The Whale Raider Leadership Style Theology Religion Essay Example
The main characters in the film The Whale Raider were Paikea (Pai) and Koro.
The leadership style refers to the behavior and approach of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating individuals. Koro exhibited a bossy leadership style, while Pia displayed a servant leadership style.
A Critique of Leadership Effectiveness
Koro had complete control over all decisions and did not seek input from others. He made choices based solely on his own thoughts and opinions. He rarely accepted ideas from his followers. Certain tasks require strong leadership in order to achieve quick and effective results. Autocratic leadership can be beneficial in certain situations, particularly when decisions need to be made swiftly without consulting a large group of individuals for complex decisions. It allows group members to focus on executing specific tasks without worrying
...about decision-making.
An illustration from the film depicted a boy who wanted to show his work to Koro, his father, who paid no attention and deemed it worthless. Despite their disagreement, the boy stayed with Koro and continued explaining himself when Koro explicitly told him not to turn away. This showed that Koro was an effective leader as his son still listened to him during their argument. Pia was determined to fulfill the needs of her community by becoming a leader like her grandfather. She specifically focused on understanding the silent aspects within her community, relying on her intuition to decipher the messages conveyed by the body, mind, and spirit.
She knows how to take care of herself and others. An example illustrating this is when Pia confidently declares "I will acquire it" and proceeds to take action. She bravely dives into the sea to retrieve the giant's
tooth that her grandfather lost. Pia continues swimming deeper in the water until she successfully locates the tooth.
She proved to be an effective leader.
Types of Power
Koro held legitimate power. He granted authority to individuals based on his position in the small town. His status as a leader set him apart from the villagers, granting him greater rights and responsibilities solely because of his birthright and gender.
Pia possessed referent power as a leader, which is the power to influence others based on their high degree of identification and regard for her. When she delivered a speech at school, everyone respected her and attentively listened to her address.
How the Power was used or abused
Koro abused his power when he learned that one of the boys had broken a rule. This boy was teaching Pia how to become a warrior, and Koro witnessed it, which made him angry. As a punishment, Koro left the boy behind when they went for the final trial to select the new leader for the village.
On the other hand, he selects other boys for the final trial. Pia utilized her abilities to become a prominent leader like her grandfather. Whenever she addressed the community, she earned their respect and their attentive ears. An example from the movie is when Pia delivered a speech in front of the villagers, and everyone paid heed to her words.
Situation from the Movie
Koro holds the belief that the traditional values of leadership should be valued and upheld. He believes that a dominant society is optimal, where all leaders should be male and possess male characteristics. The phrase "Hold onto your gumshoes" highlights this concept.
Koro's belief in the importance
of controlling anger and transforming it into strength and power is reflected in his statement, "Anger's portion of the conflict you've got to learn to control it." He values tradition greatly, as seen through his statements, "Koro...he's merely looking for something that doesn't exist anymore" and "Don't mess with the sacred things." Koro believes that being a good leader requires possessing strength and power, as exemplified by his phrase, "If you have to tooth of the giant you must hold toe jaw of the giant to exert it."
In contrast, Pai holds the belief that educating everyone about 'the old ways' will make the entire community stronger. Her perspective is highlighted in her statement, "But if the knowledge is given to everyone we can have lots of leaders," conveying her opinion that individuals should take responsibility for their own life, health, and community. She asserts in her speech that soon everyone will be strong rather than just a select few who have been chosen.
According to the protagonist, leadership requires collaboration and collective strength rather than relying solely on an individual or 'chief'. She has successfully empowered her community and restored their self-assurance by demonstrating that anyone can lead if they have confidence in themselves and the people they lead.
Overview of Leadership Theories
The film showcases the great man theory of leadership.
The theory of the great adult male suggests that great leaders are born instead of being created. In the movie, Koro demonstrates this theory to Pia by showing her a rope. He points out that each strand represents one of her ancestors, symbolizing their unbroken connection to Paikea and the giant creature he rode. Afterward, Koro wraps
the rope around the engine and forcefully tugs on it, causing it to become tangled. Frustrated, he curses the rope and leaves to find another one. However, Paikea takes matters into her own hands and repairs the rope by tying a knot. When Koro comes back and discovers this, he becomes angry about Paikea meddling with the engine.
The meaning is clear: he denies that she, as a miss, could reconnect her people with their ancestors and thereby rejuvenate them. Another prominent theory displayed in The Whale Raider was the Trait theory. Koro disagrees with this belief, as he believes that the community only started deteriorating because of Pai's birth. "When she was born, that's when things went wrong for us" indicates this. Through her speech, Pai truly enlightens her people on what is truly important and how to progress as a united group.
The final scene in the film depicts the transformation of the community. Initially, everyone seemed to be leaving, with men departing and children planning to leave. It appeared that there was no successor to carry on the traditions. However, they eventually come together and work as a team to complete the waka. They then push it out to sea, with both men and women chanting and paddling.
Degree of Seniority
Koro adhered to the ancestral system and his authority was based on personal power from his chiefly lineage. He believed that only men were capable of holding leadership positions.
Koro expresses his desire to embark on a quest to educate all the first-born boys in the ancient traditions, in hopes of finding a new leader. He confides in Nanny, stating, "Our troubles began when she
was born." Paikea is excluded from participating and is only permitted to watch from afar. Pia adheres to the societal hierarchy. A scene in the film exemplifies Paikea's apparent willingness to accept defeat.
An essay written by her has been awarded and now she wants to present it at a school event called Koro. Despite feeling sad and without Koro's presence, she declares, "My name is Paikea Apirana. I come from a long line of leaders, tracing all the way back to Hawaiki where our ancestors lived, including the ones who first heard the land crying and sent a man. His name was also Paikea and I am his most recent descendant. However, I was not the leader my grandfather had expected. And by being born, I interrupted the line that connects us to our ancient ancestors."
. . . However, acquiring knowledge is possible. Moreover, if this knowledge is shared with everyone, we can foster numerous leaders.
And soon, everyone will possess strength, not just those who have been selected.
Impact of Individual Culture
The influence of Western culture compelled individuals to abandon their traditional customs and embrace modernity for a more prosperous existence. For example, Koro's son declined the opportunity to become the village leader and instead chose to pursue employment and a better life in one of the European nations. This had an impact on Koro as there was no male successor in his family due to the effects of Westernization on people's lives.
Lord of the Rings: Leadership Style
Frodo and Gandalf were portrayed as the two leaders in the movie.
Both leaders demonstrated a task-oriented approach and a strong focus on completing the job. They displayed high
levels of drive and assertiveness, effectively communicating their expectations and establishing clear roles and responsibilities. Additionally, they implemented organizational structures and provided supervision.
A Critique of Leadership Effectiveness
Frodo discovers a powerful magical ring in his possession that is also desired by Sauron, an evil supernatural being. The only way to destroy the Ring is by throwing it into Mount Doom located in Mordor, which happens to be Sauron's realm.
Frodo volunteers to carry the Ring to Mordor, and a gathering of nine representatives from the Free Peoples, known as the Fellowship of the Ring, is chosen to accompany him. Frodo's main strength lies in his bravery and determination to take control of the Ring and eradicate its wicked power that poses a threat to the world. Consequently, he proves himself as an effective leader. However, it is Gandalf who functions as the true leader of the group. His vast knowledge and comprehension of Middle Earth, the Ring, and Sauron provide valuable guidance to the team. Though he may not be at the forefront of combat, his wisdom suffices in ensuring success for everyone involved.
A significant event is happening – he will be present and may even sacrifice himself. The battle against Balrog, where he sacrifices himself for his family, is crucial. His leadership qualities and guidance will greatly contribute to his team's success. He is also an effective leader.
Types of Power
Referent Power A - also known as "Charismatic Power", this refers to an individual's ability to bring about positive change through their personal qualities alone. I would choose Gandalf. Apart from being the only Istari at that time, he fulfilled his role while Saruman turned
evil, the other blue wizards disappeared, and Radagast neglected his duty towards nature. Gandalf, as an Istari, primarily influenced events through wise words. The Istari's responsibility was to help defeat Sauron not by using power, but by offering guidance and wisdom, which is what Gandalf did.
Gandalf served as an advocate at the Council of Elrond, where he reassured the Nazgul during the battle of Pelennor and provided guidance to the Fellowship. He achieved numerous accomplishments without relying on his powers, but rather through his wise words. Reward PowerA refers to a leader's ability to offer rewards in exchange for positive behavior or task completion from their followers. Frodo exemplifies this, as seen in his interactions with Sam and Gollum.
Despite not being a traditional reward, Frodo demonstrated kindness to Gollum and shielded him from Sam's torment. In addition, Frodo displayed his appreciation towards Sam by trusting him, being his friend, and bestowing Sting upon him. Throughout the trilogy, Frodo was the sole provider of rewards such as protection, friendship, trust, good treatment, and simple gratitude.
The Usage and Abuse of Power in the Movie Scenario
Gandalf resided among the elves for many centuries as an outsider. During this time, he gained knowledge from them while also sharing his wisdom with them. As a result of this experience and connection with the elves,;Gandalf assumed leadership of;the quest and took on the responsibility;of guiding and safeguarding the group during their journey to Mount Doom.
Gandalf, a wise male adult, was not only a leader but also prioritized the well-being of the people he lived among. He possessed extensive knowledge and irresistible charming powers that made him an effective and influential leader.
Consequently, those around him always followed and obeyed him. Eventually, it was revealed that Gandalf was one of the white aces, earning him a reputation as the wisest and most powerful ace similar to Sauron. However, unlike Sauron, Gandalf used his knowledge and charming powers solely for good intentions to assist everyone he encountered. In this quest for good, Frodo, a courageous young boy, volunteered himself to undertake the daunting task of destroying the ring by taking it to Mount Doom.
;;;;The hobbit who led the three others on their pursuit demonstrated strong task orientation. He possessed the power and bravery to command the ring, which made the other hobbits listen to and follow him. His leadership was focused on completing the task of destroying the evil power that sought to control the universe.
;;;;Leadership Theories
;;;;Fiedler's Contingency Theory examines how a leader's instructions or style and group behavior relate in different situations. It evaluates the leader's orientation (relationship or task) and considers factors like leader-member relations, task structure, and leader situation power. The theory aims to determine which leader orientation is most successful as control shifts from low to moderate to high.
Contingency Theory Definitions: The way in which the leader and the assembly members hold one another determines, to some extent, the leader's ability to influence the group and the circumstances in which they can do so. A leader who is accepted by the group members is in a more positive situation than one who is not. An example from the film was when Gandalf displayed the same behavioral style as people-oriented leaders do. He did this because he believed that with great power comes great responsibility;
therefore, he shared his knowledge and used his magical powers to guide and assist others.
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