The over Diagnosis of Adhd and the Abuse of Ritalin Essay Example
Over the years, there has been a rise in the prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) diagnosis and Ritalin abuse. Unlike past generations where it was unheard of, ADHD is now one of the most commonly diagnosed psychiatric disorders amongst children. Kids with ADHD exhibit symptoms such as inattention, fidgeting, lack of organization and squirming while seated. They also find it difficult to concentrate on details and get easily distracted by other events happening at the same time. Furthermore, they may procrastinate tasks that require sustained mental effort and display carelessness and lack of organization. While some kids may experience these symptoms occasionally, those with ADHD show them more consistently and frequently.
The challenge of overdiagnosing ADHD in children stems from the lack of a definitive diagnostic exam. To address attention and impulsive behavior, doctors frequently administer Methylphenidate or Ritalin
...(Schwarzbeck). Ritalin is recognized for its capacity to improve school concentration, boost alertness, and foster self-control. Although some kids benefit from medication, many do not receive additional help to acknowledge their difficulties and develop coping mechanisms. This leads to an excessive dependence on prescription drugs as compensation for the absence of support.
Due to its high prevalence, discussions have emerged regarding Ritalin abuse and the excessive diagnosis of ADHD. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder affects roughly three to five percent of adolescents, with a higher incidence in boys than girls (Brazelton). Although many children may exhibit symptoms such as impatience, inattention, restlessness and anger, these signs do not necessarily indicate an ADHD diagnosis.
Identifying whether or not a young person should be diagnosed with a disorder proves challenging due to the absence of evidence from precise tests lik
brain or blood tests (NClive). Unfortunately, physicians frequently overlook numerous meticulous diagnostic examinations when evaluating a child, opting instead for questionnaires that are not intended to be absolute diagnostic tools and cannot accurately establish a diagnosis (Shwarzbeck). Relying on ambiguous psychological tests and questionnaires poses a risk as children may not always respond consistently, leading to a different diagnosis each time and ultimately increases the likelihood of over diagnosing children.
Similar to other illnesses, if untreated, mental illness can worsen and result in chronic issues. Diagnosing a child with ADHD may be seen as a quick fix due to its familiarity, but it is not a condition any child wants to live with indefinitely. While some children may learn to manage the impacts, others may experience further distress.
Monson states that approximately 6% of children aged five to eighteen are prescribed Ritalin for attention and hyperactivity disorders. Recent research conducted by Schwarzbeck in Seattle revealed that out of 312 children with ADHD who were administered stimulant medication, a disturbing 68% did not actually have the disorder. Ritalin, possessing amphetamine-like characteristics, can activate the brain stem to generate a calming impact. Nevertheless, if used beyond recommended doses or over extended periods, it can develop into a habit-forming central nervous system stimulant. Monson is concerned about an increase in Ritalin misuse among those misdiagnosed with ADHD, causing apprehension amongst childcare professionals regarding its effects.
Some medical experts call Ritalin "kiddy cocaine" because it produces a similar high to cocaine when taken in the same way. It affects the same brain receptor as cocaine and is classified as a stimulant, also known as uppers or beanies. People abuse these drugs
for different reasons, but the main motivation is the euphoric effect they have on individuals.
Ritalin, a drug frequently prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), can increase energy, attentiveness, and alertness. However, it can also raise blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing. Many college students misuse Ritalin to enhance academic performance during late-night study sessions. Obtaining the drug is easy through legal or illegal channels due to its common prescription. It is important to use medications properly to prevent addiction and dangerous mishandling (Monson).
Over the last decade, there has been an ongoing discussion regarding the merging of two issues: ADHD overdiagnosis and improper Ritalin usage. Many American children are being diagnosed with this condition on a daily basis, even if they do not fulfill the necessary requirements. Generally, children aged one to twelve exhibit symptoms like distractibility and hyperactivity that may result in outbursts when faced with challenging circumstances.
Doctors frequently diagnose adolescents without taking critical factors into account, resulting in hasty prescriptions of Ritalin or other stimulants to address their problems. However, these drugs can cause addiction and abuse in individuals of all ages, regardless of whether they experience ADHD.
The citation for an article entitled "ADHD" by Alan Greene on Heathline.com
Works Cited Greene, Alan. “ADHD. ” Heathline. com.
Accessed on 26 Mar. 2007 and 23 Sep. 2008 from http://www.healthline.
On www2jsonline.com/adamcontent, Meg Kissinger discusses the possibility of over-diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
http://www2.jsonline.com accessed on November 16th, 2006 and September 23rd, 2008.
The link to "Ritalin Abuse" on CoolNurse.com was accessed on January 1st, 2007 and on September 24th, 2008 through the URL com/alive/family/1116sadkid.stm.There is a website address
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