The Prejudiced Message of Merchant of Venice Merch Essay Example
The Merchant of Venice conveys a prejudiced message, as seen in Act one when Shylock openly admits his hatred for Christians and refuses to forgive Antonio. The book illustrates an ongoing conflict between Christians and Jews, fueled by their deeply ingrained prejudices. Antonio's refusal to change his negative feelings towards Shylock, expressed through his intention to insult, spit on, and reject him again, further highlights this prejudice. Both sides fail to comprehend the potentially fatal consequences of their biased attitudes. Throughout the play, Shylock's character fluctuates between being viewed as a villain and a sympathetic figure. His refusal to allow his daughter to marry Lorenzo solely because he is a Christian portrays him as an unpleasant person. However, it is importan
...t to acknowledge that he himself is subject to significant prejudice; Antonio despises him solely based on his Jewish identity and does not hesitate to express his disdain. Nevertheless, it is crucial to remember that two wrongs do not make a right, implying that Shylock could have chosen a different path by showing Antonio love or simply avoiding him altogether.Shylock's decision to seek revenge would likely label him as a villain. Furthermore, the play's strongest message is that prejudice leads to undesirable outcomes. Antonio's prejudice against Shylock nearly resulted in his own death, while Shylock's prejudice towards Antonio led him to convert to Christianity and lose all his possessions. The play teaches us the importance of harmonious relations and avoiding superiority complex.
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