On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl Essay Example
On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl Essay Example

On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (435 words)
  • Published: May 26, 2017
  • Type: Paper
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Meeting the most perfect girl or boy suitable to your likings is a very rare situation when on a busy street. However, the narrator in this short story has no problem seeing this girl, because she stands out, in his eyes, even in a very narrow side street.

Unfortunately, he misses the opportunity to meet her and expresses his regret through memories. In the short story, “On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning”, Haruki Murakami, the author, uses symbolism and time to show his understanding of a perfect match. Throughout the story, the author moves from past tense to present tense, and the other way around.He mostly recalls the past, where he met the girl but he did not have the courage to approach her. He constantly regrets his actions from


the past, “that is what I should have said to her.

” First, he encounters the girl and realizes she is the perfect girl for him. As he talks to someone about it, he regrets the fact that he did not converse with her and believes this is a sad story that he regrets from the past. The unnamed narrator also reminds the reader about his story, which is also in the past. The unnamed narrator also uses symbolism to show his “perfect girl” understanding.He missed seeing her as they walk in their different directions, “walking east to west, and I walking west to east. ” He sees the occasion as fate, but he missed it, mentioning an “antique clock.

” The clock symbolizes time and the desire to turn back time. Time also reflects the past and present in the

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narrator’s life, along with his regrets from the past. Murakami mentions the scent of roses and purity during the encounter of the perfect girl. Roses are a symbol of love and beauty, and when he passes by the flower shop, she is like a rose to him. Her “white sweater” resembles the purity and clarity that he needs in his life.The letter that she has written, although having no stamp, completely interests him and compells him to think he is the stamp, which is the missing part of the envelope.

Overall, the reason for writing such a bittersweet story is to show that life is not perfect. In this story, by Haruki Murakami, the author portrays his thoughts about the perfect match by including symbolism and time. The story is very realistic, which it is why it is so powerful. The story relates to the dark part of life where things do not work out, and you miss ideal opportunities.

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