It is the weekend you have nothing to do so you decide to play around on your computer .
You turn it and than start up , calling people with your modem , conneciting to another world
with people. This is all fine but what happens when you start getting into other peoples
computer files , then it becomes a crime and who are the criminals. To begin i will start
with hacking and hackers.
Hacking is the act of breaking into computers and network of other poeples with out
any permission . Hacking is like drugs or any other substance , its an addiction for the mind
and once started it is diffucult to stop . Hacker is a person who enjoy learning details of a
programming language or system , who tries to break into computer systems .There is two
types of hackers. On is the benign
...hackers , who likes get into his or her own computer and
understand how it works . The malicious hackers is the person who likes getting into other
peoples system . Black hat is used to discribe a hacker who break into a computer system
or network with malicious intent . Unlike white hat , the black hat takes advantage of the
break in perhaps destroying files or stealing data for some future purpose. White hat hackers
describes a hacker who identifies a security weakness in a computer system or network but
instead of taking malicious advantage of it . They will allow the systems owners to fix it
before can be taken advantage by others . But U.S law does not see differences between black
hat hacker and white hat hacker.
Many of the poeple in our society today often think that computer
hackers are very smart
individuals who have special talents and abilities and enabiling them to crack passwords ,
send viruses , cancel your cable tv , raid your social security and crash computer systems.
Most people in our society do not spend the time to break into computer systems but all
studies indicate that hackers are genarlly young and not haave full time jobs or own property
They have so much time and energy to break into computers. Hackers learn hacking from
reading different kind of computer books , they find many available tools on the internet ,
they spend so much time on the computer to learn the techniques of hacking . Some of the
hackers hack for to gain highest prestige within the comunity. Some of them hack just for fun,
more they hack more fun they have . Hacking is just another way to recieve a build up of
adranaline in the body. They also gain great deal of power from learning confidential
information. Hacking involves accumulation of knowledge which is accompanied by the
greater status and power . Some of the hackers say that they only punish people an companies
that they do not like and to show weakness of companies which have poor security. Some feel
that if they put others down they will elevate to higher level. Most of the young hackers do
not know the implication of what they are doing , they do not consider that if they do get into
a system and start to hack they could costs the company thousands millions of dollars. Every
computer proffesionals have made mistakes thatr has caused the loss of data , service and
money but some hackers have never been in real situation to understand this
issue. These
people are displaying situational morailtiy.
Many professionals argue that the cause why hackers hack is about the same as any other
criminal. It mostly has to deal with their familes and friends and the enviroment they grew
up in. I agree with professionals at this point and belive that the issue goes back to how they
are raised . I am not saying that these people have bad parents . I think that while parents go
around telling their children not to use drugs or any other substance , to study hard in school,
probably they do not their children not to break other peoples computer systems or hacking
is bad and illegal. Information security professions must be more visible in a way that set
children before the hackers community sets them . They get together to teach children about
hacking before somebody else does.
Some hackers are not really terrorist in a way they help companies find out flows in their
systems. And real hackers do not delete or destroy any information on the system they hack.
Best hackers end up with high-paying security consulting jobs because of their expertise.
Hackers may use any types of systems to access information depending on way they intend
on doing in the system. The methods hackers use attack your machine or network are fairly
simple. If hacker experienced and smart he will use telnet to access shell on other machine so
that the risk of cought is lower than doing it using their onw system. A hacker scan vulnerable
system by using a demon dialer which will redial a number repeatedly until a connection is
made. Or use wardialer , is an application that uses a modem to dial thousands random phone
numbers to find
another modem connected to a computer. Hackers also use the Net to share
lists of vulnerable IP addresses- the unique location of internet connected computers with
unpatched security holes.
Once hacker find a machine , he uses a hacker tool such as Whistler to identify in less than
a second what operating system the machine is using and whether any unpatched holes exist
in it . Whistler also provide a list of exploits the hacker can use to take advantage of these
holes. Once hacker crack into a system , his next goal is to get root , or give himself the
highest level of access on the machine. The hacker can use little-known commands to get or
can search the documents in the system s hard drive for a file or e-mail message that contains
the system adminstrators password. Hacker can create legistimate user account and log in
whenever he wants without attracting attention. He can also alter or delete system logs to
erase any evidence such as command lines that he gained access to the
Software always has bugs , system adminstrators and programmers can never eliminate all
possible software vulnerabilities. Hackers find a hole to break in. Hackers also crach
passwords. Cracking password is coming very easy to hackers because most of the people use
the names of themselves , their children , pet or car model as their passwords. so smart hackers
easily crack their passwords. Or hacker use a program that will try every possible word in the
dictionary. hacker usually have a copy of the english dictionary as well as foreign language
dictionaries for this purpose. Hackers main goals is to hide evidence of the attacks and
make sure they can get back in again. One of the
other main attcak is DOS attacks but do not
involve breaking into a system or network unusable. It can be local or network based and
have always been diffucult to defend against. A firewall (is a program which stops other
connection s from different servers to the firewall server) can not prevent all of these attacks
because some of the attacks are outside the firewall and they are all diffucult to distinquish
from normal traffic.The effects of these attacks were to make sites inaccessible such as
Hackers always find hole in every security systems and they get what they want , they
can travel through the internet without restriciton. One of the hackers who was situated in an
east coast brokage house wa interested in the stocks market so he purchased 100,000 dollars
worth of shares in the stock market. Then he hacked into stocks markets main computer and
stole 80 million dollars.The hacker was cought although 53 million dollars was not recovered
The homepage of United States Air Force was recently hacked and the contents had been
changed . The webpage has been changed completly as the hacker had inserted pornographic
pitures sayingtihs is what are we doing to you and had under the image screwing
you. The hackers have changed it and shown their views on the political system .Kevin
Mitnick who broke into a North America Air Defence command computer , Kevin Paulsen
who cracked goverment and milatary systems of America. Another major hack which was
committed was by a 16 year old boy in Europe. This boy hacked into the British Airforce
and downloaded confidential information on Ballistic missiles. Security experts agree that the
best way to combat these attacks is simply with better security practices or not having
connected to
the internet.
As computer technologies have become more a more integral part of our daily lives , the
perceived govermental / legal responsibility to protect those technologies has increased . It
is quite obvious that the criminal implication of technological advancement have cought
goverments , legal system as well as the public of guard . Bureaucracy is slow , technology is
fast . If they can , it will take time for the public regulatory system to catch up. There are many
legal diffuculties that the goverment and the courts have to work through concerning computer
crime regulation in order to for the law to be effective while many computer crimes are
variations an old crime , there are new activities that are just started to be considered criminal .
One example is the case of R.Maclaughlen which had to do with a student who obtained
unothorized access to a computer system and escaped legal consequencesbecause the law did
not have an applicable section. Fitting computer crime into laws is also very diffucult. Another
problem with law is the people that make the law. Legaislators have to be familiar with high-
tech metarials that the hackers are using but most of them know very little about computer
systems. Current law system is unfair ; it tramples over the rights of the individual , and is not
New uses of computer technologies have caused established legal definitions to come under
review. For example , should data be considered property ? Even so there is the realization
that computer crime laws shoul have technologically neutral meanings. Laws thar are not
technologically neutral may become absolete they are even passed. Legal definition also
become an issue when involved regulators have limited understanding of the technologies
through the crimes
can be committed. There is also diffuculty of determining sentences or
penalties for crime committed. Goverment and members of the court have take into
consideration factors as the following .
? the intend of the accused
? the previous record of the offender
? the extent or potential extent of the offence
? appropriate punishment to fit the crime
? the concept of providing to deterrent to the crime act
? compensatioin for the victim in civil cases
What can be considered acceptable evidence in computer crime cases has also come into
question. For example the court have sssumed that agreements or contracts require paper
records. Electronic records to date have been admitted in court cases but the results have been
inconsistent. The federal goverment and the provinces are considering amending their
respective evidence acts to allow the admission of electronic records where the record system
is deemed reliable.U.S law enforcement leaders said the computer attacks were one of the
fastest growing areas of crime.
Computer Emergency Response Team at Carnegic Mellon University has been taking
Internet attacks since 1988. Their statistics reveal an alarming growth in computer attacks:
1989 132
1990 252
1991 406
1992 773
Having knowingly accessed a computer without authorization or exceeding authorized
access , and by means of such conduct having obtained information that has been determined
by the United States Goverment pursuant to an Executive order or statute to require protection
against unauthorized dicslosure for reasons of natinal defense or foreign relations, or any
restricted data , as defined in paragraph y. of section 11 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 ,
with reason to believe that such information so obtained could be used to the injury of the
United States, or to the advantage of any foreign nation willfully communicates , delivers ,
transmits , or
causes to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted, or attempts to
communicate, deliver, transmit or cause to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted thesame
to any person not entitled to receive it , or willfully retains the same and fails to deliver it to tha
officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it;
1) Intantionally access a computer without autohorization or exceeds authorized access.
a) Information from any deparment or agency of the United States; or
b) Information from any protected computer if the conduct involved an interstate or foreign communication
c) Information contained in a financial record of a financial instition , or of a card issuer as defined in section 1602 (n) of title 15, or contained in a file of a consumer reporting agency are defined in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C 1681 et seq)
2) Intantionally, without authorization to access any nonpublic computer of a department or
agency of the United States , accesses such a computer of that department or agency that is
exclusively for such use , is use by or for the Goverment of the United States and such
conduct affects that use by.
3) Knowingly and with intent to defraud, accesses protected computer without authorization
or exceeds authorized access and means of such conduct furthers the intended fraud and
obtains anything of value , unless the object of fraud and the thing obtained consists only of
the use of the computer and the value of such use is not more than 5000 dollars in any 1 year
4) Knowingly causes the transmission of a program , information , code, command, and as a
result of a such conduct, intentionally causes damage without authorization to a protected
5) Knowingly and with the intent
to defraud traffics in any password or similiar information
through which a computer may be accessed without authorization, if such computer is used by
or for the Goverment of the United States.
6) With intent to extort from any person , firm , association , educational institution, financial
institution, goverment entity or other legal entity, any money or other thing of value transmits
in interstate foreign commerce any communication and threat to cause damage to protected
computer shall be punished.
In U.S.A. law , computer tampering penalties range from 500 dollars and 15 years in prison
depanding on the damage to the computer system.Computer fraud penalties are up to 7 years in
prison.Computer hackers also can be charged under federal law if the criminal activity stretches
over state lines , penalties up to 250,000 dollars and 1 year in prison for the first offence.
Original hackers ethics was sort of informal ethical code developed by the original hackers
in the 50s and 60s.These hackers were the firt generation of programers.The ethics reflects
their ideology of the liberatory power of technology. These hackers were moraly thinkers
computer software and hardware. The first ethic code is Hands on Inperative: access to
computer and remove barriers between people and goverment and understanding of technology.
Information wants to be free: the computer has been in the hands of goverment and big
buisnesses. Goverment activities , corprate crime , illegitimate information needs to be
dissaminated. And hackers want to know when the goverment is killing people and they also
said everyone have right to gain information about goverment. Mistrust Authority: hackers
always shown distrust toward large institution coroperations. And they said PCs power move
away from large organizations to hands of individuals.No bogud Criteria: Hackers should be
judged by their hacking not
by bogus criteria such as race , age , sex or position. You can
create truth and beauty on a computer : Hacking is equated eith artistry and creativity. This
element of the ethos raises to the level of philosphy (as opposed to simple pragmatism) which
is about hummanitys search for the good , the true and the beautifiul. Without question , good
programing hacking is art and as withart each person has their own signature and style.
Computer can change your life for the better : The world of cyber space is more real than the
real world itself. Because it is only within the virtual world that people are really to be free
themselves , to speak without fear , to paricipate in a dialogue where one is judged by the
merits of their words , not the color of their skin or the timbre of their voice.
Ethical principle of hsckers ethics suggest it is ethical duty of hackers to remove barriers ,
pwer and create things by using computers. Now there is new hackers ethics which developed
by 90s hackers. Above all else , do not harm : do not damage computers , data if it possible
hack must be safe , not damage anything and anyone ( physically or mentally). Leave no trace :
do not leave trail or trace of your computer presence, , keep quite , keep low profile. Hackers
have to protect other hackers from being cought or loosing access. Share informaiton do not
hide. Just because it wants to be free does not mean you must give it to as many people as
possible. Protect privacy : people have a right to privacy , which means control over their own
personal information. The
concept of privacy is something that is very important to a hacker.
Hackers know how fragile privacy is in todays world. Exceed Limitation : hacking is about the
continual transcendence of problem limitations. Telling something can not be done , is a moral
imperative for him to try. Hacking always seeks to surpass current limits. Limitations must be
overcome , for some hackers these kimitations might be unjust laws or outdated moral codes
Hackin help security : hacking is a positive force because it shows people how to mend weak
security or in some cases to recognize and accept that total security is unattainable without
drastic sacrifice.This ethical principle seems to be agreed upon by some menbers of the
industry . Trust but test : you must constantly test the integrity of system and find ways to
improve them . Do not leave maintenance and schematics to others , understand fully the
system you use or which affect you. If you can exploit certain systems (such as the telephone
network) in ways that their creators never intended or anticipated , thats all to the better. This
could help them create better system
Hackers ethics changes because computer are more powerful , more distributed , more
important now. Hackers ethics unnoticed before because fiddling with larger complex system
was so diffucult until recently. There have always thinkers but their explorations were very
local. We live in yhe age of computers. Everything is controled by massive mainframes
(electricity , water distribution , telephone systems). Also society has changed , old hackers
lived in a society which was based on trust and honesty thats why their behaviours was
different. Computer cominity is driven now not by knowledge but for money. Generation
changed too. Hackers are more pessimiste ,
thoughtless more careless and more self-centered.
I tihnk the truth of the matter is everyone has their own hacker ethics.
No one plans to arrested but the hackers have several rules that they apply when they are
arrested.They do not try to convince the officer of their innocence it is useless. Because they do
not care hackers are innocent or not . It is the job of the judge or jury to free hackers if he is
right . Hackers must keep quite because police will ask questions. Don not give permission to
search anywhere. If law enforcement ask , it probably means they do ont believe they have
the right to search and need your consent. If the police are searching your home or computer
do not look at the places you wish they would not search . Do not react to the search at all , and
especially not to questions like who does this belongs to Hackers do not belive what
the police tell them in order to get them talk. The law permits them to lie to a suspect in
order to get him to make admission. For example they will seperate two firends who have ben
arrested and tell the first one that second one sequealed on him. The first one then sequeals on
the second though in the truth second one never said anything . If at home , never invite the
police inside nor should you step outside. If the police believe you have committed a felony ,
they usually need an arrest warrant to go into your home to arrest you. Probably they have not
got warrant to enter or to arrest you in your home. And if the hacker arrested outside their
do not accept any offers to let him go inside to get dressed , change their clothes , get
jacket , call your wife or any other reason. The police will of cource escort you inside and then
search everywhere they want without any warrant .
I give some information in my research paper about hacking , hackers and about their world
I try to understand who are the hackers , how their mentality work and their lifestyle and also
goverment regulations against these smart indivuduals. nformation security professions must
be more visible in a way that get children before the hackers community gets them . They get
together to teach parents and schools and also they must teach children about hacking and
hackers before somebody else does. And also goverment takes to find a way to stop hackers. If
the goverment does not hurry up they are going to get buried by hackers and when that
happens the world will not be a fun places to live in and aslo the cyberspace.
Cert Coordination Center Computer Crime in todays Society
Retrieved: November 10, 2000 from the World Wide Web:
http:// www.cert.org//
Choas Computer Club ( januvary 05 , 1995 ) Hacker Bible
The New Hackers Dictionary ( online education )
Retrieved November 10 , 2000 from the Worl Wide Web
A non-technical artical from business web zine about Distrbuted Denial Service Attacks:
http://www.cert.org/advisories /Ca-99-17-denial-of-service-tools.html
Tool from the FBIs National Infrastructure Protection Center :
The Criminal Heroes Of Cyberspace And Law That Apply Against Their Attacks
The internet is one of the newest form and effective tools of technology. The world would
be lost without it. Millions of people would be using the internet to share information , make
new association and communicate. From individuals and students
to businesses and journalist
using the internet to share information. The internet would allow people to send and receive
data , notes , messages , documents , pictures.
But there is considerable drawback of the internet . The problem is hackers , they have
tremendous knowledge on the subject and use it to steal confidential informaiton for the sake
of fun or profit and they use computer technology as a weapon. It is called cyber terrorism ,
they threat the global security.People who are responsible from their informaiton security on
the internet try to improve their systems , find new ways to protect their informaitons against
hackers. But hackers are still making trouble and breaking in the computer systems. Hacking
is presenting problems for companies , universities and law-enforcement officials in every
industry country.
Why do hackers go through all the trouble to do what they do ? Why they spend so much
of their time and energy accomplishing these feats of techonlogical wizadary ? What is the
cause that turns those mostly above-avarage intelligent people to purpose a criminal career ,
and destroy their otherwise very succesful career ? why do hey commit these computer related
crimes as an obession. What they want ? I try to find answers to these questions.
Information on hacking and hackers can be found in several popular magazines and
through web sources. However , it is hard to find books on hacking and hackers available at
libraries. I will mainly use the internet and it will play the biggest part in my paper. I will use
popular search engines , online journals and magazines, and databases to conduct my internet
research. Once all the source are gathered i will carefully read through each one and highlight
significant parts that
will be used in the research paper.
The Criminal Heroes Cyberspace And Law That Apply Against their Attacks
I The nightmares of our computer and their mentality
A Who are hackers and reasons for their attacks
B - How they hack the systems
II Preventive systems that apply to the hackers and rules of hacking
A -- U.S.A goverment precoution against hackers
B Hackers ethics and their defence against US law
/ Pages : 7,049 / 24
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