Review of Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys Essay Example
Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys opens with explaining what genocide is, the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political or cultural group (p.
1). The author, Jawanza KunJufu (2005), has been challenged many times in debates and by the media with the use of the word conspiracy to describe certain aspects of the African-American society. It is a strong indictment against the social fabric of this country (p. 1).
Neely Fuller stated, "... until you understand White supremacy, everything else will confuse you. "
There have been many people such as, historians, politicians, academicians, and writes who believe they have a theoretical Justification for White supremacy.
Arnold Toynbe, a historian, stated that, "When we classify mankind by color, the only one of the primary race
...s... which has not made a creative contribution to civilization is the Black race. " Thomas Jefferson, a former President, stated, "l advanced it, that the Blacks are inferior to the Whites in the endowments of body and mind..
. " (p. 3) White supremacy is continued through society for decades. It is clearly displayed in Charles
Murray and Richard Herrnstein's Bell Curve.
In the Bell Curve, IQ-intelligence quotient; was said to be between 40-80% heritable. Meaning, much of the observed variation in IQ is genetic. KunJufu questioned how Murray and Herrnstein scientifically determined the percentage difference, 40-80%. Also, he questioned how did they do what no other scholar has been able to do and that is separate the impact of genetics from environment to develop their conclusion.
KunJufu believed there are five African-American scholars to explain the origins and purpose
of White supremacy.
They are: Cheik Anta Diop; Civilization of Barbarism, Bobby Wright; Psychopathic Racial Personality, Marimba Ani; Yurugu, Neely Fuller, Jr; United Independent Compensatory Code/System/Concept, and Frances C. Welsing; Isis Papers (p. 4). KunJufu stressed a quote from France Welsing that stressed the factors contributing to White supremacy.
Racism is viewed as a global behavior power system with a constant and specific set of power relationships. Racism evolved with the singular goal of white supremacy or white power domination by the global white minority over the vast non-white global majority.
This 'colored global collective' has been forced into the position of relative powerlessness compared to the 'global white collective' establishing the power equation of white over non-white (W/N-W). Racism, whether consciously or unconsciously evolved as a survival necessity for the tiny global white minority, due to their genetic recessive status as albino variants (mutants) in a world of skin-color genetically dominant black, brown, red and yellow peoples"(p. 5). With that being said, men initiate the act of reproduction.
And if a population is fearful of a threat of genetic annihilation, it will urn its concentration to the males of the threatening population. Does White supremacy actually exist? Bobby Wright in Psychopathic Racial Personality, stated. ". conspiracy, there are two major players; active and passive. Active conspirators are overt racists and others are covert and participate through institutions (p. 5).
For example, these are the racists that say, "l didn't take your people from Africa... I'm struggling in America Just like you.
.. Can we all Just get along? " Passive conspirators are us, African Americans who participate via their miss education, self-hatred and apathy (p.
For example, passive conspirators are African American males who do not take care of their children, and African America women who set double standards for the children of opposite sex. The African American men start off bad at birth. Meaning, there is a shortage on male babies at birth. For one, the average weight of a baby is five and a half pounds. Whereas, thirteen percent of African American children are born underweight, compared to White children at six percent underweight (p. 7).
In 2003, according to the United States Statistical Abstract, the infant mortality rates for African American children are eighteen deaths per 1000 live irths in comparison to nine per 1000 Whites. Black boys survive less than girls: 1,965 deaths per 100,000 live births versus girls' 1,603 per 100,000 (p. 7). The author stated that the Black community resembles an underdeveloped country in prospects to the quality of care provided for expecting mothers and their child. Meaning, in most largely populated areas, one out often babies will be born addicted to drugs, and that seven percent of all African American children are born out of wedlock (p.
8). It troubled me, yet did not surprise me that African American teenagers lead the ndustrialized world in teen pregnancy. If the roles of pregnancy were switched; meaning the male becomes pregnant, then the teen pregnancy epidemic would subside. Frances Welsing believed that to correct to teen pregnancy epidemic, our people must abide by a rule titled, "28, 30, 2, and 4. " Meaning, African American should get married at twenty-eight, because they should be more mature and developed self-esteem. Thirty is the age African
Americans should begin to have children.
This will allow couples to be better acquainted and have discussed their personal views on child rearing (p. 9).
Two and four are, two children four years apart. This way each child will have ample amount of time to bond with the parents. In contrast to Welsing beliefs, the African American rule of thumb is zero, thirteen, five every nine months.
Zero because many couples are not married. At thirteen, mothers give birth. At this trying rate, the Africa American community will not develop. Many problems are facing African American males. Few people are knowledgeable of the disparity between African American males and females as it relates to incarceration, homicide, suicide, alcoholism, and many other ailments (p.
). As early as preschool, teachers, principals, counselors, and psychiatrist, are commonly known to label an African-American child (i. e. boys) with ADHD and many other disorders because they are said to be hyperactive and "verve. " This, in most cases, is not always true. It may be that the stimuli around them are simply not challenging enough (p.
17), so they choose to do other activities without the authority fgures approval. The chapter regarding infancy to nine years of age discusses seven indicators in monitoring the development of boys. First, there is spirituality development. Studies ndicate that boys that were reared in church have less chance of going to prison (p.
acceptance of their race. Scholarship is also an indicator. Through scholarship, the essentials of reading will be development and measured. Self-Esteem also plays a major role in the development of boys. Here, self-esteem and school-esteem are focused upon. Educators will
have parents to believe that their child has low self- esteem.
It may not be that boys have low self-esteem; it may be that because they are placed in classrooms where they are slower than girls (p. 28). School esteem plays a major role as well.
Allowing a boy to pull out of academics due to frustration will tell him education is not important.
Peer Pressure is the greatest influence on children. How well African American families can reduce the amount of time children spend with their friends will also determine how well boys are being developed (p. 29). Respecting parents and elders will allow a boy to develop in to a positive person. Lastly, the focus on responsibility is the key as well.
Many people have often said (i. e. mothers) we have a lot of irresponsible men. You cannot be an irresponsible man unless he was allowed to be an irresponsible boy (p. 0). Responsibility needs to be enforced as early as possible.
From hygiene to school work, parents need to stress the fact that being responsible is healthy. The section of the book title, Fourth Grade Failure Syndrome, is one of the many chapters that stood out to me. In the chapter, the author says that "fourth grade failure syndrome" is the poor transition between primary and intimidated schooling. Many boys enter school willing to learn and are very enthusiastic about learning until certain things happen. First their drive and eagerness subsides when they lose trust in their teachers, many being White emales. Also, their willing to please dies rapidly.
When children (i. e. black boys) see that their teacher is not
giving them as much praise as the girls or other students, then they will not participate in class or ask question as they should, due to the fear of how the teacher will react. Factors that contribute to fourth grade failure syndrome are a decline in parental involvement, an increase in peer pressure, a decline in nurturance, a decline in teacher expectations, a lack of understanding of learning styles, and a lack of male teachers (p. 43).
Seventeen percent of public chool children are African American, but forty-one percent are place in special education and eighty-five percent of those African American children are boys (p. KunJufu dedicates an entire chapter to black mothers teaching their black sons responsibility. He believes that mothers have low expectations for their sons when it comes to academics. I do not believe any parent consciously expects their child to fail or simply produce mediocre work but this could be explained by his next point that mothers make sons dependant on them because they are not taught self sufficiency (KunJufu 2005).
Black boys cannot become responsible when black mothers do not know how to teach them responsibility in the first place.
Those of us who are responsible are left shaking our heads, cleaning up the mess, and saying to each other, "How can people behave like that? " Black mothers should want their sons to be people others can count o”people who do what they say theyre going to do; who meet their family, work, social, and volunteer obligations; and who show up on time and prepared. And by teaching them to be responsible from a young age, mothers for you
to do housework or other task yourself? Of course!
And they would probably be done better too. But then you would lose out on the opportunity to develop your sons' sense of responsibility and to teach them valuable survival skills. Helping out around the house is only one aspect of responsibility children need to learn. They also need to learn to be responsible for themselves. Encourage your young son to dress themselves as soon as they are old enough to do so.
When your son starts going to school, expect them to be responsible for their own homework, both doing it and turning it in. Initially, you need to help your children learn to be responsible in ealing with other people. If they Join a sports team and later want to quit it, remind them that they have an obligation to the rest of the team to finish out the season. If they have a group project make sure they equally contribute and they are not simply looking to always Just get by.
Those traits will live on forever but they have to be taken care of at an early age.
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