: What is studied? answer Gene mechanisms, heritability, twin and adoption studies. question Individual answer Focus: 1. Individual […]

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Ch. 4 & 5: Alcohol and Sedative-Hypnotics neurochem – Flashcards
30 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Alcoholics are likely to experience which of the following problems with their memory? answer retrospective memory (past events) prospective memory (day to day) Page 5.21 question Alcohol interacts with more types of receptors, neurotransmitters, and genes than do marijuana and cocaine. answer True question A person’s reaction to alcohol and level of impairment depends […]

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A&P2 Respiratory – Flashcards
24 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question The function of the respiratory system is to ________. answer supply the body with oxygen and eliminate carbon dioxide question The trachea divides into ________ bronchi that lead to the lungs. answer 2 question Because the conducting zone structures have no gas exchange function, they are called ________. answer anatomical dead space question What […]

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Business Communication – Mid Term – Flashcards
22 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement? (CH1) – William Schaffer, International Business Development Manager for Sun Microsystems has stated, “If there’s one skill that’s required for success in this industry, it’s communication skills.” – There is a significant difference between communication skills of physicians with and without malpractice claims. – Workers […]

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Public Speaking Exam – Flashcards
22 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question t or f. Groupthink is the tendency of group participants to accept information and ideas only after critical evaluation and analysis. answer false question t or f. Transitions between speakers will just occur naturally and do not need to be worked out ahead of time. answer false question t or f. When giving a […]

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Random questions-english – Flashcards
22 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Read passage — line (6) says not to mention the pluses of having the latest and greatest info.” What is the best revision of sentence 6 to maintain a formal style? answer Moreover, students will benefit drom having the most current information question Which sentences contain vague pronouns? Check all that apply answer Bernardo […]

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Pharm II Cardio ch 42-44 – Flashcards
21 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question The electrical impulses flow in the following manner: answer Sinoatrial node, the atrioventricular node, bundle of His, right and left bundle branches, and Purkinje fibers. question After teaching a group of students about the conduction system of the heart, the instructor determines that the teaching was successful when the students identify what as the […]

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Family treatment approaches – Flashcards
19 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Family systems theory answer Lludwig von Bertalffy’s model. Views family as a complex, organized , interactive and holistic organism. The entire family is viewed as the patient and focus of tx is on the relationship among family members question Family systems concepts answer The functioning of each family member is best understood by looking […]

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Midterm Exam- World Literature – Flashcards
18 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question David answer Psalm 8 question Sappho answer To an Army Wife, in Sardis question Gaius Valerius Catullus answer Though Heart’s Hurt Exhausts Me Always Now question Dante Alighieri answer Because You Know You’re Young in Beauty Yet question Emilia Pardo Bazan answer Torn Lace question Luigi Pirandello answer War question Nazim Hikmet answer Letter […]

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Indications and Contraindications for Therapeutic Massage – Flashcards
18 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Indication answer is a condition for which an approach would be beneficial for health enhancement, treatment of a particular disorder, or support of a treatment modality other than massage. question Contraindication answer is a condition for which an approach could be harmful question The following are the three types of contraindications: answer 1) general […]

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Abeka English Literature Glossary of Literary Terms– Part 1 – Flashcards
17 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question accent answer the stressing of certain syllables or words question action answer the actual movements and speech of characters performing or “acting out” situations on the stage question allegory answer a narrative in which the characters, places, and events represent certain abstract qualities or ideas designed to teach some moral lesson or truth question […]

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