Mk 3010 Chpater 9 exam – Flashcards
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Henri started his own business insurance software firm. He has no budget for marketing research but wants to keep track of what his competitors are doing. Henri's best option, using a "shoestring budget," to research this problem would be to:
visit competitor's Web sites.
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Felicia is the new Southeastern U.S. sales representative for Cemex, a giant global cement company. Without spending much money, she would like to identify geographic areas with the largest potential growth in demand for her company's product. She will most likely use:
census data.
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From charitable giving to medical records to Internet tracking, consumers are more anxious than ever about:
preserving their right to privacy.
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The Marketing Research Process follows five steps, and in order to be effective they must be followed in order without omitting any steps.
FALSE- Researchers may go back and forth between the five steps as needed, perhaps using results from one study to guide design of another study related to the same objectives and needs.
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Briena is looking at the results of a syndicated study conducted two years ago. Briena is looking at primary data.
FALSE- Data collected in advance of the current project is secondary data.
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Quentin is in a group of eight to twelve people and is being asked questions by a trained moderator. Quentin is part of an in-depth interview group.
FALSE- Quentin is part of a focus group.
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When companies store information on customers' purchase histories in large computer files, this is known as data warehousing.
TRUE- Firms store large amounts of customer data in data warehouses, for use in reporting and data mining.
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When presenting the results of marketing research to a client, it is acceptable to omit some research data that contradicts the client's expectations in order to improve the chances of being hired again.
FALSE- The American Marketing Association includes among its ethical guidelines a prohibition of misrepresenting or omitting pertinent research data.
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In the marketing research process, data collection happens after research design.
TRUE- Before data is collected, the research should be designed to ensure that data collection is conducted in a way that will suit the research needs and objectives.
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