Is technology making us less humans do you agree? Essay Example
Is technology making us less humans do you agree? Essay Example

Is technology making us less humans do you agree? Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (598 words)
  • Published: January 28, 2018
  • Type: Article
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Despite the anger it incites, individuals are willing to make sacrifices for technology in order to reap its benefits. However, this alteration has resulted in humans partaking in illegal and uncivilized actions, thereby transforming technology from a mere assistant into a trigger for cruelty. Particularly accessible and affordable is military technology, which leads to illicit trade of weapons with restricted entities or countries.

The advancement of technology is responsible for the potential increase in uncivilized assaults, piracy, illegal activities, and unrest worldwide. North Korea's case demonstrates this, as they have significantly improved their military technology. Official North Korean media reports state that military expenses accounted for 15.8% of the state budget in 2010. They have consistently developed their nuclear program and conducted numerous tests. If not used responsibly, technology can possess both deadly and in


fluential capabilities. It is crucial to employ this knowledge responsibly.

The advancement of technology has caused humans to develop an obsession with achieving perfection, specifically when it comes to physical beauty. It is undeniable that our focus on appearance surpasses what we openly admit. Studies have demonstrated that individuals who are considered attractive have a greater chance of finding employment and, more recently, they also receive higher salaries. For example, research suggests that taller men in executive positions earn an extra $600 per inch compared to their shorter counterparts. This preoccupation with attractiveness is evident in nearly every social setting. Numerous experiments have proven that we respond more favorably towards those who possess physical appeal. In today's society, many women choose breast lift surgery as a means to enhance their looks.

Even though people are aware of the possible side

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effects, they are still willing to take risks. One illustration of this is breast implants, which can hinder the detection of breast cancer as they hide suspicious tumors or lesions during mammography, X-ray, or ultrasound examinations. Moreover, implants may deflate in case of breakage or rupture. The advancement of technology has sparked a strong longing for an improved quality of life among individuals. However, in their pursuit of this goal, people often overlook the negative consequences and demonstrate little regard for potential harm to the environment.

The advancement of civilization frequently comes at a great expense. This advancement primarily leads to pollution and resource depletion. Additionally, our creation of new technologies has actually hastened the contamination and depletion of the ecosystem. People's evaluation of any new development is often short-sighted and only considers the immediate benefits it may bring, rather than considering the long-term impact pollution will have on our future existence. The dangerous byproducts of nuclear power and plastic items are clear examples. Technology has therefore become a source of pollution.

At present, advancements in transportation vehicles are advancing, but they are also causing a reduction in our oil reserves. Scientists predict that within the next fifty years, we will completely exhaust our planet's oil supply, and it will take hundreds of thousands of years for future organisms to break down and reform into petroleum. While new technology may expedite certain tasks, if we fail to consider the bigger picture, the future of humanity will face a scarcity of vital natural resources and severe ecological instability.

In summary, despite the advantages of modern technology, it also has negative consequences. Numerous individuals endure deplorable living

conditions, and governments facing famine devote substantial resources to the weapon industry. Is this the correct approach? Perhaps modern technology should address or prevent social disparities. Therefore, to create a prosperous world, we must utilize modern technology for good purposes and seek effective solutions to its adverse outcomes.

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