The Effective Business Communication Tourism Essay Example
The Effective Business Communication Tourism Essay Example

The Effective Business Communication Tourism Essay Example

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  • Pages: 12 (3114 words)
  • Published: November 4, 2017
  • Type: Research Paper
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This research paper aims to gain a deeper understanding of work relations at Sandals Whitehouse and the potential impact of management changes on stakeholders. It explores the hierarchy culture of the mediation group and examines their ethical values, specifically focusing on trustworthiness, confidentiality, positive relationships, moral etiquette, and neutrality when addressing current hotel issues. The paper also emphasizes the importance of consensus in conflict resolution methods, particularly in the workplace. To analyze stakeholders' perspectives, a questionnaire was used and the results are presented in a tabulated format. Conclusions are drawn from these results and professional approaches for resolving hotel issues are suggested. The research aims to ensure timely and optimal outcomes for all stakeholders while adhering to management directives. Additionally, it seeks to enhance customer satisfaction, promote job security, maintain good relations with shareholders and the


community, as well as establish effective leadership guidelines for strengthening core business elements. The Mayflower Movement model is utilized by the group to effectively communicate and provide analysis on ongoing initiatives in order to address challenges faced by the hotel and its stakeholders.We are dedicated to maintaining stability and ensuring long-term sustainability and growth. We prioritize all departments within the company and adhere to policies and regulations in accordance with relevant laws. Our objective is to establish an environment that fosters effective communication and dialogue among all involved parties. We apply our expertise to effectively resolve conflicts using established methods such as issue-based problem solving. It is essential for participants in conversations to demonstrate empathy, mutual respect, trust, and confidentiality. If agreed upon by everyone involved, information may be shared with external parties when appropriate. A meeting request wil

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include details such as the purpose, date and time, and location. The selected location will be neutral and suitable for all participants. Key considerations for the meeting include confidentiality, privacy, noise management, and visibility to external individuals. These important matters will be extensively researched and discussed. They can range from violations of rules to conflicts arising from differing opinions or working hours/overtime requirements.In the workplace, it is imperative to differentiate people from their job rolesWhile personal preferences may exist based on shared interests or backgrounds with certain individuals, it is crucial to set aside biases and judgments when problem-solving. To effectively address problems, impartiality must be maintained by understanding the individual's issue before forming any opinions. Thorough examination of concrete examples is necessary to identify the specific problem at hand. Sufficient time should be invested in investigating arising issues.

Acknowledging and considering others' interests is vital for finding resolutions through an interest-based relational approach. Understanding others' investment in the issue helps identify their needs, desires, or concerns, which can also impact our own actions and motivations.

Prioritizing positive and amicable relationships is essential for conflict resolution. Treating everyone with calmness and respect plays a significant role in this process. Promoting involvement from all parties involved requires asking open-minded questions about the significance of the issue while seeking to understand others' viewpoints.

It is important to communicate our own interests and explain why the issue holds importance for us as well.Furthermore, it is crucial to delve deeply into understanding all fears and concerns from everyone involved. Rather than focusing on what we already have, our attention should be directed towards identifying what is needed. The goal should be finding

common ground while acknowledging differences on certain issues. Lastly,

Step 3

involves developing options by generating a multitude of possible solutions.

Step 4

requires gathering input and ideas from the group without criticism until all options have been explored. Each option should be evaluated in terms of its relevance to the issue at hand, as well as considering other alternatives that are available. If necessary, related ideas can be combined. A solution that effectively resolves the issue while meeting the interests of those involved should be selected in Step 4. This chosen solution must meet criteria such as being simple, efficient, affordable, credible, acceptable, flexible, and within legal boundaries. Caution must be exercised when making decisions to avoid exacerbating disagreements among parties. When implementing the selected solution for a given job or situation, careful consideration must be given to what needs to be done, who will do it, the most suitable timing for implementation, and when completion is likely to occur. All these factors must be taken into account throughout the process. Measuring the success of the implemented solution is crucial in determining its effectiveness and whether it was indeed the right decisionAll parties involved should actively listen and address concerns together in order to ensure a successful outcome. The survey findings for employees are as follows:
A1: How long have you been working in your specific position at the hotel? Options include more than 6 months, 1 to less than 2 years, 2 to less than 6 years, 6 to less than ten years, and ten years or more.
A2: Are you a contracted staff on fixed term, permanent, or temporary basis? Options for staffing at

the hotel include permanent staff, contracted/fixed personnel, or temporary staff members.
A3: What are your average weekly working hours at the hotel including overtime responsibilities?
A4: Does the hotel comply with required payments, offer incentive packages, or provide compensatory time off for working overtime? Tick one box only: I do not usually work overtime. I get paid for overtime as required. Sometimes I get paid or take time off later. None of the above.
A5: The main reason I work overtime is to earn more pay and have a better salary package. Additionally, I find my job rewarding and enjoy the working environment , camaraderie , and work relationships with my colleagues at the hotel.It also allows me to have enough time to complete all given tasks as per my job description.
A6: I am very satisfied in my particular position at the hotel.
B1: Given recent occurrences where new management will be instituted at the hotel , do you prefer the old management or the new management?B2: The hotel's supervisors/line managers and Senior Management Representatives give me a strong sense of respect and accomplishment.
B3: Are you certain about your job security considering the ongoing discussions about the hotel's future, its viability as a tourist attraction, commitment to community development, and management practices?
B4: What is the primary reason for establishing a new management structure for the hotel's operations? Please assess the current level of information provided on these proposed changes.
How does management show empathy towards employees' needs and suggestions regarding work and conflict relations? Rate your response as very good, good, average, poor, or don't know.
Investors/Shareholder Questionnaire:
- How long have you invested in Sandals Whitehouse? Choose from options ranging

from more than 6 months to ten years or more.
- On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your investment returns at the property?
- Are you aware of the board's plan to establish a new management structure for general operations at the property? Select your response: Yes, Slightly, No.
- If you answered Yes, please share your perspective on why this new management body is being created.Please rate the effort in providing timely, clear, and concise information about the proposed management changes. Options: Very Good, Good, Neither Good nor Poor, Poor, Very Poor or Don't know.
On a scale of 1 to 10, please rate the performance of the current management in overseeing property operations.
With the new management now responsible for all policies and procedures, regulatory and operational tactics/guidelines, and decision-making within their job description.
Do you believe that enhancing the overall appeal of the hotel as a popular destination for both local and international visitors will lead to higher financial returns on your investment? Options: Absolutely certain Certain Neither sure nor uncertain Not certain

Customer Survey

A1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the overall experience and customer service provided by hotel staff on your most recent visit? Scale: 1 representing poor service and 10 representing excellent service. Scale: 1-10
A2. How long have you been a loyal customer of the hotel?Are you a first timer or have you been with us for more than 6 months, 1 to less than 2 years, 2 to less than six years, six to less than ten years or ten years or more?
A3. Please rate the hotel in terms of customer service and organizational structure

on a scale from poor performance (1) to very good rating (10). Word of mouth is crucial for our marketing strategies. We use various channels such as newspapers, television, mobile devices, online ads, email alerts, and our website.
There are multiple factors that could contribute to the need for changing hotel management. These include future business expansion plans, issues like redundancies and poor work relations with staff members, legal problems, mismanagement by previous management teams, pay problems changes in working patterns at the hotel,and improving health and safety standards as well as customer service.
Your viewpoint is important regarding the decision to change hotel management. Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement or if you are unsure about this choice. Additionally, please express your opinion on whether introducing new management will positively impact tourist visits. You can choose from strongly agree , agree , neutral , disagree , strongly disagree or be unsure.Please state the main reason for your recommendation if you would recommend Sandals Whitehouse as a stopover destination, such as its natural and artificial beauty, great customer service, affordability, safety, or a sense of hometown familiarity. However, if you would not recommend it, please provide a specific reason for your decision.

The data analysis reveals that the charts and graphs deeply analyze each inquiry written specifically for each section of stakeholders. The text shows the percentage of respondents' answers relating to their satisfaction with their work at the hotel. The majority (23%) expressed being very satisfied with their work at the hotel. Among the respondents, 18% were split between satisfaction and strong discontent. Those who neither felt satisfied nor dissatisfied accounted for 15%, while 13%

were uncertain about their satisfaction level compared to those who were dissatisfied.

Furthermore, a significant 76% of respondents preferred the old management over the new management which only garnered a value of 24%. A majority (31%) felt confident about their job security followed by a sizable 29% who had doubts regarding their employment at the hotel. Lastly, 32% believed that the impending change in management was due to future plans for the hotel. In contrast, 23% attributed it to mismanagement and 16% thought it aimed to improve health and safety practices.Regarding attempts made to communicate information, 26% of respondents rated them as very good, while another 24% rated them as good. Additionally, there was a group of individuals (40%) who neither agreed nor disagreed with this statement. The analysis of investor surveys is presented through a stacked horizontal cylinder chart under the heading "Investors evaluation of the attempt made in supplying up-to-date clear and concise information." It focuses on investors' evaluation of attempts made to provide up-to-date, clear, and concise information.

When it comes to evaluating the hotels, 30% of respondents considered them very poor, while 25% believed they were very good and 20% considered them neither good nor poor. Furthermore, 15% labeled the attempts as poor and 10% rated them as good.

In regards to "The Hotels future viability and financial Returns on Investments," a total of 35% of respondents were certain about its future viability and returns on their investments.

According to the survey results regarding the reason for management change at the hotel, there was a division among respondents. Some were unsure or uncertain while others were certain. The majority of investors (28%) believed that the

reason for the management change was due to future plans the hotel will undergo. A significant 21% assumed that the change was due to alterations in work patterns.A doughnut chart of the customer survey showed that 20% of respondents believed the change in management was due to misdirection by the previous management. Within this group, 34% strongly agreed that new management would increase tourist traffic, while 21% also agreed it would lead to higher tourist visits. However, 14% disagreed and 4% were unsure.

More than half of the respondents (54%) learned about these events through word of mouth, followed by 26% through other means, 13% through press releases, and 7 % via internet sources.

When discussing the reasons for this management change, the majority (56%) believed it was due to future plans. Another group (24%) thought it was because of impending changes in working patterns. Some respondents also attributed it to mismanagement (12%), redundancies (5%), or pay issues (3%).

A total of 24% strongly disagreed with the decision for the change in direction, while 22% strongly agreed. Among respondents, 19% disagreed and 6% were uncertain.

According to a clustered bar chart analysis, affordability was stated as the main reason for recommending Sandals Whitehouse by the majority of respondents (36%). Only a small percentage (3%) mentioned a hometown feeling as their reason for recommending the hotel.

The stacked cylinder analysis revealed that 25% of respondents believed that overall safety is the main improvement brought to the community by Sandals Whitehouse.According to the column chart analysis, 57% of respondents believe that the community has greatly improved since Sandals Whitehouse was established. However, around 23% think things have remained relatively constant and approximately

20% feel that the community has declined. In terms of specific improvements, 18% attribute it to new medical facilities, 15% to transportation, and 13% to employment opportunities. To ensure a smooth transition during the change in management, Sandals Whitehouse is committed to following regulations and policies. The organization aims to communicate consistently and effectively with all stakeholders by providing them with important information about current and future policies. Various channels of communication will be offered including press releases, credible media announcements, annual reports on the website's investor and corporate governance sections, as well as written materials such as booklets, business letters, memos etc. Additionally, general meetings will be organized for the president, board of managers,new management,and shareholders to address concerns regarding financial investments.Forums will also be organized for open discussions among shareholders where they can share their opinions and ask questions.The president will address matters during these meetings. The company's monthly progress study can be accessed on the website under investor relations, where it can be read or downloaded and a printed copy can be requested via mail. The website will contain information regarding the company's operations, specialties, staffing, as well as introductions to new management, the president, and board members. It will also include notices of meetings and locations, transcripts of corporate presentations, corporate governance statements and related policies. Additionally, there will be an outline of policies and programs with their respective start dates. During Annual General Meetings, shareholders will receive a general notice along with all accounts and minutes prepared by the secretary. Shareholders are encouraged to raise any matters during these meetings. To effectively communicate with employees, a general staff meeting will

take place where they can express their opinions on job security, management issues, and organizational development. Bulletins will also be sent via email to all employees. Telephone calls are considered more effective than emails as they allow for employee input throughout the conversation.Many employees prefer in-person communication or phone calls over email due to visual cues or personal preference. There are various mediums of distribution, such as local community meetings, social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and MySpace), newsletters/newspapers, press releases, letters, publications, manuals, handouts, television and radio that can be used to communicate with the community. When it comes to communicating with customers specifically: raising awareness through advertisements in local newspapers is one approach; developing a mobile marketing strategy is crucial for reaching various customer segments who use mobile phones for gathering information; engagement and feedback can be achieved through social media; keeping employees well-informed about business developments is essential to ensure they deliver correct messages to customers; implementing incentive programs for employees could boost their confidence and loyalty towards the company. This recommendation arises from research findings that indicate many hotel staff feel uncomfortable with their work. To achieve sustained growth, it is crucial for the company to have motivated and customer-focused staff committed to improving standards and following procedures within the hotel industry context. In order to promote employee growth and development, it is important for employees to dedicate time to improving their skills and gaining experience in key areas of the hotel industry.The company can demonstrate appreciation for its employees by recognizing exceptional performance with an employee of the month award, providing cash incentives to hardworking staff, offering paid vacation programs,

and granting days off to prevent burnout. These measures will foster a positive work relationship, increase productivity, and ensure that staff members feel involved in decision-making processes so they do not feel disconnected from top-level decision-makers. When changing management, it is crucial to reach a consensus as most employees prefer the previous management. Introducing new management without agreement may lead to dissent and discord among the staff, which can strain work relationships. Therefore, this process should be smooth and allow staff members to voice their opinions. Their suggestions should be professionally evaluated and implemented if they meet necessary criteria. Additionally, promptly communicating information regarding job security is important in order to prevent valuable employees from seeking other opportunities or being enticed by competitors. There needs to be transparency regarding the change in management at the hotel. Employees are unsure of the reasons behind this change and should be informed through a general staff meeting with both staff and board members present. This text emphasizes the significance of communication and transparency in decision-making within the hotel organization.
Acknowledging the need for improvement in employee communication and providing sufficient information about irregularities, it is important to give daily updates to staff on progress reports and future plans. The focus should be on maintaining the hotel's viability as a tourist destination, as all stakeholders rely on its profitability. For this reason, an effective marketing campaign is necessary to promote the hotel and attract tourists. Building long-lasting relationships with customers through a positive and strategic approach is also crucial. Additionally, engagement with the local community and improving relations are important factors. Continuing existing programs initiated by previous management while prioritizing

job opportunities for those near the hotel will ensure community support and contribute to local growth. Ultimately, communication and transparency must be upheld through various means of raising awareness about upcoming significant events within the hotel for organizational progress. Keeping stakeholders informed will facilitate effective planning for company growth and advancement while addressing concerns about future viability, occupancy maintenance, and community relations through a proactive approach has been determined.The approach involves keeping important administrators from both the previous and incoming management teams. The strategy aims to address grievances and improve various concerns faced by all parties involved.

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