A Bronx Tale Summary Essay Example
A Bronx Tale Summary Essay Example

A Bronx Tale Summary Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (298 words)
  • Published: December 12, 2017
  • Type: Paper
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Gangster Sonny is the big man in Calogero's Bronx neighborhood. A shooting witnessed by Calogero is the starting point of a lasting bond between the gangster and the small boy. Father (bus driver Lorenzo), however, disap- proves. Calogero grows up under the wings of both men, torn between his own natural honesty and his fascination with Sonny.

C's neighborhood cronies get involved in theft, use of guns, racial fights. When C meets girl, things don't become easier. C's leap to manhood is marked by tragedy, but also by his recognition of the many faces of love. Written by Horacio Abeledo Calogero Anello is a 9-year old child living in the Bronx - notorious for gangster bars, racist people and aggressive nature. Calogero witnesses a shooting in the street involving local big shot gangster, Sonny (Chazz Pal


imentri), but refuses to grass him to the police.

Sonny grows fond of the child and begins to teach him how things are conducted on streets. Calogero's father (Robert DeNiro) is a working man who wants his child to grow up and make his money honestly, and does not want him to mix with Sonny.Despite his father's disapproval, for eight years he continues to see Sonny, and receives a 'street' education from him. Despite being a gangster, Sonny loves Calogero and teaches him that being a gangster is too risky and dangerous.

However Calogero misinterprets Sonny's message, and still gets involved with racist fights with his friends. Things get worse when he falls in love with a black girl. This story of the Bronx, as a child grows up with two educations, one from school and one from the street. As the chil

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grows closer to a gangster, he begins to grow away from his family.

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