Analysis about the conflict of characters in “New Moon” Essay Example
This chapter introduces parts related to the study. In the background of the study, the writer explains the reason why he chooses the author, the novel, and the topics. The writer also mentions the statement of the problem, the purpose of the study, the scope, and limitation of the study, the significance of the study, and the definition of key terms.
Background of the Study Literature
Background of the Study Literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material. Broadly speaking, "literature" is used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific works, but the term is most commonly used to refer to works of the creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction. This thesis is arranged using fiction because this novel tells abo
...ut the character's love which is so different from our life. In the story, she is in love with her boyfriend a vampire. The novel is a part of literary works which is usually known as narrative prose concerned with the length of the story and a complex plot which is the result of human real experience and imagination In this thesis the writer only focused on the novel. The novel is an extended factious prose narrative dealing with human character and actions of the period of time.
According to O Reeve (1785:26) novel is a picture of real and manners and of the time in which it was written. Peek (1983:1) explains that novels are often about the relationship between individuals and the society in which they live. A story of the novel often tells about the characters explained in his or her social life, and
it relates with where the story takes place. Conflict is important to discuss in literature because it provides the basic materials for the construction of the plot.
Without conflict, nothing would happen. The conflict within a piece may also be central to the author's view of life or the point he or she is trying to make. Conflict is the heart of any plot. The conflict can be between the protagonist and another character, the antagonist between the protagonist and nature; or the protagonist and society. It can also be an internal or psychological conflict.
While a conflict can be very straightforward: good versus evil, the best conflicts and force a character to choose between two basically good outcomes. This novel is discussed in a thesis written by Stephenie Meyer entitled New Moon the second novel in the Twilight Saga. It continues the story of Bella Swan and her vampire lover, Edward Cullen. The novel explores Bella's choice between her love for Edward and her friendship with werewolf Jacob Black, along with her dilemma of leaving mortality behind in a terrorized atmosphere, a result of mysterious vampire attacks in Seattle. This novel tells about Bella Swan and the Cullen family. Bella has spent a good amount of time with the Cullen and has not only fully accepted that they are vampires but has decided that she is going to be one of them soon, whether her boyfriend Edward wants her to be a vampire or not.
This novel indicates that there is a love story experienced by a woman and also about the life she chooses, and about the conflict among the characters. As a human who must
decide between her love and her life becomes a human or a vampire and lives with her boyfriend, Edward, and sacrifice to leave her best friend, Jacob who truly loves her and had to leave her father who’s named Charlie. Bella is not willing to lose her best friend Jacob, which makes her confused in her life. This is the conflict of the main character, Bella, Edward her boyfriend, and Jacob her best friend. The writer choose this novel because the writer wanted to analyze the conflict in the "New Moon".
The Conflict about romance and enmity among the characters in the novel is very precious to be discussed. A woman whose name is Bella seems to get confused to choose who will become her boyfriend Edward or Jacob. That really makes her confused because she thinks of her father and her best friend who love her so much so as to make the writer becomes interested to discuss. The main character Bella is human but she is in love with a vampire, she must immediately make a decision whether she remains and follow Edward turned into a vampire, or she chooses to be a human.
Bella gets a lot of conflict in her life to fight her love Edward although she must decide to become a vampire and leave her love, Edward. Therefore the writer became interested to study and analyze this novel. The writer likes to study this novel because, this novel tells about a girl who has been living with her lover, and has decided to follow the way to live as a human forever or to be a vampire. The writer thinks their
love, is so different because Bella is a human, but her love is a vampire.
That is the reason, why the writer choose this novel for her thesis, and the writer wanted to focus on the conflict of the main characters. At the end of the story she chooses to live with Edward to be a vampire, Jacob is sad about Bella decision, Jacob is a human but Can to be a wolf, and he hates Edward and gets angry with him because he loves Bella so much and he wants Bella to be a human and lives with him. The writer likes Bella’s figure who dares to fight for her lover, Edward and decides to be a vampire, although she has lost her best friend, Jacob, and her family. That is the reason why the writer chooses the title "An Analysis Of The Main Character Conflict In New Moon" By Stephenie Meyer.
Statement of the problems
Based on the background of the analysis above, the writer points out that the problems of the analysis are:
- Is there any conflict faced by The main characters in the "New Moon"?
- How do the main characters face their problem in the novel "New Moon"?
Purpose of the study
The objective of the analysis of this thesis are:
- To explain the conflict in the "New Moon" among the main characters
- To know how the main characters face their problem in the New Moon
Scope and Limitation of the Study
- The scope is limited to the story of love and the personal conflict of Bella, Edward, and Jacob because the character, Bella was confused about her life and love.
- The analysis is limited to getting
a deeper understanding of the conflict of the characters in New Moon by Stephenie Meyer.
Significance of the Study
This study has significance for the readers, especially for the Department of English Literature of Bakti Indonesia University. First of all, this study is meant to encourage the readers to study more about literature.
- The writer expects that this analysis will be useful for the readers who are interested in reading literature to understand more about this novel.
- The writer hopes this analysis will be useful for the student of the faculty of cultural science in order to understand more about this novel.
- By reading this thesis the writer expect the readers to have more interest in Stephenie Meyer’s work since he is truly a great writer can fascinate his audience, there are still many works of Meyer that have not yet been discussed in the future research, so the writer hopes the readers would like to make a further study on his works. And the lecture will get information about the analysis of conflict in "New Moon" By Stephenie Meyer
Definition of Key Terms
In supporting the analysis about the conflict of characters in Stephenie Meyers Novel "New Moon", The writer used some books as references, which are related to the novel, such as:
- Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing by Edger Robert and Henry E. Jacob (1995). This book is about the detailed explanation of kinds and genres of literature and also discuss the element of literature.
- Conflict According to Marcus (2000: 366 ) conflict is the incompatibility of ideas, believes, behavior, roles, needs, desire, values, and so on. While Sanderson (1991: 505 ) Defines conflict as
an opposition of interest between and among various individuals and social groups, which may or may not be overtly observable and which may or may break out into open dispute or physical violence.
that the novel is a prose work of quite some length and complexity which attempts to reflect and express something of the quality or value of human experience or conduct.
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