Self-reflection Paper Essay Example
Self-reflection Paper Essay Example

Self-reflection Paper Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (617 words)
  • Published: July 15, 2021
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After finishing my third semester at Abdullah Gul University, I have gained valuable lessons and experiences throughout my academic journey.

Despite facing challenges, I have found inner strength within myself. I will write a self-reflection paper about my time at Abdullah Gul University, specifically focusing on my third semester. This semester has allowed me to discover different aspects of my personality and take control of my college life. Choosing electrical and electronics engineering as my major may have seemed unconventional to others. It is widely acknowledged that this field is one of the most demanding at AGU and in the engineering world overall. However, I genuinely enjoy studying science and math, as well as working with energy and electronic devices. Furthermore, I have a strong passion for creating inventions that can make a positive impact on society.

After gradu


ating from high school, my objective was to attend a reputable engineering institution and pursue a degree in Electrical and Electronics engineering. In the autumn of 2018, I embarked on my college journey at AGU. Initially, during my first semester, everything proceeded smoothly - I made friends with students from various countries, achieved outstanding grades, and things were going as planned. However, when my department decided to implement a more demanding curriculum that led to social isolation, it significantly transformed my university experience. Consequently, due to these alterations, I no longer feel satisfied and have developed a dislike for the person I have become.

Despite my efforts, I am unable to tolerate the EE department at my university. My previous semester was incredible, but my current third semester has not been as successful. This shift in performance may be the

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cause of my negative outlook on my university experience. In conclusion, after the initial semester, my overall college experience has been disappointing.

Despite the numerous challenges in my department, I am striving to maintain high grades. However, I no longer find pleasure in my studies. The excessive workload has caused me to lose interest in pursuing my true passion. Consequently, it is crucial for me to be more compassionate towards myself and refrain from complaining about the difficulties. By accepting the circumstances and going with the flow, I have begun to feel slightly better. Currently, I find myself going through a stage that should have occurred earlier. It is imperative not to waste my twenties by failing to fully enjoy life and consistently feeling resentful and frustrated while regretting past choices and squandering precious time. This challenging semester has compelled me to reevaluate my life and reconsider decisions.

During college, I discovered that life is all about having exciting and fulfilling experiences. This period is commonly regarded as the most rewarding phase in our lives. Even if it wasn't flawless, it doesn't signify its conclusion. After graduating, a fresh chapter commences which demands enthusiasm, curiosity, and a positive mindset. A knowledgeable acquaintance educated me on the significance of networking beyond academics while maneuvering through life. This made me recognize the importance of establishing connections, socializing, meeting new individuals, and collaborating with professors on research projects that genuinely captivate me.

Summarizing, my time at university went beyond simply attending classes and taking exams. It encompassed managing stress, anxiety, and even depression. However, it is important to remember that we do not have to face these difficulties alone. Taking a

moment to contemplate our experiences can help us regain control over our lives. The obstacles I encountered during my third semester at AGU compelled me to reassess my choices and priorities. Allocating time for self-reflection is crucial; otherwise, we may fail to realize the passage of time and end up in a situation that does not align with our true aspirations.

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