Is Homework a Burden or a Benefit Essay Example
Is Homework a Burden or a Benefit Essay Example

Is Homework a Burden or a Benefit Essay Example

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  • Pages: 6 (1388 words)
  • Published: February 2, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Homework is defined as piece work done at home or an assignment given to students to be completed outside regular class work or preparatory reading or research for discussion. Homework is whether a burden or not that cannot be decided randomly. It may include the analysis of various factors that declares it as a burden and on the other hand a necessity. One of the factor, however is the teachers who assigns the homework as if the intensions are to burden students and to just fulfills the formality of a regular routine, then of course it is a proven burden.

As it’s nothing more than a torture and mental stress to students. Many in the education field today are looking for evidence to support the case for homework, but are coming up empty-han


ded. “Homework is all pain and no gain,” says author Alfie Kohn. In his book The Homework Myth, Kohn points out that no study has ever found a correlation between homework and academic achievement in elementary school, and there is little reason to believe that homework is necessary in high school. In fact, it may even diminish interest in learning, says Kohn.

While it would be beneficial if the purpose of giving it to increase student’s interest in the learning process or to enhance its capabilities in some way, then it definitely would not be a burden, rather it can be counted as a beneficial activity. Similarly the second type of home work would be the one who student love to perform and would be excited to show up. So the answers could be no or yes depending upon

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the situations and circumstances as the amount of assigned work, the interesting part of homework, the teacher’s teaching style, the abilities of students to cope up with their work and other part of life like sports.

So, all the factors that may prove it to be a necessity and a burden. Another side of this explanation is that whether homework would be a routine activity or not. Children spend maximum part of their day at school, doing a lot of things. So it is not always a good idea to force them to study even at home regularly. The concept of constantly studying may have adverse effect on student’s grooming as well. As they would not be doing anything else than studying, so that they may proves to be unhealthy at sometimes.

The old concept of teachers and parents is related to education and homework is as compulsory activity for students to retain what they have learnt in schools. However this is not true in all aspects that a student studying at home may perform excellent all the times. Homework should not be a nightmare for students. The perception about it must be positive stress-free, interesting and exciting or interactive, so that students do not hesitate to perform any task given.

This is prime responsibility of teachers, parents and all other members associated with learning problem of students that they feed a concept of relief in children mind about the word “homework. ” Problems * An over burden or over amount of homework may cause students to be good at one dimensions and weak in many others. * A tiring activity. *

Students may lose interest in studies forever, as homework being the ultimate reason for it. * It would be unhealthy for students. * May proves to be a big stress. Students view about homework. “Homework was the only thing that keeps me in touch with the studies even after school.

This activity is main source for making students enough able that they become punctual and disciplined by doing regularly assigned work in a manner that teacher wants. However it is at times a great burden for students if it exceeds from normal level. Students become offensive to such activities if it is more than their stamina. But on the whole it is a positive activity with more positive aspects as compares to negative ones. Student life is a life where things like assignments, tests, presentations and home tasks all seem like burden. But in real these are the things that keeps student focused and on the track.

So in my opinion this is never a burden. ” “In university level, I will not prefer much homework or home tasks for students. I think teachers should give some practical activities because these activities are helpful in their practical life. Homework is just like a writing practice in home which mostly copy from other sources. On the other hand practical activities during lecture are more effective than work at home. Students have less time and their minds are working sharply but in homes they get relaxed and give their work to others to do.

So in my opinion class work is more effective than homework. ” “Home tasks are not a trouble for students

because it motives learner to learn more and more and be practical in future. There can be certain benefits for assigning home tasks to students like students become dutiful and responsible. It keeps students up. Students can memorize all the points very well if they revise any task at home and therefore their concepts regarding that lesson become strong. The students who do not get a chance to perform their abilities in classroom; they have a good chance to show their abilities in a better way.

The main advantage is that home tasks helps the students to revise that material which is done during lecture. There is an old saying that: “Practice makes a man perfect. ” It helps students to make self-reliant and independent. ” “According to my view, I do not think so that home tasks are beneficial for us. Because during lecture students know that they have to complete the task and have to prove himself as a topper of class. During lecture time teacher knows that what kind of help students need.

In other words students do combine study during lecture or class time study is more conceptual and interesting while in home tasks students may take assign works from their friends or copy from internet sources. ”Teachers view about Homework “Homework must be given to students so it can relate in the sense that what have done in the class and so also help to understand their level of understanding. ” [Miss Fatima Sayeda] “It must be given to student. ” [Zaman Nazi] “It must be given to student for good communication between student and teacher. [Farhat Aziz]

“Homework must be given because it help’s student to memorize the lecture and stay connected to studies outside the class and in the final exams it also helpful to prepare the final. ” [Sobia Amanat Ali]

Parents view about homework “Homework must be given because in home children didn’t waste their time on other things. ” [Razia Amanat] “I like to see my children busy in their studies so that’s way homework must be given. ” [Salma Sabir] “It’s a burden on my children so there will be another activity rather than the homework” [Nosheen Shoail] “Children need time to be quiet, play, read and imagine. [Ume-kalsoom] Solutions Teachers should keep a balance in giving students homework and should make it a routine activity.

The teachers should convey the learning processes in most effective and interesting manner as it may not be considered as boring to students. The parents along with each and every person associated directly with the learning processes of the students must keeping mind that the student never takes homework as something great burden; rather boast them to learning activities by managing their routine along with their homework. End result Homework will never be popular.

Children will continue to see it in a bad way. They need to be encouraged constantly so that they will show a positive attitude towards education. Children are our future. We need to put them first, because a negative and uneducated future can only be detrimental to society on the whole. In order to develop a child, it’s not always a good approach to burden him/her with homework and learning stuff. For healthy grooming

of a child, it is necessary to balance all the efforts focused to him/her whether the efforts are related to sports, fun, homework etc. Everything should be imposed in a balance way.

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