ENG Book Report Pride And Prejudice Essay Example
ENG Book Report Pride And Prejudice Essay Example

ENG Book Report Pride And Prejudice Essay Example

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  • Pages: 5 (1261 words)
  • Published: April 9, 2018
  • Type: Report
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We can usually see biting irony and social commentary in her books, and the plots highlight the dependence of women on marriage to secure social standing and economic security, which made her s one of the most widely-read writers in English literature and gained her historical importance among scholars and critics. Us Mary: Pride and Prejudice follows the issues of manners, upbringing morality, education, and marriage in the society Of the landed gentry. The story is set at early 1 9th century, near the fictional town of Mere;ton in Worcestershire in England.

The story begins with the news in the Bennett family that Mr. Bentley, a wealthy, charming young bachelor, is moving in their neighborhood. Mrs. Bennett is a woman keen on finding rich husbands for her five daughters. The novel centers on Elizabeth Bennett, the seco


nd of the five daughters of Mr.

Bennett. At a ball they attend, Mr. Bentley, contrasted with his friend Mr. Dairy as being more kind, is soon well received, while Mr. Dairy is rather asocial contributing to make himself a poor impression on the landed gentry of Emerson by appearing excessive proud.

Dairy slights Elizabeth, who has a tendency to judge on first impression, however, conducts himself towards her arrogantly and ungentlemanly. Elizabeth overhears part of the landed gentry conversation and jokes about Dairy which gained her bad feelings ND prejudice against him. In addition, her favorable friend discredit Darers name to deepen her dislike of Dairy. Nevertheless, Dairy discovers that he is in love with her. After a failure to confess love for Elizabeth and begs her hand in marriage, Dairy alters his attitude towards the others

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and responds with a letter to her giving a good account of his actions.

Surprisingly, when Elizabeth visit Dairy's estate some months later, he is gracious and welcoming, which makes her begins to wonder whether she has misjudged him.

Finally, Elizabeth and Dairy's allegations is decided when Dairy overcomes his pride, and Elizabeth overcomes her prejudice. They change their feelings to each other through better acquaintance, leading them both to fall in love with each other at the end of the story. Comment: The content of the book is similar to our life, we can always find out some experience alike.

Everyone make such kind of mistakes, we easily judge people by first impression and criticize the others or praise ourselves, doesn't it? At the time, conflicts then easily come out as a result.

The book is talking bout this human nature, that why it is deserve reading. Pride and prejudice are two significant drawbacks that always exist in people's mind. I would not deny that it is really hard for us to clear these TV big devils away from our mind completely, similar to the two main characters in the book.

When they first met, Dairy makes a less favorable impression of being over proud on people's mind, this causes Elizabeth have prejudice against him due to the first impression and overhearing the others, and decides to keep arm's length to him immediately. Eke one of the famous sentences in the book---after a pairs of person has the prejudice, then is unable fairly to judge the matter the result'. Such pride and prejudice will cause us to be inability to understand other people truly

and deeply.

In fact, it is not difficult to get along with the others, everything can happen because of "love".

What a good relationship needs are genuineness and sincerest simply. One will be willing to get along well with you if he or she can feel your kindness. When we are facing someone we do not know well, there is a must to show our politeness but not pride at all. In contrast, we ought to open our heart widely so as to know each one well and have better acquaintance.

If we build a wall to resist ourselves with other people, reject to show our heart and thinking. We will gradually be far away from the crowd and finally become more asocial.

As a result, we are seen to be an arrogant and proud person in others' eye as well, like Dairy in the book who are actually kind and is valued by those who know him well, but fail to break his wall to expose himself to people. Elizabeth keeps having prejudice against Dairy, but gradually discovers what he is like actually. Rejoice casts a mist before her eyes, she starts regretting her former attitude and behavior towards Dairy. Just think clearly for a while, what have we lost and misunderstand because of prejudice and pride?

This book tells us it is not correct if we judge the others' moral conduct by outlook and wealth, while we can know a person only depending on conversation and contact.

The best evidence is that we make our good friends o because of first impression, it is depends on the contact between each other after a

long time. Do not make any regret or lose someone important because of pride and prejudice. These two devils can make serious problems and troubles in our daily life. Therefore, we have to beware of them and make self-criticism on ourselves frequently so as to correct our mistakes.

Then, we can have a well interpersonal relationship for sure. This is a life-long lesson and wisdom we must learn.

Actually, this book also shows the incompleteness of modern education. It teaches us how to get knowledge from books, but it does not teach us controlling our emotions when we deal with some issues, contributing us not to think twice and thus deal with the things emotionally. That's why we realize hat we always make some silly mistakes and feel much regretful afterward. Moreover, it shows us what a true marriage is.

Jane Austin successfully criticized the difference of values such as the amount of wealth and the position in the society, which makes me feel that the book is strongly meaningful and keep thinking while reading. She has written about how the five daughters in the Bennett family deal with their marriage and thus shows the attitude of the girls towards marriage who born in the middle class of villages and towns, so as to bring about her own values of marriage: it is ring if we marry because of wealth and the position in the society.

In the book, Mrs. Bennett is a woman lacking in social graces and primarily concerned with finding suitable husbands for her five daughters. Both the writer and do not agree with her behavior. It shows that the whole society

is posed as a culture snob, which is lack of the decision and pursuit of true love.

She points out that a true marriage is built up of the sentiments and love between each other. Concentrating on wealth and families of equal standing can only make us look shallow.

Jane Austin encourage us to chase our ideal marriage, which is totally different from the marriage in the past in China, that all daughters must listen to our parents and marry the one they choose for them with same families' standing and satisfied wealth. Agree her point of view.

The marriage in the past shows female's sorrow and poor situation. In the book, Elizabeth, born in middle class that is not very rich at all, is loved by Dairy who is a man Of great wealth. Dairy ignores the difference Of wealth and position in the society to propose to her but being rejected.

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