Executive Summary:
The main goal of this study is to evaluate the satisfaction level of Facebook users and provide recommendations for enhancing customer loyalty and market share. Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and My Space have become popular platforms for individuals to interact with each other. To achieve this objective, we first identify the key factors that influence Facebook users and then develop a market research plan focused on these factors. In order to establish the research components of the study, we present a brief introduction and background on social networking.
The objective of this investigation was to compile secondary data on the current condition and market dominance of Facebook. Moreover, the investigation aimed to comprehend the reasons why individuals utilize Facebook and how various aspects of the platform impact their overall contentment. These encompass elements like sharing information, playing games, and employing t
...hird-party applications. Subsequent to amassing secondary data, a survey was devised to gather responses from users belonging to different age ranges and backgrounds. The research took place at the University of Leeds with a participant count of 200 individuals. Statistical techniques were employed to examine the correlation between variables. The outcomes demonstrated that Facebook's features are effective as outlined in the theoretical framework, along with revealing the connection between their significance and user satisfaction.
The text explores the relationship between individual characteristics of Facebook and overall satisfaction with the platform, as well as how gender and age group contribute to overall satisfaction.
Introduction and Background
Introduction to social networks
Social networking sites are online platforms that allow individuals to communicate and build relationships. These sites have gained global popularity since "The Wall"
was launched in California in 1985, with over 20 options available today. The design of these platforms prioritizes a fun and user-friendly experience, providing quick access to connect people worldwide.
Social networking sites have revolutionized the way individuals connect and share information online. These platforms offer a range of features, including the ability to post updates, share experiences, upload pictures, and connect with others. In addition to expanding social connections, these sites have also opened doors for finding romantic partners or job opportunities. However, there is a downside to this convenience as it has led to an increase in criminal activity and identity theft due to the sharing of personal information.
Currently dominating the global market are four main websites: Facebook (2004), Youtube (2005), Myspace (2003), and Twitter (2006). Among them, Facebook stands out as the most popular platform.
Background information on Facebook
This essay aims to explore the positive impact of Facebook and discuss strategies that can help maintain or grow its market share.
Facebook, which was founded in February 2004 and has over 500 million active users, aims to create a platform for people to connect and share in order to build an open and connected world.
SWOT Analysis of Facebook:
Strengths: Some strengths of Facebook include authenticity, multiple features, and privacy. However, it is banned in certain countries.
Opportunities: Translation services, wide internet presence, changes in lifestyle, competition, and data aggregation by third-party marketing companies provide opportunities for Facebook.
Research Problem Definition
3.1 Management Problem: In the face of fierce competition from other social networking companies, Facebook Inc. continuously innovates to meet the needs and satisfaction of its users. This includes developing smartphone applications and ensuring a user-friendly web page.
The main concernfor Facebook Inc. is how to retain its existing customers and ensure customer satisfaction.
3.2 Research Problem
An in-depth survey will focus on identifying the feature(s) that users value the most and identifying preferences and potential improvements for Facebook Inc. to enhance their market share.
3.3 Research Objective
This research aims to determine how different users of Facebook evaluate its various features and identify which of these features contribute the most to user satisfaction. The objectives of this research are:
- To assess the opinions of Facebook users regarding the different features.
- To identify the features that provide users with the highest levels of satisfaction.
- To suggest new features that can attract current and potential users.
Research Approach Development
4.1 Literature Review
In recent years, the way people use social networking platforms has changed as individuals now prefer using them to interact with friends and share information in various contexts (Mark Zuckerberg, 2010).
According to Mintel (2010), the popularity of social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter has been increasing. These platforms offer a range of communication options such as instant messaging, voice and video chat, gaming, and photo and information sharing. The user base plays a crucial role in determining the success of a social network. Several studies have investigated how users choose their preferred social network. In 2008, many social networking sites became extremely popular due to greater internet access and lower expenses. At present, Facebook is the dominant player in the social networking market.
Facebook, established in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, a Havard student, is one of the largest social networking sites worldwide. It offers over 70 translations and attracts primarily international users, comprising approximately 70% of its
user base. Currently, Facebook has more than 500 million global users, with half of them engaging daily. Moreover, there are in excess of 900 million interactive objects such as pages, groups, and events on the site. Users collectively spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook. This growing user base demonstrates an increasing comfort level among individuals when it comes to sharing personal information online. Notably, in October 2010, Facebook disclosed that certain popular applications, including FarmVille, had unlawfully disclosed user and friends' information to advertisers and internet tracking companies (Facebook Press Room, 2010).
The company is actively searching for methods to prevent the same issue from happening again. They aim to establish the standards for privacy in the current era of the internet (The New York Times, 2010). "Generally, adults consider their homes as highly private spaces... However, for young individuals, their personal space is not private. They lack control over who enters and exits their room or home."
According to Johnson (2010), Facebook is preferred by many users due to its private and controllable online environment, as well as its user-friendly interface for interacting with friends, family, and entertainment. The New York Times highlights that Facebook sets itself apart from competitors by allowing users to create personalized profiles and connect with friends and acquaintances, while maintaining a simple design and limiting customization options for profile pages in order to reduce visual clutter and potential threats like spam and advertisements (Wyld, 2010). In an article from the Financial Times by Allison and Waters (2007), it was mentioned that Facebook aims to surpass sites like Yahoo and Flickr in becoming the world's most popular photo sharing
website. This is because many social network users desire to share images with their social circles as well as the public.
In contrast, Facebook permits external companies to develop various features and applications on their software platform. These additions allow users to engage in gaming activities and keep tabs on their music and movie interests. Additionally, Facebook confronts the challenge of safeguarding customers' personal information from advertisers and other marketing organizations. According to a recent survey conducted by Personal Computer World, Facebook intends to collect even more personal data about its users, including their friends' preferences and online behaviors (Paul, 2010). Paul identifies approximately five new Facebook features that will impact user privacy; however, Facebook has implemented its own policies to shield users from individuals who attempt to exploit their personal information.
Facebook's policies prohibit third-party websites or companies from selling users' data but allow them to use it in connection with their Facebook accounts. Despite competition from other social networking sites, such as Bebo, MySpace.com, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Friends Reunited, Facebook remains successful by constantly innovating in the market. The amount of time users spend on the platform enables Facebook to generate significant profits through advertising sales. This revenue helps the company hire qualified employees and maintain its position in the market. As a pioneer in mobile applications, third-party integrations, email integration, and music integration, Facebook's next goal is to incorporate e-commerce into its site for users to enjoy both socializing and shopping (Social Networking, Leisure Intelligence, April 2010).
The article discusses Facebook's objective of satisfying its users and keeping them engaged on the platform. It examines how user engagement is influenced by certain features, based on
marketing research methods.
4.2 Conceptual Model
The literature review indicates that user satisfaction with specific features greatly affects their overall satisfaction with Facebook. The following conceptual model is proposed for this study:
Facebook Features
Below are the various features of Facebook:
- Picture uploading
- Picture labeling
- Games
- Gender Translation installations
- Satisfaction of different characteristics
- Satisfaction with Facebook Like characteristic
- Social/group set-up
- Age group Event and birthday presentments
- Status updates
- The wall
< li > Privacy scenes< / li >
< / ul >
4.2.1 Research Questions and Hypotheses:< / strong >
Research question 1: "Is there an important relationship between the importance of image uploading characteristic of Facebook and its satisfaction?" < br > Hypothesis 1: There is an important relationship between the importance of image uploading and its satisfaction degree."
Research question 2: "Is there an important relationship between the importance of image labeling characteristic of Facebook and its satisfaction?" < br > Hypothesis 2: There is an important relationship between the importance of image tagging and its satisfaction degree."
Research question 3: "Is there an important relationship between the importance of interlingual rendition installations characteristic of Facebook and its satisfaction?" < br > Hypothesis 3: There is an important relationship between the importance of interlingual rendition installations and its satisfaction degree.""Is there a significant correlation between the importance of Facebook as a social/group platform and user satisfaction?
H4: There is a significant relationship between the significance of social/group functionality and the level of user satisfaction."
Research inquiry 5: Is there a significant relationship between the importance of event and birthday notifications on Facebook and user satisfaction?
H5: There is a significant relationship between the importance
of event and birthday notifications and user satisfaction.
Research inquiry 6: Is there a significant relationship between the importance of status updates on Facebook and user satisfaction?
H6: There is a significant relationship between the importance of status updates and user satisfaction.
Research inquiry 7: Is there a significant relationship between the importance of similarity on Facebook and user satisfaction?
H7: There is a significant relationship between the importance of similarity and user satisfaction.
Research inquiry 8: Is there a significant relationship between the importance of the Facebook wall and user satisfaction?
H8: There is a significant relationship between the importance of the wall and user satisfaction.
Research inquiry 9: Is there a significant relationship between the importance of the games characteristic of Facebook and its satisfaction? H9: There is a significant relationship between the importance of games and its satisfaction degree.
Research inquiry 10: Is there a significant relationship between the importance of privacy scenes characteristic of Facebook and its satisfaction? H10: There is a significant relationship between the importance of privacy scenes and its satisfaction degree.
Research inquiry 11: Is there a significant correlation between the satisfaction degrees of the characteristic towards the overall satisfaction of Facebook? H11: There is a significant relationship between the characteristics' satisfaction and the overall satisfaction of Facebook.
Research inquiry 12: Is there a significant relationship between the demographics of the respondents and the satisfaction of Facebook? H12a: There is a significant relationship between gender and satisfaction of Facebook.
H12b: The satisfaction of Facebook is significantly related to the age group.
Research Design and Methodology
5.1 Research Design
The purpose of this study is to determine the characteristics of Facebook that contribute to and maintain customer satisfaction. To answer
the research question, descriptive research will be conducted. Descriptive research is a conclusive research method that is particularly useful for describing market phenomena (Malhotra, 2009). The objective is to identify the specific features of Facebook that attract users and contribute to their satisfaction.
The text discusses the factors that Facebook users consider important and the correlation between importance and satisfaction with Facebook's features. The text also mentions the methodology used in secondary research, which shows that social networks, including Facebook, are highly popular. The study focuses on Facebook's various features and explores why users prefer Facebook over other social networking sites such as MySpace, Bebo, and Friends Reunited. Additionally, information about Facebook's rivals in the market, including Google Buzz and MySpace, is provided by Mintel.
Furthermore, the secondary information was valuable for this research as it helped in organizing specific variables in the questionnaire design related to the integration and e-commerce trend of Facebook. However, the secondary research information was limited to the overall satisfaction of various social networking sites. Based on this limitation, the survey aimed to explore how Facebook maintains customer satisfaction.
Primary Research
5.3.1 Research Approach
The primary research employed a survey approach, as it is suitable for large sample sizes and involves a series of questions (Malhotra, 2009). There are several survey instruments that can be utilized.
For this study, a questionnaire was selected as the tool to gather information. According to Malholtra, a questionnaire is an instrument that can measure respondents' behavior, demographics and characteristics, attitudes and opinions, and level of knowledge. In this study, the questionnaires were distributed throughout Leeds county, primarily at the University of Leeds using a face-to-face approach.
5.3.2 Sampling Design
According to Maholtra,
there are two types of sampling techniques:
The text discusses probability and nonprobability sampling techniques. Probability techniques involve random sampling, while nonprobability techniques involve the researcher making the sampling choices. In this study, nonprobability techniques are used with convenience sampling. This technique has the benefits of being inexpensive and quick to implement. However, there are also drawbacks, such as the potential for the sample group to not accurately represent the target population.
However, due to limited resources, this technique seems to be the most suitable for this research. Key Elements: People in Leeds. Sampling Unit of measurement: People who use social networking websites. Extent: People who use Facebook. Time Frame: The data was collected from 12-16 November 2010. Sampling Frame: The sample size was calculated using information from The Office for National Statistics (2010).
According to the information provided, the population of Leeds in 2008 was approximately 779,300. Based on this, the projected population for 2010 is around 795,000.
The sample size for the research was determined using a statistical method (Aton, 1995, cited by Palihawadana, 2010). The research used a 95% confidence level, resulting in a standard error of 1.96. The formula used to calculate the sample size is: n = 2,500 x N x Z^2 [25(N-1)] + [2,500 x Z^2]. In this formula, n represents the sample size required, N represents the population size, and Z represents the number of standard errors.
By substituting the values into the formula, we can determine that the required sample size is 384. However, due to limitations in resources and time constraints, only 200 questionnaires will be collected. This represents 52% of the needed sample size.
5.3.3 Questionnaire Design
The questionnaire is an organized list of inquiries used to collect information and primary data from respondents. However, if designed improperly, it can lead to response errors (Malhotra and Birks, 2007 p371-2). The researchers have followed the guidelines in Marketing Research An Applied Approach (Malhotra and Birks, 2007 p375) to develop the questionnaire.
Reviewing the hypothesis, research questions, and approach components helps determine the appropriate information needed for the survey. The questionnaire is designed to align with the experiences of Facebook users in Leeds.
Content of individual questions:
The content of the questions is based on the management problem and conceptual framework of the research, while also considering the hypothesis.
Question design:
Each inquiry in the questionnaire should be created in a logical and well-structured manner to guide respondents in providing logical replies. Additionally, it is important to use simple language to prevent confusion or misinterpretation and avoid obtaining sensitive information when designing the questions. The questionnaire should avoid using unclear words and challenging statements that could affect the accuracy of the scale.
Question construction:
The questionnaire consists of 14 inquiries. The questions are categorized into Unstructured, Structured, Multiple-Choice, Dichotomous, and Scales. Specifically, questions Q2, Q4, Q4, Q10, Q11, Q12, Q13, and Q15 fall under Multiple-Choice category; questions Q1, Q4, and Q14 fall under Structured category; and questions Q3, Q6, Q7, Q8, and Q9 fall under Multiple-Choice category (Source: Malhotra, 2009 p338). Multiple-choice questions are suitable when respondents have a high engagement in social networks and possess substantial knowledge about Facebook.
The text below provides a wide range of options for respondents
to find the appropriate answer. The utility of dichotomous questions is designed to elicit a positive or negative response from respondents. Scales are used to understand the level of importance of each factor that would impact consumer decision-making on using a social network like Facebook, as well as their satisfaction level after using Facebook. Each scale question is measured using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from "1- strongly disagree/least important" to "5-strongly agree/most important".
Operationisation by the variable for questionnaire design:
Concept Item Source(s) The reasons for using social networks Keeping in touch with friends Making new friends Dating Playing games Sharing information Sharing photos Promoting business The reasons why users use social networks are derived from Mintel. The importance of the features of Facebook Photo uploading Photo labeling Translation facilities Social/group set up Event and birthday notifications Status updates Like feature The wall Games Privacy settings The features of Facebook are derived from Facebook page and Mintel.
Satisfaction with Facebook features such as picture uploading, picture labeling, translation installations, social/group set up, event and birthday presents, status updates, the "Like" characteristic, the wall, games, privacy scenes can be attributed to the characteristics derived from the Facebook page and Mintel. Users use Facebook to keep in touch with friends, make new friends, date, play games, share information and exposures, and promote concern based on the grounds obtained from Mintel. Overall user satisfaction towards these grounds can range from very disgruntled to very satisfied. However, there are certain characteristics of Facebook that users dislike such as games notification/invitation and ad presentment. Future changes in existing Facebook features include group and picture chatting, checking emails on Facebook, personal music list,
and e-commerce (shopping), which are sourced from Mintel. The questionnaire for this study is divided into three categories focusing on general questions about social webs.Part 2: Attitude towards Facebook
In this section, we will discuss the individual's thoughts and feelings about Facebook.
Part 3: Personal inside information
Next, we will explore personal details and insights.
The questionnaire is divided into three sections. The first section focuses on consumers' general attitude towards using social networks. The second section aims to understand the importance of different features of Facebook and consumer satisfaction after using them. The final section collects demographic information about consumers.
Pilot Testing:
To identify and improve potential issues with the questionnaire, a pretest was conducted with 10 respondents in Leeds. Changes were made based on the difficulties encountered during the pretesting phase.
5.3.4 Fieldwork
The fieldwork for this study involved dividing a sample size of 200 questionnaires equally among the 5 group members, with each member collecting 40 questionnaires. The data collection took place from 12th November 2010 to 18th November 2010. The data was collected at the University of Leeds Business School, Campus and Student Residences, specifically from Facebook users in Leeds.
5.3.5 Analytic Methods
To effectively analyze the collected data and prove the hypothesis, researchers need to choose the appropriate analytical methods. Firstly, frequency distribution will be used to calculate the mean and standard deviation for the respondents' level of importance on each Facebook feature, satisfaction level with each Facebook feature, overall satisfaction with Facebook, and demographic information.
Firstly, bivariate regression analysis will focus on examining the connection between an independent variable (the importance grade of Facebook characteristics) and a dependent variable (the
satisfaction degree of Facebook characteristics). Additionally, multiple regression analysis is selected to investigate the relationship between a dependent variable and multiple independent variables.
6.2 Hypothesis Testing
H1: There is a significant correlation between the importance of image uploading and its satisfaction degree. To confirm this hypothesis, a cross tabular analysis of image uploading importance and satisfaction degree was conducted.
The use of the chi-squared test allowed for a statistical analysis to determine if there is a significant relationship between the two variables. The results of the test confirmed the hypothesis at a P value of less than 0.01 (X2 = 81.267, df = 16, P = 0.0005). The hypothesis stated that there is a significant relationship between the importance of image tagging and its satisfaction level. To confirm this hypothesis, a cross tabulation was conducted between the importance of image tagging and its satisfaction level. The chi-squared test was used again to statistically analyze the relationship between the two variables, and the results supported the hypothesis at a P value of less than 0.01.
The results of a cross-tabular analysis between the importance of interlingual rendition installations and their satisfaction level (X2 = 168.255, df = 16, P = 0.0005) supported the hypothesis that there is a significant relationship between the two variables at a P < 0.01 level.
Similarly, another cross-tabular analysis was conducted to investigate the relationship between the importance of social/group set up and its satisfaction level (X2 = 97.589, df = 16, P = 0.0005). The results of this analysis also supported the hypothesis that there is a significant relationship between the two variables.
Chi-squared trial was used to statistically analyze whether there is an important relationship
between the two variables. The consequences of the trial supported the hypothesis at P < 0.01 degree. ( X2 = 142.257, df = 16, P = 0.0005 ) H5: There is an important relationship between the importance of event and birthday presentments and their satisfaction degree. In order to prove the above hypothesis, a cross tabular matter between the importance of event and birthday presentments and their satisfaction degree was carried out.
A Chi-squared test was conducted to determine whether there is a significant relationship between two variables. The results of the test confirmed the hypothesis at a significance level of P < 0.01 (X2 = 130.583, df = 16, P = 0.0005). According to H6, there is a significant relationship between the importance of position updates and satisfaction level. To validate this hypothesis, a cross tabulation was performed, using the importance of position updates and satisfaction level as variables. The results of the Chi-squared test supported the hypothesis at a significance level of P < 0.01.
( X2 = 187.561, df = 16, P = 0.0005 ) H7: There is a significant relationship between the importance of similar characteristic and its satisfaction degree. To test this hypothesis, a cross-tabulation was conducted between the importance of similar characteristic and its satisfaction degree. A Chi-squared test was used to analyze the statistical significance of the relationship between the two variables. The results of the test supported the hypothesis at a significance level of P & lt ; 0.01.
( X2 = 119.186, df = 16, P = 0.0005 ) H8: There is a significant relationship between the importance of the wall and its satisfaction degree. To test this hypothesis,
a cross-tabulation was conducted between the importance of the wall and its satisfaction degree.
The Chi-squared trial was used to analyze statistically whether there is an important relationship between the two variables. The trial results supported the hypothesis at P < 0.01 level (X2 = 143.941, df = 16, P = 0.0005). Hypothesis H9 states that there is an important relationship between the importance of games and their satisfaction degree. To prove this hypothesis, a cross tabular matter between the importance of games and their satisfaction degree was conducted.
The Chi-squared trial was utilized to statistically examine whether there is a significant relationship between the two variables. The trial's results supported the hypothesis at P & lt ; 0.01 level ( X2 = 82.551, df = 16, P = 0.0005 ). H10: There is a significant relationship between the importance of privacy scenes and their satisfaction level. To validate the aforementioned hypothesis, a cross tabular analysis was conducted on the importance of privacy scenes and their satisfaction level. The Chi-squared trial was used to statistically investigate whether there is a significant relationship between the two variables. The trial's results supported the hypothesis at P & lt ; 0.01 level.
(X2 = 119.186, df = 16, P = 0.0005) H11: There is an important relationship between the characteristics ' satisfaction and the overall satisfaction of Facebook. In order to test this hypothesis, a multiple regression analysis using the Enter Method was conducted to measure the correlations between 10 independent variables (the satisfaction degree of each characteristic, including image uploading, image tagging, translation facilities, social/group set up, event and birthday notifications, status updates, like feature, the wall, games, and privacy
settings) and the dependent variable (the overall satisfaction of Facebook). A significant model emerged (F10, 189 = 5.741, P < 0.0005). Adjusted R square = .192.
The following significant variables were found from the consequences:
Predictor variable Beta P
Picture uploading.117.154 ( ; gt ; 0.05 ) Picture labeling.042.626 ( ; gt ; 0.05 ) Translation installations -.022.764 ( ; gt ; 0.05 ) Social/ group set up.181.028 ( ; lt ; 0.05 ) Event and birthday presentments.001.990 ( ; gt ; 0.05 ) Status updates.005.954 ( ; gt ; 0.05 ) Like characteristic -.028.756 ( ; gt ; 0.05 ) The wall.231.006 ( ; lt ;
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