Consumer Behavior Case Study Essay Example
Consumer Behavior Case Study Essay Example

Consumer Behavior Case Study Essay Example

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  • Pages: 5 (1175 words)
  • Published: February 4, 2017
  • Type: Case Study
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HSBC Bank UK is a public limited company that is headquartered in London, England. The HSBC was founded in Hong Kong, China, but was forced to move to London in 1992. According to Forbes Magazine, HSBC Bank is the largest banking group in the world. Also, Forbes Magazine stated that the bank is the sixth largest company in the world. HSBC Bank has many locations all over the world; a significant number of the locations are within Asia. HSBC Bank is also listed in the Stock Exchanges on Hong Kong, Paris, New York City, Bermuda and London.

With all of its geographical locations, none dominate in terms of total earnings for the HSBC Bank group, but an increase in the expansion in Hong Kong is returning some of its roots to its founding country. Explanation Our case study is to use


the HSBC as example analysis to take different advertises strategy publicity the same theme of the product, so that the product is different to stimulate consumer interest in. Question 1: How does this campaign illustrate the concepts of consumer learning and also of perception?

Marketing staff through reducing the potential advertising fatigue ways of applying different marketing means of packaging the same theme product advertisements so as to enhance the interest in a product. For example, HSBC will be positioning as" the world’s local bank". Using this theme to propagate, due to personal subjective point of view is different, as a result of the different values, so the significance of the product is different, but still reflect the same theme. Company often does a consumer research to grasp the consume

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demand. The consumer research has six steps. Defining the objectives of the research.

Collecting and evaluating secondary data. Designing a primary research study. Collecting primary data. Analyzing the data. Preparing a report on the findings. If the purpose of the study is to come up with new ideas for products or promotional campaigns, then a qualitative study will be undertaken in which respondents spend a significant amount of time face-to-face with a highly trained professional interviewer-analyst who does the analysis. Collecting data helps marketers gain an in-depth understanding of the relationship between people and products by watching them buying and using products.

Helps researchers gain a better understanding of what the product symbolizes. HSBC has launched a new worldwide advertising campaign designed to define the distinct personality of the Group's brand and introduce HSBC as 'the world's local bank'. The campaign will run on TV, in print and online, and over the course of the year it will appear across the 81 countries and territories HSBC serves worldwide. The concept was developed following worldwide consumer research which found that, while people appreciate the value of international organizations and services, they question the prevailing 'one size fits all' global model.

Consumers want to be treated as individuals, and to feel that companies care about them, recognize their needs and understand what makes their community unique. Underpinning the advertising is HSBC's philosophy that the world is a rich and diverse place in which cultures and people should be treated with respect. Around the world, the Group has built its businesses locally, and HSBC's 31 million customers can be confident that the service they receive

has a world of experience behind it. HSBC's advertisements will demonstrate the importance of local knowledge by exploring distinctive national customs and practices.

Carrying the strap line 'the world's local bank' the advertising will show that anyone who banks with HSBC can benefit from services and advice from a company with international experience, delivered by people sensitive to the customs and needs of their community. Some American management consultants Recommend having meetings standing up to save time. Which wouldn’t suit this Japanese chairman,who likes to take the time to contemplate what is being discussed. Question 2 Do you believe that the technique used by HSBC is likely to enhance the initial learning and subsequent recall of HSBC’s message?

Explain your answer. From what the case study stated in, the technique used by the HSBC is likely to enhance the initial learning and the subsequent recall of HSBC’s message. Positioning of the target market, "The world's local bank", which stressed that HSBC has global business capabilities and it is a powerful global bank; on the other hand, it emphasized the unique needs of HSBC focus on the local consumers. “The global finance, the local wisdom”, it adapts to meet the needs of local consumers.

HSBC roots local, knows very much about the local financial market characteristics, and provide the local finance service enterprise idea conforms to the local demand characteristics. It reflects the bank’s diversity and cultural diversification, the HSBC respects all of the individuals and groups, Tailor-made service for every customer. In addition, the theme “different values make the world a richer place”, everyone’s subjective mind is different, sight is different, and

the opinion is different, so that the same object can expression a lot of different meanings stemming from an individual’s culture and viewpoint.

Although the objects depicted in the different ads varied, the central theme still remained the same, that is make the world richer and richer, and provide the better services to the customers as what they need. It makes the bank’s idea of serving the customers prominent, they even suppose to the solutions for all kinds of accident might happen with the clients. Moreover, not only the words of the term and theme are more grand boldness of vision and shock people’s eyes at the first sight; but also it makes people impressive and cannot forget it in a long time.

For example, when people who are on a business trip or travelling overseas, "The world's local bank" and “different values make the world a richer place”, these two slogan and theme would reminder them that HSBC can provide the capital for meeting the emergencies; when people need to handle the other business, HSBC would do their utmost to help the people, and they would do all they can to provide the services and advices to help their customers and to solve the problems for their clients.

All in all, no matter how people to understand it and how the value of people think about is, the central theme are remained same, the idea of providing better services for customers will not change. The technique used by HSBC enhances the initial learning and subsequent recall of HSBC’s message. Conclusion Everything is changing, the only constant is change itself, so the

consumers' psychology and the behavior is no exception.

Consumer spending in the process, there will be various factors influence their purchasing decisions, such as demand, motivation, and attitude and so on; these factors are interrelated, but also restrict each other. In addition to understanding consumer behavior research principles, should also learn about the consumer behavior research methods, familiar with these, for a better understanding of the customer and the better strategy is very useful.

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