Explaining the global issues of environment and health Essay Example
Explaining the global issues of environment and health Essay Example

Explaining the global issues of environment and health Essay Example

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  • Pages: 15 (4066 words)
  • Published: August 3, 2017
  • Type: Research Paper
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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the global concerns surrounding the environment and health, underscoring their worldwide importance and effects on human beings. The utmost significance of both health and the environment cannot be overemphasized, as their adverse outcomes may endanger the survival of the entire population.

This paper aims to explore the global significance of the relationship between the environment and wellness, highlighting various issues that impact both environments. It will provide examples to illustrate their effects on local and global concerns, emphasizing their interconnectedness. Recommendations for addressing these issues will also be offered, recognizing the importance of addressing environmental problems to effectively tackle worldwide health challenges. A comprehensive study utilizing online sources, personal knowledge, academic articles, and media coverage will be conducted to gain a deeper understanding of these issues. Consideri


ng our existence on this planet is greatly influenced by our surroundings, it is crucial to consider how the environment affects us.

The environment encompasses both living and non-living entities (Princeton Online Dictionary, 2010). Various problems, such as pollution and global warming, have adverse consequences for both human and animal life (Oracle, 2010). This paper will focus on these two issues amongst many others affecting the environment. The initial concern is pollution, which refers to the negligent disposal of harmful substances in soil, air, and water (Earth 911, 2010).

This paper focuses on two forms of pollution: land/soil pollution and water pollution. Land pollution occurs when waste products are irresponsibly disposed of on the Earth's surface, leading to negative consequences. This issue is prevalent worldwide, making it challenging to find an area devoid of land pollution indicators. Despite efforts aimed at environmental preservation, some

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individuals still overlook the importance of safeguarding the Earth. Littering, agriculture, and landfills have all been identified as contributors to land pollution (Oracle, 2010), each with their own detrimental effects on the environment. Determining which source causes the most harm poses a challenge due to their unique impacts.

Despite their differences, all forms of pollution have a detrimental effect on the environment and the people in affected countries. Water pollution specifically refers to the contamination of Earth's organic structure surrounding water. It is worrisome to acknowledge that both land and sea are impacted by pollution, creating an ongoing cycle of contamination. Furthermore, it is disheartening that despite the collective efforts of many individuals, this issue will never be entirely eradicated from our planet. Considering the slow progress being made, it will require a lifetime to restore Earth to its original state.

Both human life and marine life are endangered by H2O pollution, particularly through oil spills and waste disposal practices. The example of the BP oil spill in April serves as an illustration of how spilled oil can profoundly affect marine habitats and humans alike. This incident caused erosion and contamination as the leaked oil came into contact with rocks, gravel, plants, marine habitats, wildlife, and humans. Furthermore, the lasting consequences are even more dire because the residual oil settles on the seafloor, disrupting the essential food chain necessary for successful reproduction of fish and sea animals.

The main worry is the possible long-term consequences of polluted areas on commercial fishing. The higher temperatures resulting from oxygen depletion in the water increase the likelihood of intense hurricanes and disrupted weather patterns (Embach, 2010). This matter is closely connected

to global warming, which Princeton University's online dictionary defines as "a continuous rise in average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere that brings about climate changes" (2010, para.1). Global warming has caused concern and is projected to be even more alarming in the future.

Global warming is caused by multiple factors, including the increased emission of greenhouse gases. The human population has contributed to this problem through activities like burning fossil fuels and other forms of greenhouse gas emissions (National Geographic, 2010). Additionally, there are natural disasters that disrupt people's lives, excluding oil spills, which negatively affect individuals who rely on the fishing industry for their livelihoods.

Environmental Concerns' Global Impact

The aforementioned environmental problems occur globally and transcend specific regions. These issues have a wide-reaching impact and affect the entire Earth.

The issues mentioned have implications for both human life and businesses. BP is a prime illustration as they encountered considerable financial losses due to the oil spill. They had to bear the costs linked to cleaning up the spill, funding the cleanup process, and resolving claims. Consequently, this incident's pollution incurred a significant expense. Manufacturing companies may encounter analogous circumstances depending on their product selections, impacting both their customers and employees.

In conclusion, when a company is accountable for remedying the pollution it caused, there is a decline in revenue and the company's funds become tied up. Consequently, job cuts may be necessary, resulting in reduced production. This decrease in production could also lead to consumers receiving fewer goods than expected from the company. Moreover, the global tourism industry may suffer financial losses as people would understandably avoid visiting polluted locations.

The economic system of these states will suffer negative

impacts as a consequence of the absence of income from tourism. This situation may result in poverty, particularly if the country heavily depends on tourism for financial resources. Moreover, the agricultural sector is heavily affected by this significant climate change since specific temperatures are crucial for the growth of particular crops. Regrettably, with the unpredictable climate patterns, these crops can no longer prosper as anticipated.

This issue is causing difficulties for agricultural companies as it hampers their capacity to harvest and sell their produce punctually. Additionally, they may be investing funds in cultivating crops that do not meet the necessary quality criteria, ultimately resulting in financial losses for the businesses. These consequences not only impact the involved companies but also affect consumers like us by restricting our options. Following a fundamental economic principle, when the supply decreases, prices rise. As a result, this could lead to an increase in individuals globally residing below the poverty threshold.

A report presented to the international coffee council in September highlighted that climate change is affecting the growth of coffee crops, particularly in India. The report stated that global warming has adverse effects on coffee beans, with hot conditions leading to pest infestations and premature maturation. As a result, the quality of Indian coffee beans has declined (Business Line, 2010). This could potentially drive consumers and manufacturers away from purchasing Indian coffee beans. In turn, other coffee bean producers in the region who are not facing these crop issues may raise their prices due to reduced supply.

Local Impact of Environmental Issues on Concern

The local concerns in Grenada are being affected by both land and water pollution. Land pollution, specifically, has a

visible impact during rainfall. The drainage systems become clogged with waste products and soil, leading to the overflow of water onto roads and even into certain businesses. This creates challenges for these establishments to keep running smoothly. The Grand Anse area is particularly affected by this issue. Closure of businesses, especially supermarkets and restaurants, due to these circumstances results in financial losses.

The tourism industry is impacted by an environmental issue, which dissuades tourists from visiting a polluted island and risking exposure to diseases. This decline in tourist arrivals negatively affects the livelihoods of those who rely on tourism. However, if other tourist destinations also become undesirable due to pollution problems, there may be an increase in tourist arrivals. Unlike other destinations, Grenada remains a viable option for tourists. The local manifestations of global warming can be seen through rising temperatures in both the sea and air. Recently, we have witnessed exceptionally high temperatures and a rise in sea levels that threaten marine life. Additionally, the coral reefs in Grenada are undergoing bleaching as a consequence of these increasing temperatures. This issue is not unique to Grenada but instead a shared concern worldwide.

Jason Buchheim, manager of Odyssey Expeditions, cautions that coral reefs could suffer severe consequences due to global climate change. Potential outcomes include more coral bleaching events and the destruction of major reef areas. As a result, numerous coral species may face extinction (Buchheim, 1998). Additionally, rising temperatures contribute to an increase in storms and hurricanes faced by the island. The heat also adversely affects workers by causing fatigue and a lack of energy. Consequently, productivity decreases which can have financial implications for the business.

It is important to note that students are not exempt from the impacts of global warming either; we too experience exhaustion and depletion at the end of each day, making it difficult to complete our work.

Our work is not meeting its potential and as a consequence, we are receiving subpar grades.


Globalhealthaction.net states that health issues go beyond national boundaries and can be influenced by conditions or practices in other countries. These concerns are addressed through collaborative efforts and solutions. According to Princeton University's online dictionary, health is defined as the overall condition of the body and mind, or a state of well-being without illness (2010, para. 1).

The world is currently facing various health issues, including cholera, malaria, enteric fever, AIDS, Tuberculosis, H1N1 influenza, cancer, and dengue fever. Unfortunately, there are many other diseases affecting the Earth and new ones are constantly being discovered. Therefore, we can only hope that doctors in the present and future will make a significant difference by assisting patients with terminal illnesses to extend their lives.
However,a recent report by The Wall Street Journal reveals that US medical schools are not producing enough students to meet the increasing demand caused by a new law requiring more people to have insurance coverage. Projections suggest that within the next 15 years,the US will face a shortage of 150,000 doctors (Wang & Sataline). This raises concerns about what would happen to those who cannot access medical care during an outbreak of disease in the near future. Although having insurance coverage is crucial for healthcare accessibility,it becomes inconsequential if there aren't enough available physicians.

The scarcity of available physicians is a critical concern, regardless of insurance coverage.

Inadequate medical professionals significantly diminish patients' chances of survival. This issue is further aggravated by the fact that the statistics in this article only pertain to the US population, thereby failing to accurately account for those who depend on healthcare within the country. Many individuals originate from countries with extremely limited healthcare options and seek assistance in a location they perceive as offering greater aid. For example, Grenada has a shortage of knowledgeable physicians capable of addressing various global health issues. As a result, individuals affected by uncommon diseases in our region may not receive efficient support from local doctors.

With the global population increasingly seeking medical attention in countries such as the US, healthcare professionals are in short supply, which negatively affects people worldwide. Additionally, the scarcity of prescription drugs is a concerning issue in the healthcare sector. Currently, Canadian states are experiencing an escalation of this problem (Derfel, 2010).

There is currently a shortage of specific prescription medications, such as those used for treating leukaemia and the antibiotic Penicillin. This scarcity has led to consideration of alternative options that may have more adverse effects compared to Penicillin. If the WHO does not take this shortage seriously, it could result in increased fatalities. The article also highlights India and China as primary sources for essential raw materials needed in drug production; however, their reliability as suppliers is questionable. The consequences of these countries being unable to provide necessary materials are uncertain. Another health concern addressed in the article is Dengue fever, which, although less prevalent than the H1N1 virus responsible for a global pandemic two years ago, still had a significant impact.

The reason why dengue fever

is a global concern is due to the ability of disease-carrying mosquitoes to survive in tropical and sub-tropical regions. This means that individuals from outside these areas can also become infected, especially when visiting popular tourist destinations within these regions. Additionally, there are other diseases that can be transmitted in these areas as well. If the dengue mosquito continues to thrive in places like the Caribbean and other tropical/sub-tropical regions, there is an increased likelihood of individuals from non-infected countries being affected. Many individuals opt to travel to these tourist destinations during winter months and have already made their travel arrangements, making it unlikely for them to alter their plans.

Despite not being contagious, dengue fever still poses a risk to others. This can occur if an infected person returns home or if a mosquito carrying the virus bites someone who has not been infected (Incorrect Diagnosis, 2010). Therefore, it is crucial to take necessary precautions for health issues as they directly impact everyone's well-being.

Global Impact of Health Issues

Diseases like dengue fever have various effects worldwide. This is evident in tropical countries and among travelers who have returned home and subsequently fallen ill. Unbeknownst to them, these individuals carry the dengue fever virus which can be transmitted through mosquito bites. The debilitating nature of this disease, often referred to as 'breakbone fever', hinders people from fulfilling their daily tasks and work obligations. One example is seen in clothing manufacturers in Thailand and Vietnam who export products globally.

Imagine if approximately half of their workforce becomes infected by the dengue mosquito. This would surely disrupt production and directly impact the productivity of suppliers. Consequently, both manufacturers and customers

would suffer financial losses. In general, any disease that severely affects individuals' daily routines will ultimately have an impact on businesses. With regards to the decreasing availability of prescription drugs, it implies that people will be unable to obtain the medication they require. This could also mean that certain businesses, which are able to source the necessary materials for producing these drugs, will exploit this situation to maximize their profits. The combination of limited supply and high demand results in increased prices.

For individuals worldwide who are already struggling with terminal illnesses, this may mean that they either cannot afford to purchase the necessary medication and potentially die, or they use whatever money they have to buy the drug and then go without some basic necessities of life. In essence, this would result in living in poverty.

Local Impact of Health Issues

The impact of health issues on Grenada would primarily affect the tourism industry. If there is a pandemic or similar crisis, the likelihood of people traveling to other countries for leisure purposes will be significantly reduced.

Even without a pandemic, epidemic, or endemic, people would be unlikely to want to travel to a country where a disease is spreading. This will, of course, lead to a decrease in the country's revenue since it heavily relies on tourism. If larger countries cannot access medicine, it is just a matter of time before the same problem affects us here. As a small island, we are already experiencing difficulties in obtaining the necessary medicines for the recovery process. So, when the issue of limited medicine arises, we should start worrying about what will happen to us. If these larger countries,

which have much more money than we could ever dream of, struggle to acquire these drugs, then our chances of obtaining limited supplies become even more challenging. It is already challenging in Grenada to find medical practitioners to perform certain surgeries. Therefore, individuals who require medical treatment and travel abroad to receive it will not be able to access the necessary treatment if there is a shortage of medication in larger countries.

Health issues can lead to a decrease in employee productivity. This is especially common during the cold and flu season, when many individuals become infected and are unable to work until they have recovered. Consequently, the amount of money that could have been earned by the employees being present and performing their jobs will also decrease.

What is the Connection Between Both Issues?

The correlation between environmental issues and health is quite straightforward. Environmental issues are the cause of some health problems. With the two environmental issues mentioned above, there can be a multitude of health problems arising from them. It is well-known that pollution not only negatively affects human health but also threatens the lives of plants and animals. The release of toxic materials into the soil poisons both plants and animals, including those that rely on plants as a food source. Humans also rely on plants for food, so if contaminated plants are consumed, these toxins enter our bodies and may result in various health issues, possibly leading to death in extreme cases.

In the case of H2O pollution, particularly the BP oil spill, an article titled "Gulf Oil spill" from the L.A. Times environmental newspaper, Greenpeace, written by Amina Khan, stated that scientists from

the Natural Resource Defense Council have indicated that the oil spill will have more extensive health effects on seafood and humans than originally expected. The article also mentioned a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, which examined the potential effects of the oil spill on workers, residents, and seafood from the Gulf of Mexico (Khan, 2010). The study found that petroleum oil releases chemicals into the air, which when inhaled can cause respiratory problems and affect the central nervous system. One such chemical found in crude oil is benzene, which has been linked to birth defects and leukemia. Numerous cleanup workers in Louisiana have reported experiencing symptoms such as headaches, vomiting, difficulty breathing, and severe chest pains (Khan, 2010).

Pollution can have numerous health implications, including respiratory problems, potential birth defects, and various types of cancers (Buzzle, 2010). Additionally, the issue of global warming also affects the well-being of all living beings on Earth (World Health Organization, 2010). According to a team of health and climate scientists at the World Health Organization and the University of Wisconsin at Madison, global warming already contributes to over 150,000 deaths and 5 million illnesses annually. Furthermore, these numbers could potentially double by 2030 (Larry, 2010). Thus, scientists have been monitoring the increasing impact of global warming on the health of individuals residing in different parts of the world.

It has been observed that those who are most impacted by the current issue of global warming are the individuals living in poor countries. They find this situation to be particularly harsh because they are the ones who have contributed the least to the problem of global warming.

However, they are also the most vulnerable to health risks and potentially even death as a result of this drastic change in the Earth's climate (Larry, 2010). The rise in temperatures also leads to an increase in the population of disease-carrying insects (Buzzle, 2010).

According to Martin Krause, UNDP's Bangkok-based technical advisor on climate change for the Asia-Pacific region, the dengue fever-carrying mosquito poses a major public health threat that is influenced by temperature and humidity (Heller, 2010). Global warming is causing an increase in mosquito populations and the spread of dengue fever due to the warming climate (Heller, 2010). The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Fourth Assessment Report shows that various arthropods carrying vector-borne diseases, such as ticks, mosquitoes, and sand flies, are moving into more northern latitudes as a response to recent heating (Varner & Gale, 2010). Multiple studies have been conducted by public health researchers to investigate the relationship between dengue virus risk and climate change, revealing that vapor pressure accounts for 89% of dengue circulation (Varner & Gale, 2010).

This group of researchers projected that by 2085, the world's population at risk for dengue fever would have doubled (Heller, 2010). There are several health issues that can arise from the infection of dengue fever; it is not called the break-bone fever for no reason. Although it has been said that one cannot die from dengue fever, certain individuals develop 'Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever' and in some cases people do die as a result (World Health Organization, 2010). Environmental issues, though they may appear to be a completely different problem compared to health-related issues, can be seen to not hold true. While some

health-related problems may not be related to the environment, there are a great number of them that are directly affected by the environment and the issues with the environment are directly related to our actions as humans. Both these issues can also result in poverty; for example, it was mentioned that individuals were left unemployed because of the oil spill. Because economic times are very tough at this point, it may be exceedingly difficult for every unemployed person to find a new job.

Although it may take some time and if there are no employment opportunities, these individuals would not immediately fall below the poverty line. However, this could prevent them from being able to sustain their basic needs. This also applies to healthcare. While it may not be the case with dengue fever, other diseases could potentially cause some families to live in poverty, particularly those that are life-threatening. All of the family's finances could be depleted by medical expenses, leaving little or no funds for basic necessities.

The situation could also be reversed; families in poverty may have no money to take care of their sick members. In today's world, all countries depend on each other for food, and other supplies. Over 65% of Grenada's exports come from the United States. A decrease in productivity as a result of outbreaks of diseases will reduce the export amount, not only to Grenada but the world in general. This could lead to food shortages as the quantities imported by countries are not able to meet the demands of their citizens.

Grenada and other economies currently heavily rely on remittances from developed countries. If productivity decreases and job loss

occurs, poverty levels in these countries dependent on remittances would likely increase. The productivity of a country is indicated by its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and economic activity. A decrease in GDP would lead governments to borrow externally from institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank in order to sustain economic growth, resulting in a higher external debt. Governments would need to implement financial policies, potentially including taxes, to service these debts.

An increase in revenue enhancements results in decreased savings, income, foreign direct investments (FDI), and consumption. This may lead to a decline in imports from countries like the US and reduced production for the US, ultimately resulting in job losses and a decrease in remittances received by Grenada. The interconnectedness between a healthy environment and healthy people creates a cycle where one factor impacts the existence of another. Please include these important points.



  • Sustainability is crucial in mitigating the impact of environmental issues.
  • Efforts to utilize natural resources sustainably need to be heightened.

Educate the populace: It is not easy but highly necessary to educate the public in order to address our environmental problems.


  • Recycling all wasted or fresh natural resources helps reduce consumption.
  • Recycling materials used by industries can help reduce deforestation.


  • To meet our increasing demands, we should reuse recycled materials.


  • The amount of biodegradable materials consumed daily should be decreased.
  • Activities that contribute to pollution of water bodies, air, soil, and forests should be minimized.
  • To reduce pollution and preserve nature, energy consumption should be reduced.
  • Decrease the amount of carbon emissions released into the atmosphere.
  • Businesses need to increase their corporate social responsibility.

Enforce regulations (stiffer punishments).Regarding the BP oil spill, incorporating stiffer punishments like prison sentences along

with fines would make executives more cautious and ethically responsible in conducting business. In terms of health, it is important to educate the public about safe health practices and inform them about new diseases and how to prevent and deal with them. For example, the H1N1 outbreak. Basic practices such as washing hands regularly and covering mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing should be followed. It is advised not to reuse napkins and immediate medical attention should be sought if any signs are noticed. Knowing which over-the-counter drugs to buy for symptom treatment is also important. Continuously training existing healthcare workers is crucial as new diseases with similar symptoms are emerging. This enables them to accurately diagnose and provide appropriate treatment. Additionally, hiring qualified healthcare workers is essential, especially during an economic recession.

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