What Is Impression Management Commerce Essay Example
What Is Impression Management Commerce Essay Example

What Is Impression Management Commerce Essay Example

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  • Pages: 9 (2291 words)
  • Published: August 16, 2017
  • Type: Research Paper
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Impression Management, also known as self-presentation or impression management, is the act of individuals regulating their behavior, appearance, and communication to align with the emotions or image they want to convey in social situations. Several factors such as gender, age, and personality traits can affect an individual's ability to effectively control their emotions. This research aims to explore how environmental factors like Organizational Culture and personality factors like Emotional Intelligence impact Impression Management in organizational settings.

The steps of Impression Management, including Self Presentation, Self Monitoring, Desirable Responding, and Ingratiation, contribute to a deeper understanding of how individual perceptions impact organizational processes. This is particularly vital within service industries where interactions between employees and clients heavily influence their identity. Due to the legal consequences related to various actions in this sector, employees must diligently present themselves to avoid any mi


srepresentations. Therefore, it is crucial that employees possess knowledge about Impression Management tactics and skillfully utilize them.

The text discusses the importance of Emotional Intelligence (EI) in recognizing and handling emotions, both within oneself and others, within an organizational setting. It highlights the increasing demand for highly intelligent behavior from employees in customer-driven organizations. The text also emphasizes the impact of Organizational Culture on Impression Management, which refers to employee behaviors in the workplace. It notes that supportive organizational practices are necessary to facilitate appropriate employee behavior and improve organizational effectiveness. Therefore, the study aims to investigate how Culture influences employee behaviors and their use of EI in organizational contexts.

Problem Statement

The text acknowledges that Impression Management tactics play a significant role in social interaction among coworkers, particularly when the

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rely on each other to achieve work outcomes.

The purpose of this survey is to examine the link between emotional intelligence, organizational culture, and impression management with the goal of enhancing employees' effective impression management abilities. Previous research has identified connections between impression management and personality traits such as emotional intelligence, as well as external factors like organizational culture. To explore these relationships, this study employs the "Impression Management - Emotional Intelligence - Organizational Culture" model (Figure 1 in Chapter 2).

Importance of the research

Impression management is a prevalent behavior influenced by both an individual's emotional intelligence and their affiliation with a particular organizational culture.

The relationship between Impression Management and variables such as Emotional Intelligence or Organizational Culture in India requires further examination. To address this topic, a survey was conducted to fill the gap in research on the impact of these variables on Impression Management. Previous studies have predominantly focused on specific aspects of Impression Management, often viewing it negatively. Consequently, there is limited understanding of Impression Management as a whole and its daily manifestation.

In the service industry, an intermediary position exists between the product and the recipient.

When evaluating goods or services, the professional behavior of the mediator often determines service quality. In the service industry, how employees interact with customers is crucial for reflecting the organization's identity and quality. Therefore, it is important for employees in this sector to understand and apply Impression Management techniques to present themselves positively.

Rani et al. (2004) found that in industries like Healthcare, patients are often uninformed about the technical aspects of medical care such as medical equipment and infrastructure. Additionally, factors like the quality of service are often attributed

to the impression management techniques employed by healthcare professionals. Therefore, the current survey focuses on the Healthcare Industry.

The study focuses on addressing research questions surrounding healthcare professionals and their engagement in impression management. It also aims to explore the importance of impression management in the healthcare industry and assess whether the "Impression Management - Emotional Intelligence - Organizational Culture" model is applicable to this field. Additionally, it seeks to determine if healthcare professionals with higher emotional intelligence display better impression management behavior and analyze how organizational culture within the healthcare sector influences impression management among different professionals. Ultimately, the study aims to gain a comprehensive understanding of these topics and develop a customized model for the healthcare industry in Tamil Nadu province. Overall, it aims to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and impression management among healthcare professionals, as well as the connection between organizational culture and impression management in the healthcare sector.The following research hypotheses have been formulated to obtain meaningful results:

1) H1 - There is no significant relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Impression Management.
2) H2 - There is no significant relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Desirable Responding.
3) H3 - There is no significant relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Self Presentation.
4) H4 - There is no significant relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Ingratiation.
5) H5 - There is no significant relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Self Monitoring.
6) H6 - There is no significant relationship between Organizational Culture and Impression Management.
7) H7 - There is no significant relationship between Organizational Culture and Desirable Responding.
8) H8 - There is no significant relationship between Organizational Culture and Self Presentation.

Additionally, we will examine whether there is a

significant relationship between Organizational Culture and Ingratiation (H9).

Methodology: Design of the study

The present survey aims to investigate the relationship between Organizational Culture and Self Monitoring, as well as various aspects of impression management including Impression Management, Desirable Reacting, Self Presentation, Ingratiation, and Self Monitoring among respondents from different Genders and Types of Services.

To gather primary data for the survey, a descriptive sample study design will be used.

The study focused on the research setting, study population, and sampling frame.

The survey was conducted in Tamil Nadu, India's health care industry. Tamil Nadu is the third-ranked state in terms of total hospitals and holds first place for hospital assets in India. The survey encompassed three groups of health care professionals: Doctors, Nurses, and Paramedical staff. The findings revealed that hospitals situated in financially well-supported cities with larger sizes displayed more effective and noticeable Impression Management behavior.

The sampling frame for this study consisted of A to B2 cities in Tamil Nadu, private multi specialty hospitals, and large hospitals with a bed strength of over 400 accredited beds. The criteria for selection were based on the Government of India Classification for CCA/HRA and the list provided by the Indian Medical Association - Tamil Nadu chapter. Out of the nine hospitals listed, six participated in the survey as three chose not to participate. The names of three participating hospitals are being withheld due to their request for confidentiality.

Sample design

The survey employed a graded proportionate simple random sampling method where 10% of healthcare professionals from each hospital were selected. Respondents were chosen by HR departments using specific inclusion criteria outlined in a later section.

Sampling criteria


included in the sample had to meet specific standards in order to be included in the survey. The following standards had to be met by health care professionals. Dependent Variables Impression Management: Desirable Responding, Self Presentation, Ingratiation, Self Monitoring

Tools used for the study

In order to obtain data for the present survey, the following tools were adopted, developed, validated, and prepared with the aims, operational definitions, and variables in mind.

Statistical techniques used for the study

In order to verify the formulated hypothesis and formalize the theoretical model developed for the present survey, the collected data from six different establishments was screened, scrutinized, and analyzed using appropriate statistical techniques and standardized. The collected data was subjected to the following analysis using the SPSS- Statistical Package for Social Sciences software.

Percentatge analysis

This is primarily used in the survey to determine the percentage-wise distribution of the different categories of respondents.

This analysis explores the responses' demographic profiles._x000D_

Arrested development Analysis_x000D_

The Arrested development Analysis was conducted to determine the relationship between different measures of Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Culture, and Impression Management._x000D_


An analysis of variance was performed to examine the variation in mean score values among different genders, types of services, and Impression Management measures, namely Desirable Responding, Self Presentation, Ingratiation, and Self Monitoring._x000D_

Findings of the present study

The survey conducted in this study has found several significant relationships. Specifically, there is a significant relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Impression Management with an observed probability (0.000) below the alpha value (0.05), indicating statistical significance. Similarly, Organizational Culture also has a significant relationship with Impression Management. Additionally,

Emotional Intelligence shows significant relationships with Desirable Responding, Self Presentation, and Ingratiation, all at a 5% significance level.

There is no significant relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Self Monitoring at a 5% significance level, with the observed probability value (0.000) being greater than the alpha value (0.05).

However, there is a significant relationship between Organizational Culture and Desirable Responding, Self Presentation, Ingratiation, and Self Monitoring at a 5% significance level, as all the observed probability values of 0.000 are less than the alpha value of 0.05.

There is a statistically significant difference (at a 5% significance level) in the average scores of Impression Management, Desirable Reacting, and Self Monitoring between Genders among healthcare professionals. However, there was no significant difference found in the average scores of Self Presentation and Ingratiation (at a 5% significance level) between Genders.

At a 5% significance level, there is no significant difference in the average scores of Impression Management, Self Monitoring, and Types of Services among health care professionals. However, at the same significance level, there is a significant difference in the average scores of Desirable Reacting, Self Presentation, and Ingratiation between Types of Services.

Deduction of the study

The findings from this survey are important for practitioners in the health care industry as India's health care sector shifts from local competition to attracting global clients.

It is crucial for hospitals to practice Impression Management strategies as healthcare professionals are already engaging in this behavior. In the current Health Tourism era, hospitals demand that employees display effective Impression Management. Patients no longer seek mere satisfaction with treatment, but rather they expect to be impressed by the overall healthcare delivery. Hospital management could consider recruiting and training professionals

with higher Emotional Intelligence to ensure improved Impression Management abilities.

The concept of Impression Management is still viewed as deceitful and controlling, causing confusion within organizations regarding the anticipated behavior for Impression Management, Emotional Intelligence of employees, and the impact of Organizational Culture on desired actions in healthcare. Moreover, there is a scarcity of targeted training addressing these elements. This study seeks to offer understanding into the necessary competencies that must be fostered to enhance these domains.

There is currently a shortage of qualified medical professionals in the state, especially in the Private Healthcare Industry where attrition rates for Nursing and Paramedical Services are high. Corporate infirmaries allocate a significant budget to develop soft skills and improve self-presentation. When recruiting, it is advantageous to choose candidates with high Emotional Intelligence as they tend to display better Impression Management behavior. It's worth noting that this behavior can be learned and may differ among different age groups and levels of experience.

Opting for highly emotionally intelligent professionals can also ensure better psychological care for patients. In recent years, medical tourism and health insurance have been on the rise, making it crucial for hospitals to engage in impression management at both individual and organizational levels. This study seeks to understand the current impression management practices and existing organizational culture in the industry. Since these two aspects are interconnected, hospitals can foster positive organizational cultural elements.

India is also a popular destination for Medical Tourism worldwide. In order to meet international standards, hospitals in India need to encourage their employees to deliver quality service. This requires measuring various aspects of impression management and providing adequate training on effectively using impression management tactics without

being deceptive.

Recommendations for future research

The limitations discussed in the Methodology Chapter suggest opportunities for further research in future studies. A framework becomes a reference point if it can be applied to different industries. Future research could examine the Impression Management, Emotional Intelligence, and Organizational Culture framework used in this study to validate its applicability across industries.

There are various additional steps of Impression Management mentioned in the literature. Future researchers may also introduce other tactics of Impression Management. Moreover, there are also further steps available for Organizational Culture and Emotional Intelligence. Service industries, which make up 52% of India's GDP, may employ extensive Impression Management tactics. Hospitality, Airlines, and other travel sectors, Banking, and Education are potential areas of study as well. Future researchers can also explore the application of Impression Management measures in the healthcare industry of other states.

Another potential area for research involves examining the same elements discussed in this survey in smaller hospitals within Tamil Nadu. Additionally, future studies can be conducted on the public healthcare system of both the province and the state. Two recent reports, one by the Alliance of Indian Industries-McKinsey ; Company, indicate that the corporate sector of the healthcare industry is expected to expand further in India. Furthermore, the state is becoming more open to foreign direct investment in the healthcare sector.

This requires extensive research to be conducted by future researchers in the private sector on Impression Management, Emotional Intelligence, and Organizational Culture. Future research can analyze the Emotional Intelligence-Organizational Culture-Impression Management model comprehensively to gain a better understanding of the model.


This chapter has provided a summary, recommendations, and implications of the

study. In addition, a select bibliography has been included along with the research tools used for this research work.

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