My Philosophy Essay Example
My Philosophy Essay Example

My Philosophy Essay Example

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  • Pages: 1 (244 words)
  • Published: December 3, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Mahatma Gandhi's famous quote encourages living each day as if it were the last and continuously seeking knowledge throughout life: "Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever."

My philosophy centers on three principles: valuing hard work and persistence, recognizing personal accomplishments regardless of size or scope, and believing that every individual has a purpose in life and unique talents to make positive contributions to society.

My belief is that experiencing positive emotions comes from exerting oneself, attaining triumph, and receiving recognition. I place emphasis on personal responsibility and self-sufficiency; individuals who choose not to earn their income do not merit any advantages. Furthermore, I value acknowledging my ac


complishments and upholding my own value highly.

According to me, to attain triumph in life, it is crucial to possess self-respect and take pride in one's work. To gain the admiration of others, it is imperative to have authentic respect for oneself initially. I prefer assigning achievable but ambitious objectives before starting a project and feeling proud of my accomplishments even if I fail to meet every goal. In my perspective, each individual has a purpose on this planet irrespective of their job profile being related to healing ailments or conserving the surroundings – an idea mistakenly held by many.

According to me, each individual has a reason for existence, whether it is healing illnesses or rendering assistance to someone stranded on the side of the road.

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