August Dunbar

City: Rogers, Texas
University: Midwestern State University

Posts by August Dunbar:

Human Heritage A World History Chapter 11-1 – Flashcards
16 Sep 2020 Flashcards

Oracles People who could speak with the gods Prophecy Statement of what might happen in the future. Could mean more than one thing. Zeus Ruler of Mount Olympus. King of gods. God of weather. Aphrodite Goddess of love and beauty Apollo God of the sun, truth, archery, music, medicine, prophecy Ares God of war Artemis […]

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Mastery Quiz #5 Chapter 19 – Flashcards
16 Sep 2020 Flashcards

In an ideal, unlimited environment, a population’s growth follows a(n) ________ model. exponential Which of these factors operates on populations in a density-dependent manner? food supply Chinese privet is a plant that is native to China. Over 150 years ago, Chinese privet was introduced to the United States as a fast-growing shrub that serves as […]

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Chapter 18 Vocabulary – World History – Flashcards
16 Sep 2020 Flashcards

ghazi warriors for Islam Ottoman follower of the most successful ghazi, Osman sultan overlord or the one with power Timur the Lame conqueror and warrior that burned the powerful city of Baghdad to the ground and halted the expansion of the Ottaman empire by crushing their forces at the Battle of Ankara Mehmed II leader […]

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EMT: Chapter 15-16 Review – Flashcards
16 Sep 2020 Flashcards

Hyperventilation could be associated with all of the following, EXCEPT: Select one: A. a respiratory infection. B. high blood glucose levels. C. a narcotic overdose. D. an overdose of aspirin. C Common signs and symptoms of acute hyperventilation syndrome include: Select one: A. unilateral paralysis and slurred speech. B. anxiety, dizziness, and severe bradypnea. C. […]

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Baroque Era Test – Flashcards
13 Sep 2020 Flashcards

During the seventeenth century, women who desired a public voice through music often joined a: convent Which of the following was a reason that a woman would join a convent during the seventeenth century? a. to avoid an unwanted marriage b. to seek asylum after being widowed c. to have an outlet for musical talent […]

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MA 36 Worksheet – Flashcards
10 Sep 2020 Flashcards

question Rash answer Which item below represents objective data? question Can you tell me more about your symptoms? answer Which of the following is an open-ended question? question What do you think is going on here? answer Which of the following is the most effective question to use during a patient interview? question A 48-year-old […]

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US history chapter 15-16 – Flashcards
08 Sep 2020 Flashcards

question Cold war answer An area of high tension and bitter rivalry known between the United States and the Soviet Union following the end of World War II question Self-determination answer Right of people to decide their own political status question Berlin blockade/airlift answer A program in which the United States and Britain shift supplies […]

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AP World History Vocab Ch. 29-31 – Flashcards
04 Sep 2020 Flashcards

question marie antoinette answer queen of France (as wife of Louis XVI) who was unpopular question marie gouze answer Olympe de Goues, the self-educated daughter of a butcher who had become an intellectual and playwright. like many “ordinary” people, who found in the explosion of revolutionary activity the opportunity to address the public by writing […]

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Essay about The Oxford History of Western Music Chapter 1 – Flashcards
02 Sep 2020 Flashcards

question When did music stop being an almost exclusively oral tradition, and become a partly literate one? answer Over 1,000 years ago. question The history of written music in the west began with the music for the services of the? answer Roman Catholic Church. question In 2009, what did archaeologists find in Germany from 35,000 […]

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World Hist. semester test part 3 – Flashcards
01 Sep 2020 Flashcards

question The chief god of the early Aryans was answer Indra question After the Aryans and Dravidians mixed and intermingled answer Indra receded into the background question Archaeologists in India have discovered that between 8000 and 5000 BCE answer Cultivators built a neolithic society west of the Indus River question The earliest known urban society […]

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Modern World History Mid-term exam – Flashcards
01 Sep 2020 Flashcards

question Federalism answer a system in which power is divided between the national and state governments question Leonardo da Vinci answer Famous artist/painter in the 15th century. Created “The Mona Lisa” and “The Last Supper” question John Locke answer This English philosopher argued that all men were born with natural rights (life, liberty and property) […]

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AP Art History–Pacific Art – Flashcards
31 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question mana answer power, effectiveness, prestige question tapu answer Polynesian traditional concept denoting something holy or sacred, with “spiritual restriction” or “implied prohibition”; it involves rules and prohibitions question duality answer everything has two opposite parts, principles question diety answer god question tatu answer tattoo question ‘ahu’ula answer feather cape

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Soc 100 Chapter 1 – Flashcards
30 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question What is sociology, and what do we mean by “making the familiar strange”? answer -The study of human societies and its social structures and dynamics -Question norms and thinking critically about world around you. Question what seems normal but really isn’t question What is the sociological imagination, and what does C. Wright Mills mean […]

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World History 2 SOL – Flashcards
26 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question Define Renaissance: answer A movement in Europe between the 1300s-1600s marked by a rebirth in classical, Greek, and Roman art, literature, and learning. – A change/rebirth period. question Where did the Renaissance begin? answer Southern Europe/Northern Italy question Define Humanism: answer The study of classical texts.Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of […]

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HIST – Flashcards
24 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question The division between Roman Patricians and Plebeians was: answer between the wealthiest (2 %) and the rest (98%) of the people question Traditional Roman Religion included ancestor worship and: answer oligarchs who played roles as priests and politicians question One of the things the Romans borrowed from the Greek Settlers in Southern Italy was: […]

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Analyze the Western Civilization Ch.3 Essay – Flashcards
24 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question Greeks made contact with the _____ in the ninth century B.C.E. answer Phoenicians. question The Greeks referred to some people with whom they came into contact as barbarians because they: answer did not speak Greek. question Hubris is: answer excessive pride, which was punished by the gods. question Homer’s poetry describes a world in […]

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ANT 2511- Exam 2 Study Set – Flashcards
23 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question T or F: Eugenics is the outmoded and incorrect philosophy of “race improvement” through forced sterilization of members of some groups and increased reproduction among others answer T question T or F: Allen’s rule is the principle that an animal’s limb lengths are heat-related; limbs are longer in hot environments and shorter in cold […]

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US History II WWI Chapter 19 – Flashcards
22 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question Imperialism answer ongoing competition between countries for colonies, long term cause of WWI question Militarism answer build up of military arms amongst different countries, long term cause of WWI question Alliance System answer entangling alliances between countries contributed to escalation at start of war, long term cause of WWI question Triple Alliance answer Germany, […]

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Exam 1 Bick – Flashcards
17 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question 1. For which of the following patients would a comprehensive health history be appropriate? A) A new patient with the chief complaint of “I sprained my ankle” B) An established patient with the chief complaint of “I have an upper respiratory infection” C) A new patient with the chief complaint of “I am here […]

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HUM 101 Chapter Four – Flashcards
11 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question What are the two main periods of Roman history called? answer Republican and Imperial Rome question What people occupied Rome from 616 to 510 B.C.E.? answer Etruscans question What event marks the end of the Roman Republic? answer The expulsion of the Etruscans from Rome question What Roman class was represented in the Senate? […]

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FDSCI 209 – Flashcards
11 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question Which of the following observations about the fossil record occurs shortly after the Snowball Earth episode? answer Evidence of eukaryotic cells question How did the Snowball Earth episodes set the stage for the development of multicellular life? answer It permanently increased the O2 content enough for multicellular life to thrive question Describe the Keeling […]

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Essay on World History Chapter 20 – Flashcards
09 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question Capitalism answer Economic system based on private ownership and investment question Colony answer General term for territory in the new world that was created to make money for its European home country. question Favorable balance of trade answer Term for when a country sells more good than it buys question Middle Passage answer Term […]

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