Should Capital Punishment Be Abolished Essay Example
Should Capital Punishment Be Abolished Essay Example

Should Capital Punishment Be Abolished Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (597 words)
  • Published: May 22, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Currently, only 58 nations practice capital punishment as a means of punishing certain capital offenses with the death penalty. Conversely, 95 countries have abolished it due to considering it to be an immoral and brutal form of justice. Despite some believing that it can deter crime rates, many find it to be an unacceptable violation of human dignity. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) contends on their website in a section titled "The Death Penalty: Questions and Answers" from Apr. 9, 2007 that no individual should receive the sentence of death.

Using vengeance under the guise of justice by the government can cause a decrease in the worth of human life and respect, possibly leading to collaboration with murderers. In a cultured community, retribution for wrongdoers should not entail repeating their crime on them, such as committing rape or burning down an arsonist's residence. A


s a result, executing killers is viewed as an archaic remnant of an unsophisticated society.

According to the US Catholic Conference and millions of people worldwide, teaching against killing cannot be accomplished by killing. Instead, they suggest that those who commit crimes receive a life sentence in order to contemplate the harm they have caused their victims. The experience of remorse for their actions during this period is considered a more severe and agonizing punishment than the death penalty.

Two surveys conducted by the UN in 1988 and 1996 explored the correlation between capital punishment and homicide rates. The findings of both studies indicated that using capital punishment did not effectively discourage individuals from committing severe violent crimes. The conclusion stated: "..."

Despite numerous studies, there is no scientific evidence to support the belief tha

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executions are a more effective deterrent than life imprisonment. The likelihood of finding such proof is low. Overall, the data does not support the idea that capital punishment has a preventative effect on crime. The most effective way to prevent crime is by increasing the likelihood of getting caught, arrested, and sentenced. Although it is an extreme penalty, the death penalty does not have a significant impact on reducing criminal activity.

The presence of capital punishment in societies is often associated with increased levels of violence and murder, as evidenced by statistical data. Notably, states that have legalized the death penalty tend to have higher rates of homicide. However, in 2010 regions where capital punishment was abolished had a lower murder rate at 4.01 per cent per 100,000 people.

While some states employ a 5.00% rate of capital punishment, it is important to acknowledge that certain offenders may not be fully responsible for their actions. Executing individuals who have been deemed insane is unjust as they cannot be held accountable due to a loss of moral agency. Nevertheless, there are those who contend that the use of the death penalty could act as a deterrent for potential murderers.

Teaching children about the dangers of placing their finger in fire is comparable to discouraging individuals from committing serious capital offenses. Both actions result in immediate negative consequences and serve as a continuous warning to potential offenders. While there is no statistical evidence supporting the effectiveness of deterrents, there is also no evidence contradicting it.

Even though some believe that the death penalty can provide closure and justice for Indian rape victims' families, it is widely considered unethical and savage. Using

capital punishment as a form of retribution cannot be justified by the severity of the crime committed. True justice can only be attained if offenders recognize their wrongdoing and strive for redemption. As such, in accordance with Exodus (20:13) which forbids killing, it is advocated that capital punishment be abolished.

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