ENGLISH FAIRY TALE ADAPTATION SPEECH You will all be familiar with the fairy tale of the three little pigs, were in the fairy tale the pigs are cute and cuddly, and the wolf is big and bad. But what if we looked at it from a different point of view? What if the three little wolves were cute and cuddly and the pig is big and bag? These questions, Members of the committee, will be answered if you choose to include modern adaptations of fairy tales in our anthology of literature. Adaptations of classic fairytales provide responders with an entertaining insight into the ways that society has changed.Adaptations convey prevailing ideologies, often modernizing settings, attitudes and values. Contemporary responders are therefore appealed too these modernisations. Since 1697 there have been numerous adaptations of Charles Perrault’s origin
...al tale Little Red Riding Hood.
With each new adaptation it is obvious that attitudes towards women have markedly changed. Angela Carter writing the late 1990’s will obviously put a female spin on the tale because she is a female author and a product of her time.The Grimm Brothers original tale of the three little pigs was a transformed by Euguene Trivaz in 1993 and he clearly employs modern ideas in a contemporary setting. PAUSE In 1697 Charles Perrault wrote the original Little Red Riding Hood. The children’s fable was written with formal yet simple vocabulary such as “this good woman had a little red riding hood made for her”.
This fable gives the responder an insight into the patriarchal attitude of the 17th Century giving the impression that women are submissive and “weaker” than men. PAUSEIn the early 19th
Century the Grimm Brothers wrote an adaptation from Perrault’s original children’s novel titled “Little Red Cap”. Seems as though the acquiescent view on women had not greatly changed neither had the majority of the plot. Yet the only major changes depicted in this appropriation was that a male character in the fable saves little red cap, as well as showing inner thoughts of little red cap showing her insecurity. This again forces upon the reader the stereotypical view of a dominant male which was still strongly prominent in the 1800’s.
PAUSE In the 20th Century a mere 13 years ago a female author Angela Carter wrote a contemporary appropriation of little red riding hood named THE WEREWOLF.. This appropriation has changed immensely from the original of Perrault’s. In Carters version she has altered the theme, setting and content of the fairy tale fable to a Gothic tale that is aimed to target an adult and more intellectual age demographic.
Carter uses iconic and dark figures such as Vampires and references to the devil.Also this adaptation differs from the original again with the use of more complex vocabulary to show vivid descriptions of the gloomy setting and content such as “In the house, there is a crude icon of a virgin behind a guttering candle, the leg of a pig hung up to cure, a string of drying mushroom”. This appropriation of the fable also deviates away from the submissive views of women from the preceding versions showing, the updated views on women in the 20th Century largely because of the author Angela Carter being female. PAUSEIn 2005, Jim Garner wrote: Little red Riding hood a POLITICALLY
CORRECT FAIRY TALE. This appropriation of Little Red Riding hood uses humour to mock the politically correct views of the time.
Garner employs changes through language, context, setting and humour to do this. The change from Little Red riding hood bringing her grandmother “A basket of Fresh Fruit and mineral water” instead of a “cake and little pot of butter” uses the 21st Century ideology of a “healthy person” being a necessity, this is to appeal to a modern audience.Also much like the views and attitudes towards women seen in Carters Appropriation, Garner makes changes in his adaptation to fit in with modern beliefs and principles. Garner shows this in major as well as minor but effective changes, The simple change of spelling woman with a YN instead of the traditional spelling with the word finishing with man illustrates this.
These changes that Garner uses satires the politically correct views of the 21st Century, using humour and modern themes to differ the from the original, to give the responder and insight into the time and to appeal to a contemporary audience.PAUSE When the Grimm Brothers wrote The Three little pigs and the Big Bad Wolf in the early 19th Century there main aim was to communicate a moral within their children’s fable. The moral of the original tale was that people should be forward thinking and prudent in life. In the modernization by Euguene Trivaz he depicts a moral of nature and beauty as being more powerful than bricks and mortar.
In an age of greater concern for the environment this is obviously very appropriate.It is the house made of flowers that persuade the “Big
Bad Pig” to change his behaviour and by doing so finding new friends. Thus this modern adaptation addresses modern issues through transforming the setting. Traviz achieves this by having the three little pigs defences as “a barbed wire fence, heavy metal pad locks and plexi glass”.
When the big bad pig tries to enter the second house made of concrete he communicates through a “video entrance phone” these modern day appliances creates a more applicable and modern text.These changes enhance the experience of the reader, providing entertainment and humour. PAUSE So I put to you members of the committee that in this post modern world the question WHAT IF? Characterizes the arts. Therefore members of this committee I strongly erge to you to consider the inclusion of fairy tale appropriations in our anthology of literature. As they show the prevailing ideologies, settings, attitudes and values of the time they were written in as well as illustrating the evolution of language and humour. Thank-you
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