Every organizations, clubs, society even a small group have their own environment and behavior. Each and every behavior gives an impact to the environment. Behavior plays a big role in our life. Due to this matter, we, ourselves, should find the initiative to act good and ethical. That is how the business ethics comes out. The definition of ethics is the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles.
On the other hand, business ethics is the moral analysis of business activity and values. Every organizations or country have different type of ethics because everybody have heir owns view.
In a same action, we can this thing is allow and other places are don't. So, when we are working or go to a new place, we should see and know the culture and their behavior. There are a pla
...ce that maybe in our place are normal but that place take that as rude. We are encourage to learn other people culture and respect when we go to their place so that they will act the same thing when they in One of the purposes why we have to learn business ethics is to examine the ethical obligations and ethical ideals present in the relationship between employers and employees.
Nowadays, a lot of media mentioned about ethics problems. The problems are either in the organization itself or between staffs and customers. Most of the time, workers should realize the difference between two environment which are in the business or outside the business because the problems from both different environment gives different situation. By learning business ethics, workers can learn to evaluate the ethics of particular business an
general practices in business. At least, every task that the person received are logic and realistic.
Furthermore, this situation will encourage people to hint before they act, and the product that will produce a productive workers.
Everything that people learn about ethics, should imply in real life. In business life, ethical is a crucial thing to have a good and comfortable environment. When one person in the business doing the wrong thing, one's should correct it before it is going to be a big issue. Everybody should know what do's and don't in business, so that, the business's environment become calm and people are enjoyed to do their work. The higher rank holder should monitor their staff or workers doing their Job correctly.
Otherwise, the rank holder should be strict and stick to the rules. Do a punishment if they do not do well. To make the relationship more close, some company they do a team building session. The impact of this program are to make the people in the organization creative, productive and close with each other. Introduction Business Ethics is the study of business situations, activities and decisions where issues of right and wrong are addressed. The Business Ethics discussions are intended to stimulate critical thinking and decision making of an individual.
Besides, he principles of right and wrong that guide and companion individual in making decisions are called ethics. While, the use of personal ethics in making business decisions is called business ethics. In the Business Ethics assignment, students will have the opportunity to analyses the importance of business ethics at both an academic level and in term of how the organization manage and govern
their company. People always thought that easiness Ethics are a moral code that people conducting any sort of business should feel honorably obligated to follow. But, the problem is, are the people definitely orally responsible to follow a code of ethics and should never cheat each other? His task will discuss ethical behavior in the organization world and workplace.
In particular, the question of what ethical behavior actually involves will be analyzed in depth. On the other hand, we will look at examples of situations where individuals have made both proper and improper decisions based on their ethics. 'The more one knows ethics, the more it is used and the more useful it becomes". Rhea quote by Plato is a reminder on Just how important ethics is and how important it is to educate yourself on proper ethical practices.
In today's fast-paced world, business ethics is becoming exceptionally important in our daily life. In order to know more about business ethics, our group have decided to interview Mood Seen Bin Awing, the director of Entrepreneur Development Centre International Islamic University Malaysia to accomplish the task and to know whether they run the businesses with practice of ethics or do they Just make money. In the literature review section, we had already found few articles that are related to few ethical issues in an organization that we have been discussed earlier.
It will be vided into two parts which the first part is the definition of ethics from different perspectives and views and the second part will be article summary on the issues. Definition of ethics eased on an article written by Dry Subsiding Zamia, ethics can
be defined as the set of moral principles that distinguish what is right from what is wrong.
Ethics has a twofold objective: it evaluates human practices by calling upon moral standards; also it may give prescriptive advice on how to act morally in a given situation. Studying both moral and immoral behavior is to make fair Judgments and decisions are able o make.
Furthermore, Dry Subsiding Zamia also include the Islamic view on ethics. Islam compromises all aspects of life. In the Quern and the teachings of the Prophet have so many verses that stress on the observance of ethical and moral code in human behavior. Says the Holy Curran: You are the best nation that has been raised up for mankind; you enjoin right Rhea Prophet (SSW) also says: I have been sent for the purpose of perfecting good morals.
(Bin Hymnal[l], No: 3595)" According to the Islamic teachings, Muslims have to Jealously guard their behavior, deeds, words, thoughts, feelings and intentions. Islam asks its believers to observe certain norms and moral codes in their family affairs; in dealings with relatives, with neighbors and friends; in their business transactions; in their social affairs, nay in all spheres of private and public life. Islam has its own distinctive value-based ethical system for business dealings. It prescribes certain specific guidelines for governing business ethics.
'From debates over drug-testing to analyses of scandals on Wall Street, attention to ethics in business organizations has never been greater. Yet, much of the attention even to ethics in the workplace overlooks some critical aspects of organizational ethics. " The statement above was mentioned in Marvin Brown's article. According to her, there are two
ways of approaching about ethics in organizations Inch are individualistic approach and communal approach. The individualistic approach, every person in an organization is morally responsible for his or her own behavior, and any efforts to change that behavior should focus on the individual.
Nile communal approach, it is viewed as members of communities that are partially responsible for the behavior of their members. Articles on sexual harassment First Journal that we found related to sexual harassment issues is a topic named The Economics and Law of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace by Sushi Bass. In this section, Sushi Bass do not agree with certain countries that allow sexual harassment along with higher payment. According to him sexual harassment are not allowed and he came out with his own theoretical model as the author mentioned in the statement below. Rhine the author came up with a model that consists a basic principle that is 'principle of free decisions" and two other fundamental ideas that is the Parent Renville and consumer sovereignty.
The Parent is that if a change is such that at least one party is better off and others are no worse off, then that change is desirable. Consumer sovereignty asserts that each adult is the intermediary of that individual's own welfare. Next, an article from a Journal by Nines Decker and Julian Barbing. Briefly, the article mentioned about a study using men's self-reports to investigate the personal and organizational factors that predict gender and sexual harassment in workplace. For factors such as gender bias and power relations between man and woman as mentioned.
Then, a Journal named The Sanitized Workplace by Vicki Schultz says that
"Using a historical and sociological analysis, this Article demonstrates that the law's focus on eliminating unwanted sexual conduct has provided added incentive and increased legitimacy for a managerial project of suppressing sexuality in the workplace" Actions that should be taken by the employers are enforcing strict disciplinary measures, costing many people their Jobs or reputations and threatening employees' ability to form their own work cultures.
Employers also increasingly ban or discourage employee romance, chilling intimacy and solidarity among workers of both a sexual and nonsexual variety. Evidence also suggests that employers sometimes use sexual harassment charges as a pretext for punishing employees for discriminatory or other suspect reasons, and employees are quicker to accuse coworkers of a different race, sexual orientation, or class whose sexuality threatens or offends them. Lastly, article that are related to this matter is an article written by Eric Eng titled HP CEO Hurt resigns over sexual harassment investigation.
Based on the article, this top management immediately resigned when he was accused of sexual harassment between the clients. From the articles that are related to this matter, we know that the issue is getting more serious and need actions to be taken. Articles on discriminations First article written by Donna Obit-Zero, it can be summarized in which the research on gender inequality has posited the importance of gender discrimination for women's experiences at work. Previous studies have suggested that gender stereotyping and organizational factors may contribute to discrimination.
Yet it is not Nell understood how these elements connect to foster gender discrimination in everyday workplaces. This work contributes to our understanding of these relationships by analyzing 219 discrimination narratives constructed from
sex discrimination cases brought before the Ohio Civil Rights Commission. By looking across a variety of actual work settings, the analysis sheds light on the cultural keystones and structural contexts in which discriminatory actions occur.
The analyses reveal how gender stereotyping combines in predictable ways with sex composition of workplaces and organizational policies, often through international dynamics of correctional policy usage, to result in discrimination.
The findings suggest the importance of cultural, structural, and international influences on gender discrimination. Next, sources from the Department of Fair Employment and Housing, State of California. The most frequently-mentioned category in complaints are cases of sexual orientation. It has been for the past two years. There is also an article about age discrimination.
Employers nowadays even discriminate old group that is in the range of ass's and above. Their reason is that punier employees can last longer. Although it is a valid reason, however, it is not legal and fair to the older generations who are still able to work. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act prohibits employment discrimination against anyone 40 or older. But according to Michael Harper of the Boston University School of Law, the act is nowhere near as effective as Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Inch prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender and national origin.
In an article recently published in the Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal, Harper wrote: "For no good policy-based reason, Idea's Robinsons of age discrimination are more difficult and less attractive to enforce. " 'I'm not criticizing any employer for trying to make money or for being rational," Harper said in an interview. "But we
need enforceable regulations, because it's a collective action for our society. The society's interest is not in all cases served by "hat's rational for the individual employers.
Rhea author argue that many businesses' interests arena served well either. By screening Job candidates by age, a company wholly overlooks qualifications that might make a person a superior employee. Harper calls it "statistical discrimination," Harper also mentioned that "We lose potentially good workers and instead they have to claim more supports from society," Harper said. "You want to use the human potential to be productive, and you want to use it as long and with as many people as possible. This is what the company face when there's a bad discrimination. And finally, even pregnant ladies being discriminated.
The reason is that the employers do not want to take any risk on hiring them as they are scared it will affect the baby. However, it is not so relevant to automatically fire them Just like that cause they also need income to raise their family and child. So it is not fair to discriminate those who are pregnant as long as they can still work and commit to the company.
In Washington, during the past week, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has filed four pregnancy discrimination related lawsuits and settled a fifth, Just weeks after the government's workplace discrimination law enforcement arm announced a plan to target employers who illegally discriminate against pregnant women.
'Too many employers continue to penalize their female work force because of regency," said Delver Franklin-Thomas, district director of the SEC's Birmingham District, referring to the case against G's Seafood. This lawsuit sends the message
that employers need to hear stop discriminating against pregnant employees. " Rhea study of an ethical issues in an organization was conducted by interviewing any top management of an organization to collect qualitative data. Rhea qualitative research interview seeks to describe and the meanings of central themes in the life world of the subjects.
The main task in interviewing is to understand the meaning of what the interviewers say. Kavas, 1996) A qualitative research interview seeks to cover both a factual and a meaning level, though it is usually more difficult to interview on a meaning level. Kavas, 1996) Interviews are particularly useful for getting the story behind a participant's experiences. The interviewer can pursue in-depth information around the topic. Interviews may be useful a follow-up certain respondents to questionnaire. G.
To further investigate their responses. (Manager, 1999) Rhea aspects of the qualitative research interviews are Interviews are completed by the interviewer based on what the respondent says. Interviews are a far more personal form of research than questionnaires.
In the personal interview, the interviewer works directly with the respondent. Unlike questions Interviews are generally easier for respondent, especially if what is sought is opinions or impressions. Interviews are time consuming and they are resource intensive. The interviewer is considered a part of the measurement instrument and interviewer has to well trained in how to respond to any contingency Therefore, our group had chosen the director of Entrepreneur Development Centre of International Islamic University Malaysia.
The reason we chose him to be interviewed was because he handles a business organization and most of his clients that he deals with came from different range of age from students
to adults as they Ant to propose a new business in the campus.
It will be interesting to get to know more on how he handle different people in an organization so that everything run smoothly. Before we proceed with the interview, we planned on what to do first and next so that our work could be done nicely and updated from time to time.
So, first we decide who En should interview for the project as mentioned earlier. Then we discuss on the questions that we would like to ask during the interviews. So we came up with few questions such as what his point of view in ethical issues, has he experienced anything that is unethical in the organization and is ethics plays an important role in an organization.
It took us roughly two days to get the right questions as this is the first time doing this kind of project for all of us. Hen once we are done with planning, we requested a formal letter from the university as a proof that this is for the course project to be given to the person that Nil be interviewed. Next, we make an appointment with the director himself and rocked with the interview based on the date that both parties agree on. It was not easy to make an appointment with a busy man like him but Illuminate we manage in the end. Analysis and discussions means in this research of Entrepreneur Development Centre (DC).
Dozens of possible categories of unethical business conduct exist, but most fall within these main areas. Rhea finding is started with an inspect of unethical behavior from a broad
perspectives by means the general overview of the inappropriate conduct in DC. Rhea person that we interviewed mentioned that he has experienced the problems room two different dimensions as the two are comprised from different intensity. The first one is from the students themselves and the second one is from the entrepreneur exists in the real world, outside of the university.
Despite of which dimension they came from, the most expected problem faced is that they do not know the meaning of business. A typical student would most probably has a high curious on conducting business as they acknowledge the fact that in business, we are our own boss. These present that they are lack of experience. It is good when they asked for help to open up a business UT it will result into nothing when they did not well-planned prior enquiring for help such as funds of capital.
The solution is simply by following rules and regulations plus procedures as the interviewee mentioned, "Business is crafted by knowing rules and regulations. Furthermore, when the interviewee is being asked on experience in this business Nor, he said that originally he came from a Bass Malay subject background.
Despite of a different scope of background, he is being selected to be the director of DC. In early stage, there are only seven members of students in a group signifies hat an immediate big business is difficult to achieve when we are at the baby steps phase.
Having said this, he needs to convince the students to have a kick-start by running business as a sole proprietor as this is the simplest form of organizational structure. In
addition, they need to do push card activities by means that it is a small, easy access, and wallet-sized promotion sign typically given to a potential customer during an event. Such activity is important in order to promote the new entrant of business organization. Next, the business skills of parties involved need to be well-polished, provided terms and conditions.
In this area, the interviewee again stressed out on the importance of rules and regulations as this is the basic when the term business is being spelled out. On the contrary, students always assume that the term is simply means profit and loss, involvement of activities in regards to product, service. These all have nothing incorporative with procedures, rules and regulations. Setting to the main agenda of the whole research, so what are the unethical issues found throughout the years of handling DC is answered by the interviewee such that the students came asking about business.
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