Riordan Manufacturing Systems Integration Project Essay Example
Riordan Manufacturing Systems Integration Project Essay Example

Riordan Manufacturing Systems Integration Project Essay Example

Available Only on StudyHippo
  • Pages: 3 (732 words)
  • Published: June 19, 2017
  • Type: Case Study
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Riordan Manufacturing is a Fortune 1000 company that operates in Georgia, Michigan, California, and China. The company employs 550 employees and earns over one billion dollars in annual revenue (Riordan Manufacturing, 2016). Its goals include maintaining profitability and focusing on future growth and sustainability. To achieve sustainability goals, Riordan requires an Information Technology project. This project aims to analyze and integrate existing applications and software into a state-of-the-art system for the Human Resources (HR) department. This system will provide compatibility for all of Riordan's manufacturing plants.

The initiation of this project was prompted by a confidential memo from Hugh McCauley to the HR Integration Product Manager (Apollo Group, 2016, Human Resource Communications, p. 1). The memo emphasized the importance of integrating updated tools to bring the HR department up to date. By incorporating mo


re advanced technology, the HR department will be better equipped for future demands. However, before project funding can be approved, a detailed project plan that includes tasks, resources, schedule, and budget needs to be submitted. The expected duration of the project is six months. It is evident that there is a need for this project as Riordan's HRIS currently lacks a compliant reporting strategy despite tracking various employee reports.

The Chief Operating Officer (COO), Hugh McCauley, initiated a Service Request which has prompted this project proposal. The Service Request calls for the implementation of a high-level technological integrated system for the Human Resource Department. Our team, Team D, proposes a solution to this Service Request through a project proposal that focuses on integrating the current human resource and reporting systems. The goal of this integration is to bring efficiency, substantial cost benefits

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and ease of reporting for Managers at each plant location. This solution is crucial for Riordan's survival in today's economic climate. Without the implementation of this project within the next twelve months, Riordan Manufacturing could face mass lay-offs, resulting in a significant decrease in profits and hindering any potential for future growth and sustainability due to the current chaotic reporting structures. The problem stems from the fact that each of the four plants uses various and different reporting strategies, leading to inefficiency and an increasing number of reporting errors.

This project proposal presents a plan to integrate various reporting aspects and centralize data, resulting in a cohesive and logical reporting system. The project aims to implement an advanced technological solution that ensures the security of employee data records and allows for easy access through an electronic reporting standardization system. This system will benefit Riordan by maintaining structure, compliance, and providing a strong foundation for future growth and sustainability. The current inefficient HRIS has led to negative consequences such as increased employee stress, frustration, confusion in reporting processes, inconsistencies in reporting strategies, errors, overtime hours, stress, and non-compliance with organizational and federal requirements.

Simply put, the current system is negatively impacting the health and wellness of employees as well as the overall health of Riordan Manufacturing. The main objective of this project is to retrieve data from multiple legacy systems and merge it into a modern HRIS system. This will involve creating a centralized database warehouse that organizes and connects different reporting elements into one coherent system. The warehouse will also serve as a repository for tracking and managing resumes, training records, and development files for current, former,

and incoming employees.

The repository will also maintain records of employee Family Medical Leave Act (FLMA) files, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) reports, and Americans with Disability Association (ADA) files during the integration phase. The integration will introduce an employee self-service module that allows employees to interact with the new system and update confidential personal information electronically. Personalized employee reports can be generated through user-friendly mouse clicks, with access levels based on supervisory positions. The goal of the proposed HR system is to enhance employee productivity and simplify HR processes through cutting-edge technology. Data security measures are in place to ensure confidentiality for all personnel.

Efficiency can be achieved by replacing unsecured confidential paper files with an electronic format. This format enables the tracking of employee files within one database, saving the valuable time HR currently spends searching for critical and confidential paper files. Furthermore, the upgrade integrates payroll, worker's compensation, and health benefits storage in a central location. It also grants management access to ensure that employee records remain confidential, aligning Riordan with state and federal guidelines and laws.

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