Interview with Linda Bridgwood: A Leader in Logistics Technology
Interview with Linda Bridgwood: A Leader in Logistics Technology

Interview with Linda Bridgwood: A Leader in Logistics Technology

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  • Pages: 3 (617 words)
  • Published: September 11, 2017
  • Type: Case Study
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During my time at Wincanton Logistics, I had the opportunity to interview Linda Bridgwood. She was both my supervisor and the head of Aldermeads department, which performs various tasks such as managing wages and milk intake figures using an array of technologies. This report aims to examine how technology impacts working styles by focusing on Linda's experience.

Email has become a crucial tool for communication, and all employees at Wincanton Logistics have been given email accounts. This allows for quick information sharing without needing to use postage that could take days to arrive; however, there is potential for misuse during work hours. Linda mainly uses her email account to receive work-related messages from the office and reply to personal emails. This enables her to stay connected with friends and family who live abroad while also having flexibility in working remotely from home.


While email is beneficial, its personal use during work hours can lead to decreased productivity and higher costs for the company. Ultimately, email is a valuable modern tool that must be carefully managed in order to reap its full benefits.

Although the Internet is a useful tool, it is not highly valued at Wincanton Logistics compared to other tools. However, all employees are given a username and password for Internet access, just like they receive for email access. The company closely monitors employee internet usage and strictly prohibits its use during work hours unless it's for research purposes. Nevertheless, Linda mentions that personal Internet use during lunchtime is allowed. Despite using the Internet infrequently for work-related tasks, Wincanton Logistics has developed a website with information about their operations and job opportunities. Additionally, Linda may occasionally utiliz

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the Internet for research purposes.

The company's "wiz" Directory is a computerized directory that includes the contact information and location of every employee, making it easy for employees to locate each other for mailing or communication purposes. While the Internet can be misused, the company has implemented proper restrictions and monitoring to ensure that it is being used appropriately. Any personal or social use of the Internet by employees outside of work has no impact on the company. While the Internet may not be the most useful asset, it is certainly valuable as a research tool. However, there is a risk of misuse in the workplace, such as using it as a luxury to find information that should be reserved for home use.

Wincanton Logistics places great emphasis on the significance of mobile phones for holidays. The company acknowledges their advantages in facilitating constant communication and prompt decision-making, especially when employees are frequently out of the office. In such cases, Wincanton Logistics may provide a work mobile phone to ensure effective communication, which is crucial for its continued growth. All drivers have access to both a mobile phone and radio system at all times. While personal phones can be used for social reasons, using them only when necessary is strongly encouraged as personal devices are strictly reserved for work purposes.

Fax is a significant means of communication, especially when communicating with individuals outside the workplace, such as drivers. It plays an important role in the company's success and acts as an additional form of conveying messages. Faxing is heavily relied upon for transferring information such as milk take figures, making it one of the most popular ways

to communicate after traditional postal mail. For Wincanton, faxing is essential in delivering messages quickly, particularly at Aldermeads where sending post would be impracticable. Utilizing fax also simplifies sending and receiving information from home, enabling seamless communication between work and home life. Overall, faxing is critical to the company's prosperity while providing an extra method of communication.

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