Visual Merchandising in Line with Apparel, Book Essay Example
Visual Merchandising in Line with Apparel, Book Essay Example

Visual Merchandising in Line with Apparel, Book Essay Example

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  • Pages: 30 (8032 words)
  • Published: May 25, 2018
  • Type: Summary
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Observation Study Recommendation Visual Merchandising: Overview Visual Merchandising (VM) is the art of presentation, which puts the merchandise in focus and in perspective too. It educates the customers, creates desire and finally augments the selling process.

This is a nascent stage for the Indian retail industry; therefore a professional program on Visual Merchandising will go a long way in addressing this gap.

The success of the program will be reflected in the better presentations, displays, indoor and outdoor communication about the stores. Visual Merchandising achieves the following: • Educates the customers about the products and services offered creatively and effectively. • Enables a successful selling process, from browsing to buying. • Establishes a creative medium to present merchandise in a lifelike 3-D environment, thus creating a strong impact and recall value. • S


ets the context of the merchandise.

• Establishes the linkage between fashions, product design and marketing by keeping the focus on the product. Draws the attention of the customers and help them match their needs with the visually merchandised product. VISUAL MERCHANDISING IN INDIA As the concept of large retail stores gains ground in India, the practice and concept of VM is likely to grow. In the western countries VM receives highest priority in commercialization of product. As seasons change, the merchandise collections / planograms too change in a retail store.

When such changes take place the store too undergoes a transformation in decor and visual presentation to appeal to the consumers while announcing new arrivals in merchandise collection.

This phenomenon of transformation of visual presentations and displays of merchandise accompanied by relevant thematic props is still very new in India. V

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and Displays have a storyboard effect communicating innovatively to the customer besides being a ‘Silent salesman for a retail store’. Objectives The main Objective is to identify the visual merchandise that plays around among different retailing – Apparel, Book, & Shoe. ?Importance of Visual Merchandising ?Visual Merchandising ?Designing a store ?Store layouts ?Store floor space for merchandise & department Merchandise Presentation technique ?Atmospherics Rationale Visual merchandising plays a very important role in marketing the product without any sales staff support.

It enhances in the rationale behind buying any product. In today’s day & time, almost all retailers give quality products at affordable prices. Visual Merchandising is the way we can differentiate between the products and create an image which matches to that of the value proposition of the store. It also helps in guiding the buying process of customer which has become a major concern for retailers around the globe.

Benefits ?The retailers will have a clear picture how to play around with visual merchandising in lieu of the Customer buying behaviour ? New entrants will be able to define the visual merchandize according to their plan ? It would benefit me by learning the various aspects of visual merchandising, hence enhancing my enhancing my knowledge on the same.

Visual Merchandising – Current Scenario/ Component Today's successful retailers make the most profitable use of every square foot of space in the store and in the warehouse.

Since this space is so costly, one must take a strategic approach to its use. Floor patterns, location of merchandise, levels of inventory and appropriate displays are all key factors in the proper use of space. Misuse of space

can be as detrimental to your success as poor buying or careless hiring.

It is very important for every store to create a suitable atmosphere and appealing presentations in order to trigger the consumer's buying decision. In a world where we can find identical merchandise in more than one store, layout and presentation become key differentiating factors.

Create Your Store for Your Target Customer You can have the most unique, creative and different store on the planet, but if doesn't conform to what your customers want and expect, then it is of no value. Retail has always been, and will always be, about the consumer. Your entire store concept must be built around your target customer.

Succeed at satisfying this shopper and you win the game. Build and design a store that looks beautiful but doesn't fit the marketplace and the only people who will be happy are the architect and contractors. Take a Strategic Approach

Unfortunately, the days of running a traditional "Ma and Pa" operation, lacking any real business sophistication, are long gone. A haphazard approach to store layout generates less than desired results. You must squeeze every ounce of potential out of your store to make it a winner. How you present your store is a very strategic part of your business.

In order to position every item in its proper location, you must have a far more detailed plan than the usual "It was the only place left available, so that's where it ended up! " Give your best-selling merchandise the most favourable display areas in your store.

There's no point in making the job of selling products any more difficult

than it needs to be. Consider these suggestions for positioning your departments: 1) High margin/High Sales: If you have a winner, it can afford the "high rent" district in your store. Put it in your best selling spaces.

These are your “hot zones”. 2) Demand Merchandise: Customers make a point of coming to your store to get this merchandise, and they will hunt for it. Put it in less valuable spaces and make them walk by your more impulse-related items. 3) Impulse Items: These are the unplanned purchases customers make on a shopping trip.

Items with high impulse success get great locations in the store.

The cash desk area is a prime location for these products. 4) Related Merchandise: Even though it may be in separate departments, place products near each other if they are coordinating or complementary items. This will make them more visible to the customer and make shopping easier. Cross merchandising works. 5) Seasonal Stock: Some stores designate an area of the floor for merchandise that is on hand for only a short time. This creates an efficient changeover of that area when a new season arrives.

In most stores, seasonal stock requires high visibility. ) Department size: In order to help customers find them, smaller departments typically get better positions in the store than larger departments. 7) New Departments: If you’re testing a new department or line of merchandise, give it the best chance possible to succeed by placing it in a prime selling area. Keep in mind, though, that within a short period of time it will need to earn the right to maintain a position in your “hot zones”.

Plan-o-grams A plan-o-gram is nothing more than a picture of how various fixtures, shelves and walls will present your merchandise.

It is a relatively simple concept, but a very powerful one because it takes into consideration what is known about the psychology of consumer buying habits. Creating a plan-o-gram forces the retailer to carefully evaluate which products go where and how many will be displayed. By forcing yourself to plan the presentation of each department, you will become a more successful and proactive retailer. Check out the sample plan-o-gram on the next page. Be Original Boredom. Sameness.

Mediocrity. That pretty much summarizes most retail store designs today. There is a lack of innovation.

Too many retailers look at a store chain that is successful, and then try to “knock off” its look. Whatever happened to being an individual? You must give the customer as many reasons as possible to shop in your store. One of the key attractions is your store layout and presentation.

If you look the same, or worse, than the competition, then the customer becomes less attracted to your store. Sameness (that's when retailers look and act alike) is a curse for most stores. If you can't be better than the competition, you might as well go work for them. Address The Senses

Emotional responses can be triggered in customers that cause them to relax, energize, reminisce, and (hopefully) buy something. Music is an essential element in any store. It helps accentuate and build your atmosphere.

It can also add texture to the environment. Customers tend to stay longer in environments with appropriate music ... and if they stay longer, they typically

buy more.

A relaxed and fun work place will also increase the productivity and morale levels of your employees. Housekeeping Standards Your store’s housekeeping must be impeccable. When we say impeccable, we mean flawless.

A dirty store says you don't care. It says you've lost interest and you probably don't treat the merchandise with respect, either.

It's tough enough to win over customers without adding to the difficulty by presenting a less than spotless store. Create a daily and weekly checklist of every housekeeping duty that must be completed. Assign these duties to various individuals and hold them accountable for getting them done. Polish the chrome.

Dust the shelves. Clean the lights. Get rid of the tape on the windows. Remove the clutter behind the cash counter.

Tidy up the back room.

Chase those dust bunnies away. Vacuum daily. No smudges. No grease. No dust.

No grime. Store Windows Your storefront windows are an ideal opportunity to attract customers’ attention and drag them into your store. Windows should be used for these main purposes: ? Sales promotion ?Image-building ?Seasonal changes ?New arrivals ?High demand items Successful store windows are changed frequently! In a downtown area, potential customers pass by your store at least two or three times a week. Ask yourself "If my windows didn't attract them into the store this week, what makes me believe they will next week? This frequent number of “pass by's” means that you must change your windows as often as every week. Determine how many times your windows are seen by potential customers and rotate them to match that frequency. You must constantly present a fresh and exciting face.

As a minimum, windows should be changed once per month. Just do it! Creative Displays While individual creativity and artistic flair play a major role in merchandise displays, here are some main principles that you should consider: ? Good displays tell a story or have a theme. ?Keep displays simple.

Don’t include too many items.

?Try portraying your products in use. ?Focus on impulse items. ?Use proper lighting and props. ?Use well-stocked power walls/displays to show best sellers.

?Show complementary/coordinating items together. ?Integrate your advertising into your displays. ?Use motion to attract attention. ?Focus on best sellers/hot items. ?Unless you’re a pro, keep it simple.

Signage Too often, retailers spend big money on external advertising campaigns involving flyers, handouts, advertising campaigns involving flyers, handouts, coupons, newspapers and other media ... hen overlook the impact of in-store communication and presentations. As much as 80% of all sales are generated at point of purchase by signage, displays and events within the store.

This far outweighs any other type of promotional or marketing event. Signage is the "silent salesperson" for the retailer and must reflect your image. Handwritten signs are essentially taboo. Professionalism is everything in your store, and the same holds true with your signage.

There are four different types of signs: 1) Promotional signs: For off-price events or specials. 2) Location signs: For direction to specific departments. ) Institutional signs: For store policies, charitable events. 4) Informational signs: For product related features/ benefits/prices. Consider the following ideas when designing your next signage campaign: ? Make your signs short and sweet. You have three seconds to tell the customer what you want them to know.

?Create a

consistent look. Colour, size, type, style, and layout should be consistent. ?Use feature/benefit/price signs. ?Only post positive signs about your policies. If it's negative, either change it or don't post it. ?Say "Save $10", instead of "10% off".

It’s usually much more powerful. Lifestyle Retail Lifestyle is one of the mentions worthy chain of retail companies operating in the Indian economy, originally branded under the Lifestyle International of Dubai. The most famous of theLifestyle Retailing Business Division is the Wills Lifestyle, a new range of specialty stores. Lifestyle : Overview Lifestyle in India was first founded in the year 1999, under the initiative of the retail chain of company, Lifestyle International. The first lifestyle store was introduced in Chennai. In the year 2004, the turnover of the retail store was Rs 240 crore.

There are Lifestyle stores in different parts of the country, both in the bigger metros like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata,Hyderabad and also in the smaller towns. The Lifestyle India is originally a part of theLandmark Group based in Dubai in middle east. It has a flourishing business out there with earning a revenue of nearly $600 million in the year 2004. however, the success of Lifestyle in India is not only a mere reflection of their track records in the middle east, but the secret is that Lifestyle has understood the Indian market and changed their business model accordingly.

The features of Lifestyle India : The features of the retail store Lifestyle in India is different from the original Lifestyle store in the middle east where there are five separate stores for separate products like clothings, kids wear, household appliances and furniture,

footwear, and health and beauty products. However, in Lifestyle India, one can find every core categories of Lifestyle under the same one roof.

With the growing purchasing power of the Indians, the Indian consumers are being able to afford more and more variety of products, making the Lifestyle an epitome of success in the Indian retail sector.

Clarity of Thought: The display is very clear and tells that the main merchandise on display are apparels and accessories for teenagers and women. Creativity: The entire display gives a very homely touch and is very attractive. The mannequins used are lying in relax mood and signifies smooth environment and life. Along with the smoothness, the mannequins also show elegance and trendy. Effectiveness: The colours being used are bright.

The display gives an aesthetic touch and a homely environment. The display speaks for the comfort and enjoyed by the customer. Crossword Book Store

Crossword was founded in 1992 by Mr. R. Sriram and Ms. Anita along with a team from Indian Book House Limited.

Crossword – Brand Name When one does crossword puzzle, it adds to learning experience. The name Crossword was therefore chosen to reflect the dual characteristics of fun and learning experience at Crossword stores Products and Services Crossword addresses a wider audience than existing stores with its unique product mix. There is a wide variety of books for old and the young generation. It also stacks up magazines, CD- ROMs, Music, Stationery and Toys.

Services like Dial-a-Book, Fax-a-Book and Email-a-Book enable customer to shop from their work place and home. Facilities like Crossword Gift Voucher, the friendly ‘Return, exchange and Refund policy, the Cafes within

the store and the unique store experience make it easy and enjoyable for customer to shop at crossword. Over 1, 00,000 loyal customers are rewarded through the ‘Crossword Book Reward Program’ with points, discounts, promotional offers etc. ‘ewords’ – a monthly newsletter with the review of books, news about in-store events and best seller lists is mailed to customer.

Positioning Crossword, positioned as a lifestyle book store, has been able to change this by designing large, spacious and well laid stores with bright cheerful interior that encourage people to stay and browse. Simple innovations like methodical classifications, clear signage, a dedicated enquiry/order desk, electronic POS/ Inventory control system and attractive display creates an enjoyable activity to buy a book. A welcoming cafe, seating arrangement and rest room help to ensure that customers are able to browse in comfort for several hours without having to leave.

Core Dimensions 1)Location 2)Merchandise Assortment Planning 3)Assortment plan ; Product line 4)Pricing strategies 5)Communication via promotion mix Shoe Mart Feet in Fashion Shoe Mart, the concept took shape when it started its operations in March 1990 in Dubai, UAE. Since its inception, Shoe Mart has grown from a single shoe store to one of the largest ‘footwear and accessories’ retail chains in the GCC region, comprising 97 stores spread across UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Oman, Kuwait and Spain.

Today it is a household name in footwear and accessories offering a range of branded and value-for-money goods for a diverse audience, all under one roof. Keeping in line with the changing trends in the footwear business, Shoe Mart today retails a great collection of fashionable and comfortable footwear -

formal, casual and sport shoes, from over 30 countries around the globe; thereby satisfying customer needs. Shoe Mart offers an extensive range of footwear from value-for-money shoes to leading international brands like Puma, Bata (Italy), Barbie, Clarks, Ecco, Filanto, Hush Puppies, Imac, Lee Cooper, and Reebok.

One can also find accessories such as belts, jewellery cases, handbags, luggage bags, purses, school bags, and an array of shoe care products, socks, suitcases and wallets, all under one roof. In addition to this, Shoe Mart also has individual concept stores for famous international brands such as Bata (Italy), Ecco, and Pablosky, and Kurt Geiger.

Store Design Shoe Mart stores boast a display format that sets footwear retail benchmark internationally. As a result, Shoe Mart stores attract high footfall. With ready to trained staff, every little element contributes towards a pleasant shopping experience. Spacious interiors and display formats that are aligned with international standards ? Every store features ‘ Focus’ and ‘Highlight’ points ? Specific design enhancements for European markets ?Flexible layouts including multiple ‘ shop-in-shop’ concept for larger stores ShoeMart – Visual Merchandising Ladies Section The store has got three main sections –Men's, women's, Kids section.

Its basically dressing the store in such a way that it looks fresh every time customer comes. Kids Section The colorful section of the store is the KIDS section.

The store also has the School shoes for children as well all the latest collection of sandals chappals and closed shoes. Sports Section Sports section is at the end of the store which is visible as you enter the store.

Men’s Section Men's section is the back bone of the store where

ShoeMart have the biggest range available for everyone. Men’s hawai and sandal plus men’s canvas shoe are also available. Stock Arrangement The stock room are divided into two parts one on the Ground floor which is about 1000 sqft and the other in the basement which is the bigger of the two.

First floor they have Fast moving articles of both men and women, and in basement they have the entire stock of rest other articles. They are arranged as per the category and its maintained by the salespersons who are given the respected categories Visual Merchandising – Observation Study A successful retailing business requires that a distinct and consistent image be created in the customer’s mind that permeates all the product and service offering.

Visual merchandising can help create that positive customer image that leads to successful sales.

It not only communicates the store’s image but also reinforces the stores advertising efforts and encourages impulse buying by the customers. Visual merchandising is a major factor often overlooked in the success or failure of a retail store. It is second only to effective customer relations. Visual merchandising can be defined as everything the customer sees, both exterior and interior, that creates a positive image of a business and result in attention, interest, desire and action on the part of the customer.

A story can be told that communicates to prospective customer what the store is all about.

It includes the dramatic presentation of merchandise as well as other important, subtle failures that create the store’s overall atmosphere. Eighty percent our impressions are created by sight; that is why one picture is worth a thousand words.

Each customer has a mental image of a store and its merchandise. A store should have an inviting appearance that makes the customer feel comfortable and yet eager to buy.

Some businesses maintain a minimum staff to reduce costs, which mean it, is even more important for the merchandise to sell itself.

Greater effort must be spent on merchandise displays that make it easier for the customer to find and purchase the items they want or need. The basic objective for visual merchandising is an desire to attract customer to a place of business in order to sell the merchandise. Visual merchandising is offered to the customer through exterior and interior presentation. Each should be coordinated with the other using the store’s overall theme.

Creating and maintaining a store’s visual merchandising plan, however, is not a simple task. It is necessary to continually determine what the customer sees.

This evaluation from the customer’s perspective should start on the exterior and work completely through the interior of the store. Exterior presentation The quality of a store front is a major determinant for a customer, particularly a new customer and should not be underestimated.

The exterior appearance of one store, a block of businesses or a cluster, silently announces what customers can expect inside. Good exterior visual merchandising attracts attention, creates interest and invites the customer into business. The exterior presentation can offer a conservative, progressive, and lavish or discount image to the customer.

PICTURE..! How a store visually welcomes customers has a lot to do with whether or not they enter the store.

Although good prices and positive word-of-mouth advertising is important, it is hard to

overcome the negative image of a poor store exterior. When examining a store’s exterior, consider the following questions: ? How do customers locate the business? ?Are the sidewalks clean, safe and accessible? ?Are the exterior sign clean, fresh and readable? ?Does the store front need cleaning, painting or touch-up? ?Are the outside entrances clean and accessible? ?Are the windows clean, bright and inviting? Are the windows display presentation materials such as tape, pins and packaging materials removed? ?Are the window displays frequently changed? ?Do the window displays carry a theme? Exterior Signs A sign is a silent salesperson, and a part of a shopper’s first impression of a store. In less than 10 seconds the sign must attract attention, tell who the business is and what it has to sell. An effective sing will communicate what type of business is being conducted. Off- premise signs provide information and direction, especially for travellers and new residents.

Signs can also help effectively communicate a poor location. The lettering should be large enough to read from 200 feet, which is the distance required to stop a car travelling 40 miles per hour. Signs with 8-inches letters can be read from a distance up to 250 feet. A sign’s design conveys a great deal about the business inside. A stark design and limited materials may suggest discount prices and no frills. Elegant and expensive sign materials may suggest luxury goods and services.

Signs may also be used to target a specific market such as youth, women, senior citizens, singles etc.

Where many signs complete for customers attention, design and logo become even more important. They should be unique, noticeable

and readable. When preparing a sign to draw customer attention, consider size, shape materials, lettering, height, placement and structure. For example, among several rectangular signs in close proximity to one another, construct an oval or circular sign that will stand out.

Also consider a sign’s relationship with its surroundings. A sign may look good on an individual store front, but very unattractive when viewed in conjunction with other buildings in the street.

Simple, brief, well designed, well lettered and easy to read sign will convey a feeling of welcome. Design graphics appropriate for the nature of the business, and create a message that is clear and simple. Focus on one or two key words to describe the business.

A clean, clear message will have more impact. Signs with unlit or missing light bulbs, flaking or faded paint, or cracked and peeling backgrounds can hurt the overall store image. A shabby sign implies a lack of concern with the business image. Signs should be well maintained, and painted every three years or sooner f they weather or fade.

A store sign is its signature. It is personal, original and continuously recognizable to the public.

It should create an image that is consistently carried throughout the remainder of the store and its business actions. Marquees This special type of signs is used to display the name of a store. An effective marquee must stand out from other business to attract attention. A marquee on some other building is a permanent canopy projecting over an entrance that provides protection from the elements.

It can be used to announce a change in seasons, a special event or a promotion.

align="justify">The top of the permanent canopy (marquee) provides an opportunity to showcase seasonal displays or special promotional banners. Banners Banners are used increasingly as an inexpensive but colourful, eye-catching means of promotion. A new and interesting appearance can be offered by changing the banners frequently.

Consumers will think exciting changes are taking place, and can be drawn into the store. Banners can be hung from flagpoles, projected form the building or hung lat against the exterior. To provide continuity, the same banner design, reduced in size and scale, can be hung from marquee and displayed inside the store.

However, do not overuse banners because shoppers will stop noticing them. With each new banner, select a different size, shape and colour form those previously used.

Consistency is an important aspect of retailing used to maintain a businesses’ image and identification. The design concept used on the banner will be more effective if an attempt is made to carry the colours and graphics throughout the store, and on promotional materials and newspaper ads. Awnings Colour and appeal can be added to store’s exterior with the use of awnings.

They provide the customer with protection from weather and makes viewing the window display more pleasant as it reduces heat, cuts down on glare and reflection and prevents fading of the merchandise from exposure to the sun.

However, an awning in poor condition may harm by distracting from the store image. Many businesses are updating their storefronts with new back-lit awning system. Other names for this may include electric awnings, interior lit canopy signs, and back-lit conventional awnings. The modern-looking awnings are used on new as well as older

building and are usually bright and attractive, especially at night.

A variety of styles exists such as concaves, convex, long dome, square and coop style. Most are interior lit with an egg crate type bottom that allows light to shine through and will not allow bird, etc to enter into it. The illuminated awning fabric is a translucent vinyl that comes in wide variety of colours. The store name is incorporated into it with a translucent film, sign and awning companies can assist in selecting and installing the right style, colour and design of awning that would be appropriate for the building. Walks and Entries

Approximately, 75 percent f first time customers remember store’s entrance, which provides the first and last view of the store’s interior. Picture walking up to the expanse of wall whose flat surface is pierced only by a plain glass door, as opposed to the protective feeling offered by walking under a porch or canopy.

A properly designed canopy or porch not only protects the customer in bad weather, but can add to the aesthetics of the building. When adding an entryway, be sure it is designed to blend or be consistent with the architecture of the building.

Cluttered entryway causes shoppers to indefinitely postpone entering a store, while an attractive, well designed entrances inviting to the customer. Entrances that allow shoppers to come into a store without being aware of their entering, is also becoming popular. An example is a V- shaped window display that funnels window shopping traffic into the store.

Landscaping Landscaping should lead the customer’s eye to focal point using colour and texture to provide contrast and

harmony. The focal point is the business sign.

Landscaping can also screen undesirable sights such as garbage, power transformers and refrigeration equipment. The essence of good landscaping is simplicity; simple landscape designs that are easy to maintain. For example, uninterrupted expanses of grass are easier to maintain that areas cut up by several small beds of flowers and shrubs.

Planters, slower boxes and plants used in front of a store add to the general appearance, regardless of what type of merchandise is being sold. Plants enhance the overall look of the store, and also add to the store’s positive reputation in terms of beautifying the community.

Planters placed below and in front of as display window actually strengthen the display by adding greater depth to the setting. Real plants and flowers are recommended over artificial plants.

Because of location and other factors many businesses may be limited in the amount of landscaping that can be done. Window Display Special emphasis should be placed on store’s window displays because they are the information link to the potential customer. Window display can be as important as advertising. As many as one in every four sales could be the result of a good window display.

Window display should attract attention, create interest and invite people into the store to purchase goods. There is less than 11 seconds to accomplish this, as that is the average amount of time an individual will spend looking at a window display.

E careful not to crowd too much into the window as the customer might miss out certain message. It is important to frequently change the window displays in small town, customers

pass by less frequently. Properly lighted window display can help sell specific products or ideas that promote a store’s image.

Window lights or ideas that promote enough to overcome the reflections from outside objects, such as parked cars and buildings. At night, additional lights on overhead marquees and projecting cornices can make the window area look larger. Closed back windows require a high level of general illuminations.

Massed window displays are often lighted with overhead fluorescents which are supplemented by closely spaced clear incandescent lamps. Use miniature portable spotlights to accent small display areas, price cards and specific items in a massed display. Compact footlights help relieve shadow near the bottom of vertical displays.

Window display is more successful when a dominate theme is carried throughout the display regardless of whether the featured products are fashion-oriented, institutional or promotional in nature. Suggested window treatments that have proven successful include: ? A single object against seamless paper ?Merchandise displayed as it would be utilized in a realistic setting. ?A theatrical setting using fantasy and drama ?Straight merchandise glamorised with props ?Animation such as in holiday windows that draws clouds of shoppers.

?The use of sculptures, painting or art objects for a touch of glass ?

Media tie-in, with current area activities, films, starts or bestselling books. Window display should be in harmony with the entire surroundings; a whole is being created rather than a fragment. When planning a window display consider the building facade, a street people and their perceptions, colour harmony, lighting and viewing angles. Interior Presentation Selling space is the most important part is a store and therefore, efforts to utilize each square foot

will help to maximize sales.

One proven way to do this is through interior display that effectively show merchandise to the customer.

When planning interior displays, remember that the theme and image presented on the exterior must be carried throughout the interior of the store to provide consistency for the customer. The purpose of interior display is to develop desire for the merchandise, show what is available, and encourage both impulse and planned buying. Three major goals of a store should be to motivate the customer to spend money, project the image of the store and keep expenses to a minimum. Promotion and advertising dollars are less effective or even wasted efforts are not made within the store to effectively merchandise the products.

Well designed displays and in store promotions are essentials for a consistent theme and to help the customer find advertised items. Although the percentage of in-store purchase decision may vary by type of store and product, this is a critical selling point. Display Design An effective way of attracting customer to a store by having good displays, both exterior and interior. A customer will be attracted to a display within three to eight seconds; that is the time customer spends to determine interest in a product. This is why it is critical to have a properly designed display.

Every display should be planned and have a theme.

Good design makes a visual presentation come together. Good design makes a visual presentation come together. This means the design attracts attention in away that strengthens the store image, as well as introducing merchandise to the customer.

Place sale or promotional goods in front of

the store for short periods of time only. If the sale or promotions lasts for several weeks, move the merchandise to the rear of the store. Interested customers to will search out a bargain, introduce the customer to new, exciting and creative merchandise with a display at the front of the store. Used in display

To execute a display that will sell merchandise, it is necessary to have a working knowledge of the principle of design. Balance: Balance involves the equilibrium and weight of element between two sides of display.

Balance is based in theory of equals. Essentials ?Is colours are too bright, they will overwhelm pastels ?If several small objects are exciting than the large objects, they will overpower the large items. ?A large expanse of empty space will call attention to a single object placed within it. ?If an item is placed at an angle or to one side, the space on either side of that peice becomes important. Is an object is centered, empty space loses importance because its hsape s predictable and therefore has less recognition as its own element. ?A pleasant distribution of weight using merchandise of similar value wil provides importance to both sides.

Emphasis Emphasis is the point of initial eye contact. From this spot all other eye movement flow. Emphasis is therefore the formulation of a focal point, with all else in the displays. This can be by virtue of the focal point’s size, colour or position. The merchandise is the focal point in a majority of displays.

Essential of Emphasis A display need to emphasis a theme or mood. Themes may also depicts seasons, anniversaries, celebrations,

holidays and other special store events. All elements in a display must then reinforce one another and emphasis the mood created. ?An isolated item can be emphasized when surrounded by clack space ? Shiny surface emphasize and enlarge objects ?Dull surface absorb light and help to deemphasize an area. ?Colour is a powerful medium for creating emphasizes small amounts of advancing colour, bright intensities, extreme tints or shades contrasts in the right places will provide striking accents.

Unusual textures highlight an area ?Emphasize is diminished with receding variations such as thin, fuzzy lines, nondescript shapes; regular spacing; even light absorption; cool hues, dull intensities, medium tints or shades. Dull opaque textures; and small, all over or no pattern. Proportion Proportion is the ratio of the parts to the whole display. It is comparative relationship of distances, size, amounts, degree or parts. Each item may look normal when isolated, but if it is inconsistent in area or dimension with neighbouring items, it seems out of proportion. Essentials of Proportion Do not use all large objects, because there is nothing to break the monotony and sameness of that large feeling ? Adding an odd number of smaller, related items to large pieces create more interest and balance.

?Each piece of merchandise must be considered in relation to others. ?Proportion and contrast are important elements of good display. Drastically changing the proportion and the colour and texture can work wonders in attracting attention to display. Harmony Harmony is coordinating umbrella principles that can cver and incorporates every other principle.

Harmony is agreement in feeling and consistency in mood; i. . , the feeling that all parts of display

relate to each other and to the whole display. Without harmony the observer is uncomfortable and will not be enticed to purchase the merchandise. Functional harmony: It deals with how something works physically, which means it must be realistic and must work. Structural Harmony: It means correctly fitting together all the pieces; merchandise should not be out of place in the display.

Decorative Harmony: It includes the parts of a display that are included only in decorative purposes. If an atmosphere of spring is being developed, butterflies or flowers maybe used as the props.

These items are attractive and add to the theme. Colour Colour contributes significantly to people’s impression of a display as well as store overall appearance. Colour in a display can catch the eye and make people pause and look. The colour combination of the ceiling, walls floor covering and the overall decor can affect the atmosphere of a store.

Changing the colour scheme can change the people’s attitude and perception of a store and can increase or decrease the business. Reddanger, stop, negative, excitement, hot Dark Blue stable, calming, trustworthy, mature Greengrowth, positive, organic, go, comforting

Whitepure, clean, honest Blackserious, heavy, death Grayintegrity, neutral, cool, mature Brownwholesome, organic, unpretentious Yellowemotional, positive, caution Goldconservative, stable, elegant Orangeemotional, positive, organised Purpleyouthful, contemporary, royal Pinkyouthful, feminine, warm Pastelsyouthful, soft, feminine, sensitive Metallicelegant, lasting, wealthy Essentials of Colours ? Consider intensity, value and contrast when developing colour schemes. ?Match the colour scheme to the merchandise on display ?Associate the value if the merchandise displayed to the selection of colours in the display ?

Lights tints are pleasing to the eye. ?Dark shades appear to bring

the background to the fore, shortening the perceived windown space. ?Colour contrast are welcome, but are dangerous.

?More than two principle colours can be grouped proportionately in one display. Greater effort must be made, however, to achieve harmony. Pastels go well together. Certain colour combinations work because they have been traditionally accepted.

New colour combinations have to be carefully thought out to avoid shock or offence through an inappropriate use of familiar colour. Lighting Lighting is essential in calling attention to merchandise in as display.

A shopper’s eye is drawn automatically to the brightest item or area. Lighting treatment may used to draw attention to part of a display area, a specific tem in the display or to coordinate parts of the total display area.

Lighting can also be used to direct shopper through the store, attracting them to various displays along the way. Primary Lighting: primary lighting is the overall level of illumination of the store using fluorescent light sources. Inside the store, primary lighting is that which fills the selling floor from overhead lighting fixtures and provides the bare essentials of the store illuminations.

Secondary Lighting: accent or secondary lightning provides illumination for designated display areas. Flat shadow less; overall lighting can create a tiresome selling floor.

Accent lighting provides change from light to dark or highlight to shadow, to prevent this boredom. Atmosphere Lighting: atmosphere lightning is used to play light against shadow to create distinctive effect on specific displays. Generally this category includes the use of colours filters, pinpoints spotlight and black lighting to create dramatic reflects. Essentials for Lighting Increase display light when visual details are important ? Create a

buying mood by using various amounts of light or manipulating light and shadow ? Save the brightest lights for the merchandise and avoid anything that detracts from the merchandise. ?Provide contrast to the natural light in the window display. ?Highlights women wear, especially bright, cheerful colours and patterns by using natural fluorescents.

?Heighten the appeal of men wear by using a cool blend of fluorescent and incandescent lighting, with fluorescent predominating. Add brilliant highlights to jewellery, gold, silver and cut glass by using concentrated beams of high-brightness, incandescent sources. ?Hide or disguise the electrical wires. Props A prop is something used with a product in a display that clarifies the function of the merchandise being sold or the story being told. Props are integral part of the display. A display prop may be something that is not for sale, such as floor coverings, wall treatments, backgrounds, mannequins, shelves and steps.

Props may also be merchandised that is for sale, but it is not the theme merchandise.

When using saleable merchandise as a prop, be sure it is appropriate for the theme of the display and in sufficient quantity to meet an increase in demand arising from the display. Fixture Type Straight Rack: Long pipe suspended with supports to the floor or attached to the wall Gondolas: Large base with a vertical spine or wall fitted with sockets or notches into which a variety of shelves, peg hooks, bins, baskets and other hardware can be inserted. Four way Fixture: Two crossbars that sit perpendicular to each other on a pedestal Rounders: Round shaped pipe to hang the merchandise.

Wall Fixtures To make the store’s wall merchandisable,

wall usually covered with a skin that is fitted with vertical columns of notches similar to those on a gondola, into which a variety of hardware can be inserted. Merchandising Display Planning Shelving: Flexible, easy to maintain Hanging Pegging: Small rods inserted in gondolas or wall Systems: can be labour intensive to display/maintain but gives neat and orderly appearance. Folding: For softlines can be folded and stacked on shelves or tables – creates high fashion image.

Stacking: Large hardlines can be stacked in shelves, base decks of gondolas or flats – easy to maintain and gives image of high volume and low price.

Dumping: large quantities of small merchandise can be dumped into baskets or bins- highly effective for softline or hardlines – create high volume, low cost image. Interior Signage: Signage is a critical part of interior display and point-of –purchase promotion. Store signage that communicates a sales message to the customer can make up for lack of sales personnel. A good point-of-purchase sign, properly placed, acts as as person without wages.

Essentials of Interior Signage ?Special attention should be given to sign and show card margin. ?The focal point of a sign should appear near the optical centre of the sign.

?Try to maintain as much white space a possible around the copy. ?Use action adjectives or adverbs only to describe a hidden feature that will benefit the customer. ?Use key words that attract shoppers: you, money, save, new, easy, love, discover, results, health, proven, free and guarantee. However, these words should not be overused. ?Avoid overkill or clutter. Keep it simple.

Do not use signs when the merchandise can tell the story.

Use exact price information rather than percentage discounts; it is easier for the customer to compute. ?Check daily to be sure they are current and not left over from a previous sale or promotional event. ?Print information on both sides for signs in holders, so customer approaching from different directions can read the signs. ?Use the same style print and colour for interior signs to add a cohesive appearance to the store. ?Appeal to as many customers as possible, do not limit the audience.

?Feature national name brand items that have wide customer acceptance ? Stimulating buying by asking for the sale

Merchandising and Fixture Display Recommendation Goods can be effectively displayed on a variety of fixture such as gondolas, tables, cubes, mannequins, waterfall and other racks, display cases, and manufacturer point of purchase display. A fixture should not only complement the merchandise, but also the atmosphere created in the store. Each fixture should present the merchandise to the public and thereby act as a silent salesperson. One of the most common fixtures in the stores is gondolas, moveable shelving approachable from all sides used in self service retail store to display merchandise.

They can be lined up in rows as in grocery, hardware and drug store or used singly to create an island. End caps are the units at the end of the aisles.

End caps are important selling locations and should be used for high profit impulse or seasonal merchandising. Related merchandise should be grouped together at the end caps and gondolas sites. Customer generally look to the centre of the gondola first and then to either the right or left. Additional high

profit impulse items should be placed in centre of gondola sides and other related merchandise to either left or right. Larger more expensive merchandise should be placed to the right.

The high turnover, high profits items should also be placed at the eye level. If possible, remove a sample from the container to allow the customer handle and feel the item. Old merchandise should be cleaned and pulled forward as new merchandise is added to the back. Use a starter gap in which at least one item is missing, so the customer will not feel like they are messing up a neat display. Restock the display before it gets down to last item so the customer will not get the impression that something is wrong with the item.

As merchandise beings to have broken with the item.

As merchandise begins to have broken sizes or assortments, the remaining items should be moved to the bottom shelves of the gondolas. An acceptable means of arranging merchandise on a gondola is by colour. People think of colours in a rainbow pattern and are comfortable with that presentation. The usual order of arrange and present colours are as follows: 1.

Start with neutral colours: off white, creamy, ivory, beige, tan and brown 2. Proceed with warm colours: yellow, gold, orange. Peach, rust, pink, red, cerise, lavender and violet. 3. Finish with cool colours: blue, green, gray and black.

Group merchandise by colour as previously mentioned, as well as from smallest to largest and from left to right. When a variety of styles are shown each style should be grouped separately by colour. The power of Music Stores environment

provide customers with the informational clues about the uniqueness of the merchandise and service quality and assist in shaping consumer attitude and perceptions about the global store image. Store image and mood can be changed dramatically by the introduction of music.

Music establishes the mood; helps motivate the subconscious and can create a lasting impression on existing and potential customer.

Specifically programmed music can play a role in the total shopping experience and can be an important tool in creating a memorable identity for specific retail brands. If the music was specifically designed to fit a particular demographics and psychographic, then the customer tended to relax and stayed longer in the store. The Power of Scent Te use of scents in the stores has become a rather touchy issue, and one that requires that each retailer be attuned to the needs of their target market. Department stores traditionally sampled perfumes at the entrance to increase sales of those products.

Grocery stores owners know that the smell of fresh bread will entice hungry shoppers to buy.

However, many customers’ finds strongly scented products not only unappealing, but also can cause allergic reactions that make it nearly impossible to shop in certain stores. A pleasing scent can create a wonderful ambience and add to the customer’s shopping experience, particularly if it is a sample of one of the products a firm is selling. Recommendation ? The store should work on increase on advertising and promotion program so that more number of customer attract towards it ?

ShoeMart needs to improve itself in the field of improvement of music. The music should be standardised across all stores ?

Lifestyle is lacking behind in containing the national brands. It should contain the more national brands to attract customers.

?Lifestyle should work on other facilities like trial room, carry bags etc. ?Convey theme more clearly. Convey the theme through window display focal point should b in the middle with more light focus on more high point should be created group items to make related item buying easy place merchandise in the way that range of style is visible.

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