Isolation Elizabeth Essay Example
Isolation Elizabeth Essay Example

Isolation Elizabeth Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (919 words)
  • Published: August 19, 2017
  • Type: Case Study
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The impact of isolation can have both positive and negative effects, depending on the situation. It is important to occasionally take time for solitude in order to mature emotionally and reflect on our thoughts. In a world with a large population, reconnecting with our own needs, goals, beliefs, values, and feelings becomes essential. However, individuals who never form connections with others should be considered warning signs that they have turned against themselves in some way.

Understanding the impact of emotional and social isolation on relationships and marriages is crucial. Seeking help through therapy and considering the medical perspective on isolation are also important considerations. Emotional isolation often involves withdrawing emotionally from others and being unable to receive support. Individuals experiencing this may feel numb or shut down and struggle to communicate with others. This behavior is commonly observed among siblings, family members,


friends, and even adults.

Reflecting back on childhood punishments where we were isolated from other children without much communication serves as an example of such behavior.The text emphasizes the impact of disciplinary methods on children's development and suggests alternative approaches.It highlights that as children, being placed in time out seemed preferable to getting hit for misbehaving;however,it taught them to suppress their emotionsThe questioning of parents' role and their use of non-affected communication to make children conform is raising concerns among adults. This lack of freedom for expressing negative emotions can result in fear, insecurity, anxiety, confusion, anger, resentment, and low self-esteem. Punishments like time out are ineffective in promoting emotional communication; instead, they create future problems. Thus, it is necessary to brainstorm better outcomes for families. One suggestion is to utilize positive reinforcement and conditioning

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through encouragement. A potentially effective strategy could involve removing privileges such as toys or electronics when misbehavior occurs.

In a revised update in 2000 on wmwawareparen'ting.Com by Althea Jolter, it was emphasized that teaching children to use silence or isolation as a means of control is unnecessary. "We do not need to withdraw our love and isolate children in order to teach them appropriate behavior." It is crucial to acknowledge that feelings of isolation can develop from early childhood experiences or exposure to certain environments. This may lead to physical separation from others or a limited number of close friendships resulting in extended periods spent at home and avoidance of social contact. When contact does occur, these interactions tend to be superficial.The absence of meaningful and intimate relationships can both stem from and contribute to emotional or psychological difficulties. Feelings such as depression, inadequacy, anxiety, or fear can cause isolation, which further intensifies loneliness and negatively affects self-perception. While relationships are essential for well-being, they can also trigger negative thoughts and emotions. Overcoming the cycle of isolation is challenging but crucial for recovering from emotional stress. Throughout life, all living beings form bonds in various ways.

A study conducted at the University of Chicago Medical Center on September 29th, 2009 found that social isolation exacerbates cancer growth in mice.'s report on research using mice as models for studying human breast cancer supports this notion by stating that a negative social environment like isolation increases tumor development. This scientific evidence confirms that the stress caused by being isolated can potentially lead to various health problems and other hazards.

However, it is often overlooked that when alone, we become

our own worst enemy. Feeling isolated within marriage or other close relationships can create issues such as infidelity, addictions, dishonesty, abuse, or other negative behaviors that ultimately leave one feeling unsatisfied.The first step towards addressing the problem of isolation is to identify its root causes. Couples can work together to overcome fears and transform dysfunctional behaviors, in order to keep intimacy alive. Every marriage or relationship requires a plan to combat isolation and promote closeness. Isolation acts like a virus that silently infiltrates relationships, often becoming noticeable too late. Therapy can address the emotional and physiological issues associated with isolating behaviors.

It is important to note that sometimes both types of isolation may not be a conscious choice; individuals who desire friendships and connections may still experience social or emotional isolation due to various reasons such as lack of knowledge, dysfunctional patterns, or fear and anxiety hindering new relationships. Seeking help from a couples therapist can enhance connection levels within a relationship.

Although isolation itself is not considered a diagnosis, it often indicates depression. Individuals with social anxiety or agoraphobia tend to isolate themselves by definition. Moreover, those with personality disorders like schizoid personality or autism may lack the desire for social interaction. Other personality traits such as narcissism, borderline personality, and antisocial personality can also impede social skills. Personality disorders are common characteristics that can lead to isolationAccording to a study conducted by researchers, individuals who have less human interaction tend to live happier and longer lives compared to those who do not. Therefore, it is recommended for individuals experiencing isolation and emotional withdrawal to consult their physician first in order to rule out any underlying

issues. If the doctor confirms there are no health concerns, it is essential to prioritize making a small effort to interact with others. This becomes even more important when considering the increased risk of premature death associated with living a socially isolated lifestyle. According to an article titled "The Danger of Social Isolation" by Tract Watson on March 26, 2013 obtained from www.Red.Com, individuals who experienced the highest levels of social isolation faced a 26% higher risk of mortality.

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