Why did the First World War break out in August 1914 Essay Sample
Why did the First World War break out in August 1914 Essay Sample

Why did the First World War break out in August 1914 Essay Sample

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  • Pages: 5 (1306 words)
  • Published: August 15, 2018
  • Type: Research Paper
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The First World War broke out because of a system of two major European Alliances. These started a war due to Germany’s pitilessness. and caused a European war. Then the nations’ settlements joined in. and finally all of the world’s major powers had joined in. doing the First World War. Before the chief events of the war. Two chief confederations had been formed. Germany had defeated France in the Franco-Prussian war in 1871. 3 000 Gallic soldiers were killed  14 000 wounded  and about 100 000 captured. Most significantly the Emperor Napoleon III was captured. Ever since 1871. Germans had been worried that France would assail them. so they sought confederations with the other major European states so France would be isolated.

By 1882 Germany was allied with Austra-Hungary and Italy. in an confederation called the Triple Alliance. Then in 1887. t


hey signed the Reinsurance Treaty with Russia. Thus Germany was allied with three major European states and France was left stray. In 1890 the German Kaiser set out to do Germany a major universe power.

He aimed to increase the figure of Germany’s abroad settlements. To make this. Germany increased the size of its naval forces. Britain’s Royal Navy was the world’s largest naval forces at the clip so Britain felt threatened and challenged by Germany’s naval build-up. Besides in 1890 the confederation between Germany and Russia was dropped. To halt its forced isolation. France allied with Russia in 1894. Germany was therefore surrounded by France and Russia and they felt threatened. The continued increasing their naval forces. doing Britain feel threatened besides. Britain decided to ally with France and Russia merely in instance Germany attacked.

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Therefore the Triple Entente was formed. The Triple Entente made up of Britain France and Russia opposed the Ternary Alliance which was Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary.

Alfred von Schlieffen became the Chief of the German General Staff in 1891. Between so and 1905 he bit by bit worked out a program of what to make in the event of war. This involved marching through Belgium and Holland to acquire to France. whereupon they would travel in a broad circle and addition about of half of the Gallic district. Six hebdomads was allowed for this to go on while merely ? of Germany’s soldiers would keep off the slow-mobilising Russian ground forces. After six hebdomads the Army in France would travel to the east side of Germany where they would keep off Russian forces. This program was designed at a clip when Russia was weakened by the Russo-Japanese war. so it required that Russia is slow to call up and had diminished military personnels. Schlieffen besides admitted that his program was “an endeavor for which we are excessively weak” .See diagram for widest expanse of schlieffen programThen the crisis began. The Archduke of Austria.

Francis Ferdinand. was the inheritor to the Austro-Hungarian throne. Because he married a Countess Sophie Chotek he was non looked on favorably. On June 28. 1914. him and his married woman were assassinated in Bosnia by a Serb patriot. The blackwash was non organised by the Serb Government. nevertheless Austria felt the demand for retaliation.

Conrad von Hotzendorf was the head of the German General Staff. and had taken over from Alfred von Schlieffen in 1906. For old ages he had wanted an onslaught on

Serbia or Italy and this was the alibi he needed. He told the foreign curate. Count Leopold von Berchtold that they should assail Serbia. and together they asked the Emperor and the Prime Minister to assail without declaring war. to increase the component of surprise. They suggested that requital against Serbia through diplomatic channels.

Because of a complex series of pacts. all states were tied in together in the event of war. The Ternary Alliance stated that if either Austria-Hungary or Germany found itself at war the other would be forced to assist. The Franco-Russian Military Convention stated that if France or Russia found itself at war with Austria-Hungary or Germany the other must fall.

As a consequence of a figure of understandings. Britain would besides be compelled to fall in. Because of these. if Russia declared war on Austria Hungary, Germany, France and Britain would wholly be forced to fall in in.On July 6. Germany offered what has become known as the “blank cheque” to Austria-Hungary. The Kaiser Wilhelm II offered unconditioned support to Austria-Hungary. no affair what action they chose to take against Serbia. This showed that Germany was prepared to travel to war with France and Russia. and possibly even Britain.

On July 23. Austria-Hungary delivered an ultimatum to Serbia. with a 48 hr clip bound. On July 25. Serbia responded that they could run into most. but non all of these demands. Because they couldn’t accept it all. they mobilised their ground forces. The Austrians declared war on Serbia on July 28 inquiring what Russia would make in response.Unfortunately at this clip many Austro-Hungarian politicians were non at their desks at the clip including

the Emperor and the Prime Minister who were on a diplomatic mission to Russia. At St. Petersburg they reaffirmed their support for Tsar Nicholas II in his backup of Serbia.Russia mobilised their ground forces on July 30. fixing for war against Austra-Hungary. On the same twenty-four hours the Gallic who didn’t want a manner retreat their military personnels 10 kilometers back from the German boundary line. Germany issued two ultimatums at that clip. both with a 12 hr bound: one to Russia telling demobilization. and one to France telling a declaration of neutrality in the event of war with Russia. The Russian authorities did non react and continued mobilization. and the Gallic Government replied that France would move in conformity with her ain involvements.Both Germany and France began to call up on August

  1. In the eventide Germany declared war against Russia on August
  2. Germany delivered an ultimatum to Belgium bespeaking that Belgium remain impersonal while German soldiers pass through on their manner to France. The Belgian King Albert I declared his rejection to Germany’s ultimatum the following twenty-four hours.
  3. The British foreign Secretary Sir Edward Gery announced to the Parliament of Britain that Britain would contend to support Belgian neutrality if necessary on August
  4. German military personnels invaded Belgium. This was the Schlieffen Plan. but it was modified so Holland was non invaded. and the discharge the military personnels went in was smaller. Britain demanded that a satisfactory account be given by 11 am UK clip. When it received no response the British declared war on Germany. Thus Britain’s abroad settlements and rules offered aid. including Australia. Canada. India.

New Zealand and the Union of South

Africa. On August 23. Japan declared war on Germany following a military understanding with Britain. Therefore by the terminal of 1914 Australia, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Liberia, Montenegro, New Zealand, Russia, Serbia and United Kingdom were all at war. So the First World War started by a series of many complex events. It started as a little war so Austria-Hungary could acquire avenge on Serbia so Germany was forced to fall in in due to the Ternary Alliance. Then due to a “friendly understanding” . Russia attacked Austria-Hungary and Germany. Then France was pulled in because of the Triple Entente and so Britain. That made it a European war. Because of Britains many settlements. abroad states like Australia and Canada joined in.

Japan joined the war because of a military understanding with Britain. The USA declared war with Germany and Austria-Hungary on April 6 and December 7 1917 severally. Hence. the First World War was caused by a battle between two major Euopean confederations. each of which had settlements overseas besides contending. and so other states fall ining in because of its immense graduated table.

The duty should be shared. but non every bit shared. as Germany’s pitilessness is what caused the original European war. which escalated to organize the First World War.

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