We've found 10 Alexander Hamilton tests

Alexander Hamilton AP Government United States Government-Comprehensive White House Staff
Chapter 14: The Presidency – Flashcards 22 terms
Carol Rushing avatar
Carol Rushing
22 terms
Alexander Hamilton AP Government AP United States Government And Politics Checks And Balances Liberty And Union Long Range Goals
Federalist paper #10, 47, 51 (Summary, Analysis, & Key Points) – Flashcards 26 terms
Pat Coker avatar
Pat Coker
26 terms
Alexander Hamilton AP Government AP United States History United States Government-Comprehensive United States History-Other
CH. 8 U.S. History 28 terms
Josephine Mack avatar
Josephine Mack
28 terms
Alexander Hamilton Civics Politics of the United States Social Studies Strict Interpretation Of The Constitution
Federalist Papers & Anti-Federalist 14 terms
Kevin Stewart avatar
Kevin Stewart
14 terms
Alexander Hamilton AP United States History Civics John Adams New York City Social Studies
History Paper Football 20 terms
Joan Grant avatar
Joan Grant
20 terms
Alexander Hamilton
Rutgers History 112 terms
Steven Ramirez avatar
Steven Ramirez
112 terms
Alexander Hamilton Decision Making Groups New Jersey Plan Politics of the United States
American Congress 28 terms
James Storer avatar
James Storer
28 terms
Alexander Hamilton Alien And Sedition Acts AP United States History AP World History State And Local Governments Strict Interpretation Of The Constitution United States History World History
Tax and Neutrality: Two Major Crises of the US Government 39 terms
Charlotte Small avatar
Charlotte Small
39 terms
Alexander Hamilton American Literature AP Government AP United States History High Crimes And Misdemeanors Liberty Leading The People The New York Times
Flashcards and Answers – American History Chapter 8 113 terms
Ruth Jones avatar
Ruth Jones
113 terms
Alexander Hamilton Alien And Sedition Acts AP United States History Political Behavior Political Parties Relations With Other Nations
AP US History Crash Course 2 – Flashcards 50 terms
Bernice Cooper avatar
Bernice Cooper
50 terms
what compromise did Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison reach regarding repayment of state debt?
gathered support (from south) for state debt and moved capital
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/assessment-questions/
What was the main reason Alexander Hamilton did NOT want a bill of rights?
He wanted the national government to have as much power as possible
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/american-government-test-2/
Which of the following statements best describes why Alexander Hamilton opposed a bill of rights?
He believed it was unnecessary for a national government to possess only explicitly delegated powers.
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/exam-1-practice-test/
Which of the following is true of Alexander Hamilton?
He believed that people were motivated primarily by economic self-interest.
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/apush-theme-6/
Which was not part of Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton’s financial plan of 1790-91? Which was not part of Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton’s financial plan of 1790-1791?
cease the tax on whiskey
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/chapter-8-history/
What were the major parts of Alexander Hamilton’s economic program?
the creation of a national bank, funding the entire national debt at ”par”(gov. Will pay creditors back with interest),vigorous foreign trade, protective tariffs
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/american-history-chapter-10-236517/
Which was not part of Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton’s financial plan of 1790-1791?
cease the tax on whiskey: there was the creation of the Bank of the United States, assumption; the federal government would assume responsibility for paying off state and federal debts incurred in the War for Independence, and also outstanding state debts, and issuance by the federal government of interest-bearing bonds
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/ch-8-give-me-liberty/
This series of 85 essays published in American newspapers by James Madison, John Jay and Alexander Hamilton argued the need for a strong central government?
What are the Federalist Papers.
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/advanced-american-history-jeopardy-questions/
Alexander Hamilton’s principle argument about the presidency in Federalist No. 70 is that it
a. should be an energetic president
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/politics-final-chapter-8/
What is the main reason that Alexander Hamilton did not want a bill of rights?
he believed that too many individual liberties destroyed the trust between citizen and government
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/chapter-4-pols-1101/
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