What Utopia Is Essay Example
What Utopia Is Essay Example

What Utopia Is Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (291 words)
  • Published: February 24, 2018
  • Type: Essay
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1. Utopia is an island with a crescent shape that encloses a large bay, functioning as a huge protected harbor. This bay is safeguarded by sunken rocks, knowledge of which is exclusive to the Utopians.

The bay provides convenient internal shipping and travel options while also deterring external attacks or unwanted contact, enabling the Utopians to remain isolated according to their preference. This isolation aligns with the development of the Utopian society, as they exist independently from the rest of the world and have the freedom to act as they desire. Additionally, the economy in Utopia operates based on communal property.

In the system, each individual has their own specific role to fulfill. It exists as an economy as even in a perfect society, everyone possesses their own unique job. This society is founded upon rational thinking and the concept of communal ownership. 3.




Capitalism is an economic system where private individuals and corporations own and invest in the means of producing, distributing, and exchanging wealth. This differs from systems where cooperatives or the state own the means of wealth.


In contrast, socialism is a social organization system that supports community ownership and control over the means of production, distribution, products, capital, and land.


Communism is a social organization system where a totalitarian state, led by a single and self-perpetuating political party, controls all economic and social activity. In book 1, the issues addressed include communism, poverty and land matters, counseling a prince, and the concentration of power in a king's hands. It is concluded that a community like Utopia would not be feasible.

There will always be individuals with a desire for wealth and a craving for power. Each

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person possesses independent thinking, making it challenging to unite everyone.

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