3 Problems of Teaching Oral English Essay Example
3 Problems of Teaching Oral English Essay Example

3 Problems of Teaching Oral English Essay Example

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  • Pages: 14 (3814 words)
  • Published: May 4, 2018
  • Type: Analysis
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Studies on the significance of oral English in English education at middle schools in the western region have indicated that it is a crucial ability that plays a significant part in real-life scenarios. However, despite acknowledging its importance, there are still challenges to address in language teaching.

Struggling to find the right words due to a lack of English speaking proficiency can lead students to believe their oral skills are insufficient. This belief often causes them to avoid practicing spoken English and eventually become fearful of speaking in class, hindering their progress in oral English proficiency.

This article aims to examine the importance of speaking English and address the underlying issues contributing to poor speaking abilities among students in the western region. Traditional English teaching in this area places a strong emphasis on grammar and sentence structures, causing students to view spoken E


nglish as less important. Additionally, entrance exams for higher education institutions do not include a speaking section or oral examination, further reinforcing the belief that learning how to speak is unnecessary and time-consuming with minimal benefits. Consequently, many students abandon their efforts to improve their speaking skills. The lack of interest from students, teachers, and researchers in studying oral English impedes the effectiveness of English instruction. Recognizing the gravity of this problem allows us to prioritize it. In today's society where effective communication plays a crucial role in foreign language acquisition, China's thriving economy underscores the significance of proficient communication skills and engagement with the outside world. Speaking is fundamental for successful communication.

Enhancing this skill is exceptionally vital for middle school students in the western region as it can significantly impact their

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future achievements. However, a considerable number of students within this age group tend to avoid participating in English class discussions due to perceiving it as challenging. I have personally encountered similar obstacles myself.

Combining research and my university education, I developed my own ideas for solving this problem. The reasons why some students want to improve their spoken English abilities include wanting to effectively communicate with people worldwide in a universal language, grasp various English resources for future use, and enhance their chances of employment, status achievement, and financial rewards in the job market.

Learning English is crucial for multiple reasons, including the ability to read and listen to English media, excel in academic exams, and adapt to life in English-speaking nations. A survey indicates that students recognize the significance of learning English for various objectives, such as enhancing global communication skills. Hence, it is imperative for students to prioritize effective communication during their English language acquisition.

The primary duty of language teachers is not solely teaching language knowledge, but also improving students' proficiency in using the language for different communication purposes.
A literature review uncovers persistent problems in oral English instruction in the western region of our country. These issues include an excessive emphasis on exams rather than communication skills, a deficiency in comprehending texts as a whole, and an overreliance on the native language during English lessons. As part of this research project, the author administered two oral tests to the students.

The author is confident that the students' oral English skills have improved consistently based on their test scores. The written evaluation summarizes four aspects: pronunciation, intonation and

rhythm; correctness; appropriateness; and fluency. By comparing these aspects in the two tests, the evaluation is clearly conducted. From my teaching experience, I have observed that students have a strong desire to speak. However, they are hesitant to do so due to their fear of making mistakes and not being able to express themselves effectively.

If the teacher attempts to motivate students to speak by employing a variety of methods and fostering a conducive language-speaking atmosphere, the students will actively and willingly engage in speaking naturally. Speaking, as one of the four language skills, can only be perfected through continual practice. Furthermore, practice is essential to achieve mastery. The language we utilize should flow smoothly and be precise, while adhering to the correct format that meets the thesis requirements. In addition, the structure must be comprehensive, and the arguments must be ample and reasonable. Lastly, the points being made should be highly explicit.

The significance of using language naturally and automatically in appropriate situations is well recognized when evaluating a student's proficiency in a specific subject. This is especially important for oral skills. It is crucial that our everyday conversations are accurate, fluent, and suitable. In the western region of China, middle school students are taught to utilize spoken English in their daily lives. Initially, they should be able to communicate in basic English on everyday topics, ask and answer questions based on reading or listening exercises, and deliver a concise two-minute presentation on the content of a text after a short period of preparation. As they progress, they should be capable of engaging in conversations with native English speakers not only about

daily life but also social issues. They should also be able to summarize and discuss the content of reading or listening exercises for three to four minutes with one to two minutes of preparation beforehand.

One issue contributing to poor oral English skills among middle school students in the western region is their lack of confidence in speaking aloud during class. To address this problem effectively, it is essential to identify its root cause and directly confront it. Many students hesitate or feel shy about speaking English among their peers. However, creating a unique classroom environment that encourages speaking English aloud can serve as a solution to this predicament.

To accomplish this, one strategy is to create distinct tasks within groups for your classroom. Moreover, you can improve the atmosphere by hanging English posters on the walls.

To begin with, it is essential to inspire your students to communicate in English, regardless of the accuracy of their language. It is also vital to urge them not to abandon this approach and instead ask questions in English. Providing positive feedback can increase confidence for timid students. Additionally, allocating a portion of their final grade towards their speaking abilities, which will be evaluated consistently throughout the semester, can further enhance motivation.

To encourage students to speak in English, teachers should also use simple English during class. It is beneficial for teachers to practice speaking, even if they are not fluent or have a perfect accent, as this improves their own oral skills and helps students improve theirs. However, if the class activities are boring or not at the appropriate level, students may choose not to

participate. Even when teachers think their communicative speaking activities are interesting, they may only get 'yes' or 'no' answers from students before they become silent and avoid further speaking.

Consider evaluating the speaking activities you currently use to determine if they effectively engage students and foster genuine communication. Certain students may not realize the importance of practicing independently. Learning a language is comparable to learning how to swim – simply reading books isn't enough. The most effective approach to acquiring a language or skill involves practicing in real-life situations using authentic materials.

To achieve mastery in a language, English learners must actively engage in thinking and communicating using English. Karl Marx, a renowned socialist, emphasized the need for individuals to detach themselves from their native language when learning a foreign one. This implies that immersing oneself in an environment where the target language is spoken plays a critical role in language acquisition. Three factors primarily affect students' progress in developing their spoken English skills.

Students encounter numerous difficulties in learning and speaking English. Firstly, they often refrain from speaking due to the fear of making mistakes and appearing unintelligent among their peers. Moreover, a significant obstacle is the absence of an English-speaking environment for most Chinese students, which hampers their language acquisition process.

Furthermore, students have limited opportunities to practice speaking English. While some schools invite foreign teachers, these teachers struggle to understand the Chinese education system and the psychology of Chinese students. Consequently, they tend to dominate class time by conversing amongst themselves without allowing students to participate. This scarcity of language acquisition chances further complicates second language learning as

Chinese students primarily think in their mother tongue and find it difficult to switch into thinking in English.

To tackle this issue, it is crucial that we motivate students to engage more with the English language through activities such as watching films or dramas in English, listening to tapes or podcasts, and reading texts written in English.

Lastly, another challenge faced by students is their initial lack of interest in learning English.At the initial stages, overcoming this apathetic mindset towards the subject can pose a challenge.

The lack of focus and interest in studying English among students leads to ineffective learning and abandonment of the subject. To tackle this problem, it is essential to cultivate students' interest in English as the first step. Teachers should encourage them and make studying English enjoyable, especially considering its importance for their future admission into top universities. IV Analyzing the Current Situation of Oral English and Methods to Solving This Problem 1. Current Situation of Oral English

In our non-English speaking country, students have limited exposure to English speakers and are greatly influenced by their native language, Chinese. As a result, their English is affected by their mother tongue. Furthermore, sentence structures differ across countries. It is crucial to recognize that knowledge of one's first language can affect the learning of a second language in multiple ways. Moreover, middle school students typically think in Chinese rather than English and develop Chinese thinking patterns as a habit.

Chinese English is renowned for its numerous unique expressions. Instead of inquiring about someone's name by asking "who is that?", Chinese speakers frequently use the phrase "who you

are?". Additionally, certain sentence structures may only be comprehended by Chinese individuals and not by foreigners. To gain a more profound understanding of this phenomenon, I conducted an investigation and administered a questionnaire to uncover the underlying reasons. The objective of the questionnaire was to collect comprehensive and specific perspectives from all participating students.

The researchers used a scientifically-designed questionnaire to gather information from students with different levels of proficiency in English. Some adjustments were made to certain questions based on initial feedback from a few students. The completed questionnaire was then given to the students, who had ten minutes to complete it. After collecting all the data, a statistical analysis was conducted. The evaluation results showed that 54% of the students considered English highly important, while 43% perceived it as important and only 3% considered it relatively important. Additionally, all of the students expressed their desire to achieve perfect spoken English, with 88% having an affinity for English and enjoying speaking it.

A small percentage (5%) believed they put in considerable effort or relatively significant effort into learning English, while a majority (78%) had been studying English for more than three years. However, the findings also revealed an issue regarding oral communication in English. Oral skills are not evaluated in mid-term exams, final exams, or entrance exams for high schools or colleges. Consequently, both students and parents do not prioritize oral proficiency in English which leads to a decline in their speaking abilities over time.

As students engage less in conversation, their oral language skills gradually weaken over time. In classroom settings, teachers mainly concentrate on explaining grammar rules and teaching

essential phrases, which often leads to limited chances for English speaking practice.

Some assignments given by teachers to students are uninteresting and primarily involve reading and reciting text, which discourages students from desiring to speak English. To address this problem, one approach is to emphasize a variety of activities. In our country, middle school classes typically have over 50 students per class, sometimes even surpassing 70. Due to this large number of students in each class, it is not feasible for every student to have the opportunity to converse with the teacher within the limited allotted time.

In general, group work is a beneficial method for addressing issues. It enables students to participate in social activities involving various subjects, promoting self-expression and equal involvement among all learners. Typically, these activities involve small groups of two to four students engaging in topic-based discussions. These discussions provide students with opportunities to apply their language skills, exchange viewpoints, and gain knowledge. This type of activity not only improves practical abilities but also cultivates cooperation within the group.

Participating in activities can decrease psychological pressure and enhance the initiative and enthusiasm of introverted students. In traditional teaching, being accepted means actively getting involved. In group work, only a few students are present, so they cannot rely on the teacher for instructions; instead, they must figure it out themselves. Many participants experienced an improvement in their understanding of the material and an increase in critical thinking due to group work. Furthermore, sharing the responsibility of problem-solving helped alleviate anxiety.

The participants highlighted the significance of humor in decreasing anxiety. Some participants mentioned that they dedicated a

substantial amount of time explaining the material to their fellow group members. When the objective of the group is to ensure that all members have grasped something, it is advantageous for each member to devote time to clarifying concepts to their peers. This not only promotes enthusiasm among students but also enables them to freely express themselves. Naturally, students' excitement is increased. Furthermore, these activities aid in establishing a positive English-speaking atmosphere and a feeling of ease among the students.

Traditional teaching methods often involve the teacher immediately asking students to answer questions, which can make some students feel too shy or anxious to participate. This is especially true for introverted individuals or those with lower learning abilities. In contrast, cooperative learning fosters a comfortable atmosphere where students help each other within their groups. The focus shifts from individual competition to competition among different groups, resulting in reduced anxiety levels and increased interest and self-confidence in English language acquisition.

The topics of conversation can range from articles to special business topics or pictures. It is crucial for these subjects to be intriguing and inspiring in order to encourage active participation from students during language practice. If the topics are not captivating, students will have a shortage of material for discussion. Moreover, teachers must closely oversee group discussions as students are responsible not just for their own learning but also for others' learning. Consequently, one student's success can have a positive impact on the success of others.

The significance of students practicing controlled speaking to accurately produce pronunciation, vocabulary, and structure has been emphasized by teachers with the development of communicative approaches.

Moreover, it is also important for students to practice using these features more freely in purposeful communication. Furthermore, cultivating a sense of speech can be accomplished through reading and reciting as it involves developing a sensitive feeling for and experiencing both spoken and written languages.

Some teachers may encounter difficulties when they focus solely on teaching grammar and neglect language fluency. Nonetheless, it is crucial to prioritize the enhancement of language proficiency, particularly for middle school students who are beginners in English education. An efficient strategy involves involving students in activities that involve reading and reciting. By actively engaging in these activities, students can enhance their language skills as they participate and respond.

The text emphasizes the significance of enhancing language skills, including feeling and thinking, in order to enhance oral English. It recommends techniques like Liyang's crazy English, which entails reading aloud, to nurture a sense of the language. Furthermore, it addresses common teaching challenges specifically related to oral English. Numerous students face difficulties in speaking appropriately and constructing grammatically accurate sentences.

In addition, there are English class students who lack speaking skills. These three issues must be addressed as they present significant challenges. This has been a concern of mine for some time, and I am now committed to finding a solution. To analyze the problem, I employ three approaches: analytical method, cause analysis, and questionnaires. Some students have acknowledged that the English class can sometimes be boring. Merely relying on recitation, pair work, and reading is not enough to fully engage them in the class. Consequently, the dull atmosphere makes it difficult for students to actively participate.


improve the class's effectiveness, it is vital for the teacher to create an engaging and lively environment. Feedback from students suggests that we should adjust our teaching approach to include stimulating assignments that encourage active participation in speaking English. When learning spoken English, our primary emphasis should be on developing fluency before accuracy and appropriateness. In simpler terms, instead of solely focusing on grammatical precision, we should prioritize practicing communication skills.

One option for finding English partners is to create an English environment by speaking English to ourselves. This approach involves interpreting Chinese-English novels or books, and it is highly effective and easy to maintain. We start by reading the Chinese portions and trying to interpret them into English. Then, we compare our interpretation with the original versions in the novels or books to find any errors, deficiencies, or improvements in our interpretations. Furthermore, the method of oral composition and 3-minute training is suitable for more rigorous training.

The proposed approach includes presenting a one-minute oral composition on a specific topic while simultaneously recording it. Afterwards, the recording is reviewed to pinpoint areas that need improvement. This process is then repeated for two-minute and three-minute compositions. To further enhance skills, it is advised to recite English tongue twisters quickly and aloud while holding a candy or two in the mouth to develop the necessary muscles for English pronunciation, similar to Chinese cross-talk actors.

The method mentioned is advantageous for students without a real English environment. To effectively use this method, consider a few factors. First, establish your own language environment by talking to yourself in your room or speaking to the wind,

flowers, and trees. Don't worry if others find it funny. Another way for English learners to improve their speaking skills is by talking in front of a mirror.

Secondly, strive to communicate effectively. Every language has its own distinct principles or rules that cannot be altered. Initially, it is important to imitate the pronunciation and intonation of a tape recording or radio announcer. This will aid in developing accurate speaking skills. Additionally, it is advised to bring in your own perspectives and speak logically.
Lastly, selecting appropriate materials is crucial. What type of material should be chosen? It is recommended to ponder on this matter thoughtfully. The material should ideally be a story or passage that captures your interest.

The ideal story should be vivid and concise, with clear plots for easy comprehension. Additionally, it is recommended to retell the passage immediately after finishing it, using your own words. It is important to note that retelling involves using key words or sentence patterns from the passage, rather than reciting it word for word. Another option is to retell a tape or film, as this not only enhances listening skills but also improves oral English proficiency.

When using this technique, it is advisable to utilize the original words. This aids in pronunciation, intonation, and enhances learning. Numerous students perceive language learning as acquiring speaking abilities. Nunan argues that success is gauged by the ability to engage in conversations in the desired language. Consequently, if students fail to develop speaking skills or are not given chances to speak during class, they may become demotivated and lose interest in their learning journey.

When the

appropriate activities are taught effectively, speaking in class can be enjoyable and increase motivation for learners. It also has the potential to create a vibrant and enjoyable atmosphere in the English language classroom. To address the problem, I sought guidance from teachers and discussed it with my colleagues during the problem analysis phase. Their instruction and suggestions helped me think more deeply about it, leading me to initiate a project.

My research objective is to enhance the oral English skills of my students by implementing the approaches recommended by TBLT (Task-Based Language Teaching) into my oral English instruction. In class, students are assigned the task of presenting on topics of their choice prior to the lesson. These topics can be related to news reports, both within and outside of school, sports, arts, and more. Students who actively participate in these tasks will receive praise and encouragement. This method allows students to gradually improve their fluency in speaking English and expand their vocabulary.

After a free talk, I initiate class by casually asking relevant questions about invitations. Students respond while remaining seated, allowing for active participation. The questions pertain to their opinions on liking their school, with some answering positively and others negatively. I then proceed to ask about their knowledge regarding their school, receiving varied answers. To gauge their ability to express subjects in English, I inquire about the subjects they will learn in Grade 1 and Grade 2. Following this, I inform them that we will be starting a new unit.

It is about school and study. The task is to introduce the design of subjects in each grade.

justify">VI. Conclusion

In sum, the improvement of the spoken level of English is an important segment. During the teaching of spoken English in middle school, teachers should overcome mute English and Chinese English phenomenon, teachers need to have a correct attitude to their roles in the classroom, help learners to overcome the influences of the psychological obstacle. They should establish good language learning environment, which improve the students' ability of expression in spoken English.

Students should not only focus on language proficiency but also strive to understand the cultures, customs, and communication norms in English-speaking countries. These aspects are closely connected to spoken English and mastering them can improve practicality and communication abilities. In summary, oral teaching should prioritize effective communication with unique characteristics. Compared to traditional teaching methods, it places more importance on enhancing students' communication skills and fostering their active participation in the learning process.

Oral English plays a crucial role in enhancing and cultivating students' communication skills. Teachers should utilize this teaching method effectively to systematically develop students' oral communication abilities. It is widely acknowledged that there are various approaches to improve oral English due to its significance for all English learners. This paper examines the reasons behind its importance and proposes practical solutions based on the characteristics of middle school students in western China. Undoubtedly, these solutions hold great significance in further enhancing speaking skills.

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