Overview of the Trafficking Problem in Vietnam Essay Example
The Palermo Protocol gave a unique definition of the human trafficking. Article three of the protocol outlines that trafficking in people is an activity that involves recruitment, transportation, transfer, concealing of people using threats, force, deception or coercion as well as the achievement of profits to attain the harmony of an individual possessing the control over another person. The article outlined that human trafficking aims at making them victims of forced labor, sexual exploitation and removal of some of the body organs that belong to the people. This action denies the victims a freedom of movement and facilitates a violation of the human rights in a country. The article added that the recruitment, harboring, transportation and transfer of a child with an aim of exploitation are trafficking actions. According to this protocol, human trafficking h
...as three elements. These elements are the purpose of human trafficking, the means and the actions that facilitate human trafficking.
Vietnam is a country that borders with China to the North, Cambodia to the southwest, Malaysia, and Laos to the northwest (Wilcox, 2010). The culture and the religion of the people who live in Vietnam differ with that of the Asian culture. A unique characteristic of this country is that Vietnam has the best tourist destinations. The country has an incredible history that concerns its food, unique culture, and fantastic sceneries (Verrone, 2005, pg 120). Human trafficking is a common problem in this country. Vietnam is a country where men, women, and children are subjects to sex trafficking and incidences of forced labor. The government of this country takes the responsibility of making interventions that helps in reducing human trafficking by passin
ant-trafficking legislations that reducing this problem. The response offers a solution to this problem.
Overview of the Trafficking Problem
The problem of human trafficking in Vietnam involves transportation of men, women, and girls for a purpose of sexual and labor exploitation in countries such as Taiwan, Malaysia, South Korea, Laos, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, and China. Coercion of the victims of this problem entails the use debt oppression, intimidations of banishment, travel, seizure of the travel and identity documents. Individuals enter into actions of prostitutions either voluntarily or by force. Vietnam citizens fall into this temptations of being a victim because of their migration to search for work opportunities. They look for jobs in construction, agriculture, mining, logging, fishing and the manufacturing sectors in the nearby countries. State-united companies and the private labor export companies organize the migration of the Vietnam citizens by coercing them to sign contracts in languages that they do not understand make excess charges on these people. The situation makes the migrants to possess high debts that belong to the Asian workers. As a result, the Asian workers force the migrants to become vulnerable to debt bondage and forced labor.
Moreover, fraudulent labor opportunities tend to subject most of the Vietnam women and children to forced prostitution. Fraudulent marriages are common in China, Singapore and in Europe. People from are the primary victims of human trafficking because of amounting economic problems (Micheline, 2009, pg 55). These problems include poverty, internal conflicts, rising inflation, an increase in trade deficits and a weakening currency, physical and mental health issues and threats of HIV/AIDS.
In Vietnam, human trafficking is a double activity. This activity may be internal or internal. The
internal trafficking in people involves sexual and labor exploitation of the Vietnamese by other people from the same country. External human trafficking involves the movement of the victims from Vietnam to other countries. The most common external transportation of people from Vietnam involves human trafficking to China, Cambodia, Malaysia and other European countries.
Human trafficking is intensive in Vietnam because of various demographic and economic factors that determine the level of involvement of the women, children and newborns from Vietnam in human trafficking. A country like China has a high level of female deficit and bride prices. China accounts for seventy percent of the full women who participate in human trafficking from Vietnam. This situation makes men from this country to look for women from other willing countries for social interests. Rural women from Vietnam encounter social pressure for marriage and deliver their children. This situation makes women to look for alternatives that help in solving these problems. Other factors that increase the level of involvement of the Vietnam citizens in human trafficking activities are the rate of development in communication and communication networks.
Another reason why human trafficking is adamant in Vietnam is the existing number of women moving from Vietnam to Cambodia leaving their children vulnerable to human trafficking. These children are stateless and vulnerable to exploitation. Citizens from Cambodia perceive women from Vietnam to be beautiful and active people. The perception increases the demand for Vietnamese migrants. Research shows that more than fifty percent of the victims of human trafficking in Cambodia come from A Giang province in Vietnam. However, trafficking in persons takes place among the citizens that belong to the same country
i.e. Vietnam. Rich people put the middle class and the poor citizens of Vietnam into sexual and labor exploitation. This activity is common in places such as Hanoi, Hue, Da Nang, Da Lat and Hai Phong.
Continued actions of human trafficking made the government of Vietnam issue interventions that give solutions to this problem.
The government passed ant-trafficking legislation and a nation action plan that will take five years of performance (Wilcox, 2010, pg 209). The Vietnam’s penal code defines child labor and trafficking as a criminal activity that accounts to a criminal justice. In 2010, the Vietnam’s National Supreme Court reported a prosecution of two hundred and seventy-four cases of sex trafficking. These crimes include human smuggling and child abduction. The court charges for those who participated in sex trafficking include a fifteen-year sentence to prison.
Another important solution to this problem is the administration of protection strategies by the Vietnam government that protects the victims of human trafficking. Additional victim protection plans in the current anti-trafficking law ensure full protection of the victims of sexual exploitation. In addition, prevention is a solution to this problem. The Vietnam’s Prime Minister made an approval of a new national plan of Action on human trafficking that will take five years starting from its approval on January 2012. Training and implementation of law enforcement officials, border guard officials and social workers on trafficking helps Vietnam to curb out this problem.
According to the U.S. Department of State, Vietnamese government should adopt the following measures to minimize incidences of human trafficking. The government should supplement its new anti-trafficking law with additional measures that ensure the implementation of a criminal code to disallow
all types of trafficking in people and outline meaningful unauthorized charges. The government should administer criminal prosecutions to the people that tolerate forced labor and participate in the recruitment of other people with an aim of conducting forced labor or incidences of fraudulent labor recruitment.
The Vietnamese government should develop strategies for identifying their migrant workers that are subject to forced labor and issue them with victim services. These services should include protection from punishment whenever they protest for better labor conditions or any job insecurity.
Data collection strategies are necessary actions by the Vietnamese government that can help in solving the problem of human trafficking. The government should make an efficient data collection procedure and administer data sharing to enhance the collection of reliable information about human trafficking and forced labor. The action should include an ant-trafficking awareness campaign that helps in transmission of information about human trafficking in the country. The campaign transfers knowledge to the citizens about the consequences of human trafficking and educates them on the best strategies for solving this problem.
Research shows that lack of an awareness accounts for more than forty percent of citizens involvement in the human trafficking (Taylor, 2012 pg 116). Creation of an awareness campaign should involve implementations of seminars and exhibitions that help in educating the citizens on the need for staying away from activities that predispose them to temptations of human trafficking. The campaigns should ensure full engagement of all the victims of human trafficking and encourage them to try other ways of surviving in rather than participating in trafficking in person activities.
The Vietnamese government should take an initiative of adopting measures that help the country
to increase its efforts to protecting its workers that visit countries such as China and Cambodia. These two major countries enjoy labor and sexual exploitation of the people in Vietnam. The government can accomplish this mission by ensuring availability of jobs opportunities within the country so that women and children may not go abroad to look for jobs. The efforts by the government should be comprehensive to assist both male and female victims of sexual and labor trafficking. They provide ideas on how these people can evade incidences that predispose them to labor trafficking and provide measures for coping with challenges related to human trafficking.
Another critical opinion for solving the problem of human trafficking is increasing the capabilities of laborers to enjoy an active, lawful compensation from labor trafficking. It is advisable for the government of Vietnam to provide resources and materials that help the victims of labor trafficking to resume to their normal way of life after withdrawing from being labor trafficking. Forced labor makes drags behind the progress of these victims by giving them little or no compensation for their work. Therefore, the government of Vietnam should administer strategies that issue material and financial benefits from the government that help these victims to meet their survival requirements. Administration of these recommendations will assist the Vietnamese government to reduce the number of citizens who suffer from human trafficking and acquire significant progress in economic development.
Trafficking in persons is one of the socioeconomic challenges facing the Vietnamese government. It undermines the recognition of the human rights because of massive sexual and labor exploitation that takes place on the citizens. Therefore, the government should implement the
above actions to curb out human trafficking. The government should enhance protection of the citizens, prosecution of the human traffickers and adopt strategies that promote prevention of human trafficking. The above recommendations are of great importance in this country.
- Micheline Lessard. (2009). "Cet ignoble trafic": The Kidnapping and Sale of Vietnamese Women and Children in French Colonial Indochina, 1873-1935. Michigan State University Press.
- Taylor, S. C., Torpy, D. J., & Das, D. K. (2012). Policing global movement: Tourism, migration, human trafficking, and terrorism. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
- Verrone, R. B., & Calkins, L. M. (2005). Voices from Vietnam: eye-witness accounts of the war, 1954-1975. Newton Abbot: David & Charles.
- Wilcox, W., & Cornell University. (2010). Vietnam and the West: New approaches. Ithaca: Cornell University, Southeast Asia Program.
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