Visual Merchandising and Display Techniques in Retail Outlets
Visual Merchandising and Display Techniques in Retail Outlets

Visual Merchandising and Display Techniques in Retail Outlets

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In this assignment, in order to meet the merit criteria I will have to give a detailed and in-depth analysis on the visual merchandising and display techniques used to present goods in retail outlets (or in this case, the particular type of retail outlets that I will be using are the ones on the previous pass task which is connect to this merit assignment – such as, Topman/Topshop, Tesco and finally Boots).

This means that in order to pass this merit task I will have to give a thorough analysis on the following few visual merchandising techniques (speaking of, which are customer’s attraction, nature and features, floor layout, space and size and so forth), as well as display techniques (like for example window displays, three way fixtures, shelving and so on) for my chosen retail outlets (Topman/Topshop, Tesco and Boots).When I say analyse


I mean that I fundamentally have to take into account the advantages and disadvantages of using the visual merchandising and display techniques. As a perfect instance, if I begin with Topman/Topshop first and just briefly list the variety of visual merchandising and displays techniques like ‘customer’s attraction’ – this is where I will have to analyse by talking at length about the advantages and disadvantages of using this particular type of visual merchandising technique.For example, one of the main advantages is the known fact that this type of visual merchandising technique is where Topman/Topshop will aim to attract a large deal of customers like in this case the clothing retailer Topman/Topshop sells a variety of clothing product with designer brands – such as, concessions like Harvey Nichols.

Now the methodology for reeling th

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potential customers in is the key to success, this can be done in a number of ways like placing mannequins around the store.So therefore when a customer just happens to wander around the store and spots something that catches their interest, as a perfect instance they might find that the mannequin is donned in some designer clothing like from Harvey Nichols – then this will therefore reel in a lot of customers which will in turn boost up business profitability.As well as this, there also disadvantages of using mannequins in a retail outlet and one of the main problems being that if just imagine that Topman/Topshop use wood mannequins then we can imagine that the material must be heavy to carry around on the shop floor, so therefore this can be considered as a disadvantage for using mannequins. In addition to this, I am now going to give a comprehensible analysis on the matter of Tescos using this ‘customer attraction’ to present their products – this means that I have to look at the advantages and disadvantages.For instance, one of the man advantages that I could possibly find was the fact that Tesco widely practice the visual technique of mannequins which is placed all around the clothing aisle might give the customer a rough inkling of how the clothes will look on someone.

Furthermore, it can also be considered as a disadvantage because some materials used to make mannequins like wood instead of moulded plastic which would be heavy to carry.And last but not least, I am now going to analyse how ‘customer attraction’ is used to present items at Boots – meaning I have

to take into consideration the strengths and weaknesses. For instance, one of main advantages that Boots has is without a doubt the window displays which could decorated with healthcare products so therefore potential customer that walking idly by might quickly be interested in those health care products, and as a result buy them.Despite this, there are also disadvantages like there is the possibility that there could be an obscurity so the store wouldn’t get as much recognition as it should do – say for example that there might be some rubbish bins left outside which will obscure the shop window which might make the customer feel that the store is a little unsightly because of the rubbish bins and so forth.As well as this, I am now going to talk as comprehensive and detailed as I can about the analysis of ‘floor layout, space and size’ – this means that I will give the advantages and disadvantages of Topman/Topshop using this particular type of visual merchandising techniques to present their goods like clothing and so on.

As a perfect example, there are a number of advantages that you could take into account when utilizing the ‘floor layout, space and size’ at Topman/Topshop – such as one of the most significant advantages that I could find is that if the business plan their floor layout it makes everything looks so pristine and organised, and this will unconsciously give the customer the realization of how well organised the store are in general and thus this could persuade to come and shop at Topman/Topshop, especially when they have all the clothes in one region of the store and the

shoes and so forth in the other.On top of this, there are also disadvantages like it can be time consuming when it comes down to organising the floor layout for the products of the store – this means that it might take time to decide where, for example, clothes are going and shoes could consume some of them employees time and so on. I am now going to give an in-depth and detailed analysis on the nature and features used to present products by Topman/Topshop – this fundamentally means that I have to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of using this type merchandising technique.As a perfect example, one of the main advantages of using the nature and features to present products is that when an organisation show the sort of ‘nature’ the organisation possesses – if we take the example Topman/Topshop being a clothing retailer then this fundamentally means that potential customer will instantaneously know that this is a clothing retailer which sells a variety of clothing.

On top of this, another advantage that I could find of using the nature and features to present goods is the fact that if Topman/Topshop are able to sell products accordingly to their type of business – for instance, Topman/Topshop are a clothing retailer then this significantly means that Topman/Topshop sell a variety of clothes which will give the customer satisfaction because Topman/Topshop (a clothing retailer) sells products that are according to their ‘nature (clothing retailer)’.Furthermore, I am now going to give a detailed analysis of how Topman/Topshop uses the location and size to present their goods in the retail outlet – this means that I have to

take into account the advantages and disadvantages. For example, there are a multitude of advantages that I could find from Topman/Topshop making sure that they use the ‘location and size’ so therefore they will be able to present their clothing products to their full advantage in the retail store.Such as, if Topman/Topshop decide to set up a shop in the city centre this could prove to be an effective advantage for them because this fundamentally means that a lot of potential customer will walk past their shops and it might attract their interest when they see the high quality products that Topman/Topshop sell.As well as this, one of the prime disadvantages that I could find from Topman/Topshop having some of their store situated in the centre of a city can mean that it can be awfully busy particularly on weekends which might mean that Topman/Topshop will have to stomach the amount of footfall they receive on those days especially if they are understaffed and so on.On top of this, I am now going to talk at length on the analysis of how Tesco use the ‘location and size’ to present goods – this significantly means that I have to look at the advantages and disadvantages.

Such as, one of the main advantages of the location and size Tesco used that it is vastly huge this fundamentally means that Tesco will be able to attract a large influc of customers and place in more products for them to sell and make profit out of.There are also some disadvantages like the location of store could be somewhere remote rather than near the city because it is only

reasonable to situate a store near a city or in where it is bustling with activity. Finally, I am now going to give an in-depth analysis of how Boots uses the merchandising technique ‘location and size’ to present their products – this means that I will have to take into account the advantages and disadvantages.For example, one of general strengths is that the location that Boots is situated is in a city centre which means that it must be bustling with activity, which in turn means that Boots could getting more and more footfall than anywhere else possible.

As well as this, there are also some disadvantages for instance one of the main ones being that if Boots decide to place their store somewhere distant and remote to a city then this significantly means that they will lose an advantages than their other competitors which can be local pharmacies.

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