Explain the Functions of Assessment in Learning and Development Essay Example
Understand the principles and requirements of assessment
1. 1. Explain the function of assessment in learning and development
Assessment is carried out to ensure that learning has taken place. It measures the learner’s knowledge and skills in their learning area. Assessment encourages learners to ask questions on anything they have not fully understood, as learners know that they will have to prove their knowledge and understanding to the standards of the awarding body. Learning and development are both connected.
The learner needs guidance to understand what it is they have to learn, if they are on track and how they may improve. Assessment is essential for this to happen. There will be observation, teaching one to one to assess whether the learner has met the standards and if they are occupationally competent and to assess their current knowl
...edge and skills. If a training session has been delivered and no assessment has taken place then you cannot be sure that learning has taken place.
If you do not assess the learner you cannot know their level of skill. Formative assessment is useful throughout the course and it gives the learner feedback which they can use to improve their future performance. It also allows the learner to build on their strengths and learn from mistakes by listening to the assessor’s feedback. Assessment plays an important role in the education process as it keeps track of the work undertaken which can then allow for future targets to be set for the learner.
It also helps to motivate the learner through feedback and constructive criticism where required. The assessor can also give timely information on the learner’s progress through doing regular reviews. The specific
and timely feedback by the assessor helps the learner to demonstrate their understanding and development of skills also helping the learner to prove their competence.
2. 2 Define the key concepts and principles of assessment.
One of the key principles of assessment is Reliability. The assessor must try to come to their judgment about a piece of work by trying to remain objective and by sticking to the criteria to assure quality assurance and fairness. Assessment has to be fair, consistent and valid to ensure all learners have an equal and fair chance of receiving a fair assessment. An assessor cannot be persuaded to give a learner an easier assessment because they favour that learner. The assessment process may have to be adapted to be suitable to the learner’s needs but, needs to eventually lead to the same outcome.
Another key principle is Validity. This is just as important as reliability and the assessor needs to question if the assessed task actually showed what it was supposed to. It is also important that the tasks you are assessing are relevant. When devising an assessment task it is important that it addresses the skills you want the learner to develop but that it is also in a context with a sense of real purpose to the learner.
2. 3 The responsibilities of the assessor.
The role of the assessor is to make an informed judgement about the range of evidence the learner has completed to show their competence to meet the assessment criteria. The assessor must also maintain objectivity. Other responsibilities of the assessor are; to carry out assessments in accordance with specifications and documentation. They must ensure that evidence provided
by the learner is sufficient to meet the requirements. They must provide feedback to the learner about their performance and achievement.
They are responsible for devising an action plan with the learner and reviewing this plan regularly and ensuring smart targets are set. You are also to support your learner throughout the assessment process using a variety of methods of assessment and adhering to awarding body requirements. Update and keep records of learning details i. e. start date and dates of registration. It is also up to the assessor to identify any additional learning needs that the learner may have and to make sure they use a range of different assessment methods that will cater for all learning styles. They also need to maintain their own CPD and contribute to the quality assurance procedures within their department.
2. 4 Identify the regulations and requirements relevant to assessment in own area of practice.
There are several areas of occupational specific legislation I’m expected to know and also policies and procedures. I also need to understand the responsibilities of my role which I need to update regularly. * Health & Safety legislation – Ensuring the learner has received an induction concerning their own health & safety in the workplace.
Checking that the learner has been made aware of fire exits and evacuation procedures and how to report any accidents or hazards.
- Equality & Diversity legislation – Ensuring that the learner is not being discriminated against in any way and that you promote inclusion within your sessions.
- Public Sector Equality Duty - The public sector Equality Duty of the Equality Act, requires public bodies to consider all individuals when carrying out their
day to day work – in shaping policy, in delivering services and in relation to their own employees.
It requires public bodies to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity, and foster good relations between different people when carrying out their activities.
- Safeguarding – We can implement safeguarding by using information we receive (particularly when concerns are raised about abuse, harm or neglect) and referring concerns to local councils and/or the police for further investigation. We must also adhere to any safeguarding measures put in place for example, wearing ID Badges, updating CRB records, ensuring we always use signing in books and report any concerns. Data Protection – There are 8 basic principles of Data Protection some of which are set out below;
- Personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully and, in particular, shall not be processed unless there is Personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes, and shall not be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or those purposes.
- Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which they are processed. Personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.
- Personal data processed for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes.
- Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under this Act.
- Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data.
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