Realidades Practice Workbook 3
Realidades Practice Workbook 3
1st Edition
Savvas Learning Co
ISBN: 9780130360038
Textbook solutions

All Solutions

Page 111: 8-7

Exercise 1
Step 1
1 of 2
¿Qué harías?: estudiar español, visitar La Mezquita.
Name: Juan
What would you do ?: study Spanish, visit La Mezquita.
Step 2
2 of 2
Juan acts as Él (third person, singular personal pronoun. Thus, the conditional tense would be:

Juan estudiaría español y visitaría la mezquita.

Juan would study Spanish and visit the mosque.
Exercise 2
Step 1
1 of 2
Nombre:Juan y Simón
Adónde irían: Córdoba
Name: Juan and Simón
Where would they go: Córdoba
Step 2
2 of 2
Given that Juan and Simón act as ellos (3rd person, plural personal pronoun); the conditional tense would be:

Juan y Simón irían a Córdoba.

Juan and Simón would go to Cordoba.
Exercise 3
Step 1
1 of 2
-Nombres/ Names:
Juan y Pilar/ Juan and Pilar
Step 2
2 of 2
Given that Juan and Pilar act as ellos (third person pronoun, plural personal pronoun). The conditional tense would be:

Juan y Pilar querrían estudiar español./ Juan and Pilar would like to study Spanish.

Exercise 4
Step 1
1 of 2
Nombre/ Names:

Beatriz wants to go to Toledo to take architecture photos and eat in restaurants.

Step 2
2 of 2
Given that Beatriz acts as ella (third person, singular personal pronoun); the conditional tense would be:

Beatriz querría ir a Toledo. Ella tomaría fotos de la arquitectura y comería en restaurantes./ Beatriz would like to go to Toledo. She would take photos of the architecture and eat at restaurants.

Exercise 5
Step 1
1 of 2
Nombres/ Names:
Simón y Fernando/ Simon and Fernando.
Step 2
2 of 2
Given that Simón and Fernando act as ellos (third person pronoun, plural personal pronoun). The conditional tense would be:

Simón y Fernando comprarían cosas. Simón compraría azulejos y Fernando compraría postales./ Simón and Fernando would buy things. Simón would buy tiles and Fernando would buy postcards.

Exercise 6
Step 1
1 of 2
Name/ Nombre:


Marta wants to go see the aqueduct in Segovia.

Step 2
2 of 2
Given that Marta acts as ella (Third person, singular personal pronoun); the conditional tense would be:

Marta vería el acueducto en Segovia./ Marta would see the aqueduct in Segovia.

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