The ways in which Romeo and Mercutio are presented Essay Example
Act 2 Scene 4 is a significant scene because it is the comic climax in the play where witty banter takes place, which is the first but also the last collision of the two humorous characters, Romeo and Mercutio, before the play descends into tragedy. Here Mercutio meets the climax of his bawdy style and low humour by using lots of sexual jokes, providing a continued counter-point to the elevated style and language of love of Romeo and Juliet in Act Two Scene Two. More importantly, Act Two Scene Four is a key scene which moves the plot forward.
By learning about Tybalt’s challenge, the audience will know that this will be the catalyst for the subsequent tragedy. Moreover, the scene is a reminder of the backdrop of the Capulet and Montague feud in case the audience had got carried away by the roman
...ce of the young Romeo and Juliet. I will be mainly investigating Act Two Scene Four in the play, Romeo and Juliet, to explore how Romeo and Mercutio are presented. I will be also looking at Lurhmann’s modern film version and Zeferelli’s old version, where Romeo and Mercutio are presented differently.
Romeo is a romantic person who takes love seriously. In Act 2 Scene 4, Shakespeare suggests that Romeo has been restored to his normal witty self, which is revealed by his bantering stichomythia with Mercutio, for example, as soon as Romeo mentions ‘a most courteous exposition’, Mercutio cuts in and says ‘Nay, I am the very pink of courtesy. ’ The speed of their bantering shows their close relationship as if they understand each other’s thoughts well.
Regarding back to Act 1 Scene 4
Shakespeare characterises Romeo as suffering from ‘love melancholy’ when he mentioned ‘I have a soul of lead. This is an oxymoronic metaphor, suggesting he is divided between his sadness and the reality of daily life that he cannot escape from his love-sickness towards Rosaline. In comparison to Act 2 Scene 4, Romeo does not suffer from ‘love-sickness’ anymore and he is willing to join in with Mercutio’s bawdy humour, enjoying their repartee. The audience and, of course, Mercutio can obviously see that Romeo has become his former self, ‘Now art thou Romeo’.
There is also a dramatic irony in this scene as Mercutio does not know that Romeo has restored to his old self because of his love for Juliet, as revealed by him saying ‘Call me but love, and I’ll be new baptised. ’ In Act 2 Scene 2. This suggests that there is a certain distance between Romeo and Mercutio’s relationship. In addition, Shakespeare demonstrates that Romeo takes part in Mercutio’s sexual jokes and bawdy humour in Act 2 Scene 4, which is suggested when he says ‘Swits and spurs, swits and spurs, or I’ll cry a match. , challenging Mercutio to continue with the match of making jokes.
This is contrary to the romantic language he uses for Juliet in Act 2 Scene 2: ‘It is my lady, O it is my love: O that she knew she were! ’, suggesting he wishes Juliet knows that she is the one he loves. Moreover, Shakespeare also characterises Romeo as more serious and courteous while discussing his love for Juliet with the nurse by switching from prose to blank verse.
Before the nurse comes, he is making
jokes with Mercutio, for example ‘Here’s goodly gear’. After Mercutio leaves, Romeo replaces the use of prose with blank verse, saying to the nurse: ’Nurse, commend me to thy lady and mistress. I protest unto thee-‘Unlike what he says to Mercutio before, for example ‘a sail, sail’ which rudely insults the nurse, he speaks more politely and uses poetic language, as revealed when he says ‘And bring thee cords made like a tackl’d stair’, talking about his serious love for Juliet.
Shakespeare’s decorum of language shows obvious change from comedy to romance. Mercutio is a character foil to Romeo, who has a changeable personality and does not take love seriously, as foreshadowed by Shakespeare’s use of an aptonym ‘Mercutio’, meaning downfall and uncontrollable. In Act 2 scene 4, Shakespeare demonstrates Mercutio’s antipathy towards Tybalt, as revealed when he says ‘The pox of such antic, lisping, affecting phantasimes. The venom in Mercutio’s insults foreshadows his subsequent fatal battle with Tybalt and his humour here is directed towards Tybalt, describing that Tybalt is effeminate.
Shakespeare clearly suggests Mercutio’s hatred towards Tybalt in this scene as a foreshadowing of Mercutio’s fight with Tybalt in Act 3 Scene 1. In addition, Shakespeare also continues presenting Mercutio as bawdy and quick-witted in his humour through puns: ’thou hast more of the wild goose in one of thy wits, than I am sure I have in my whole five. Here he makes a pun on the two meanings of ‘goose’ as ‘prostitute’ and ‘fool’, which is similar to his other bawdy humour in other scenes, for example, his Queen Mab speech in Act 1 Scene 4: ‘ O then I see Queen Mab
hath been with you’ Remarkably, Mercutio meets his comic climax in Act 2 Scene4, which is very important because it is the last scene of comedy and a serious tragedy happens in the next scene, evolving pathos for his character. Furthermore, Mercutio obviously enjoys Romeo’s return to his former witty self in this scene, as revealed when he mentions ‘Now art thou sociable, now art thou Romeo.
Mercutio and Romeo are making jokes together in this scene, as evidenced by the use of stichomythia when Mercutio says ‘Nay, I am the very pink of courtesy’ as soon as Romeo finishes saying ‘A most courteous exposition’, as though they understand each other’s thoughts, suggesting their relationship is very close. Contrary to what Mercutio says in Act 1 Scene 4: ‘Romeo! Humours! Madman! Passion! Lover! ’, which suggests that there is a certain distance between Romeo and Mercutio’s relationships as he makes fun of Romeo’s ‘love melancholy’ ;their friendship is at its peak in Act 2 Scene 4, as revealed by the bantering stichomythia.
This is important for developing the audience’s sense of their close relationship and providing a catalyst for subsequent tragedy. In Act 2 Scene 4, Shakespeare uses Benvolio to introduce a note of caution, which is revealed when he says ‘Stop there, stop there. ’ to warn Mercutio not to go too far with his sexual jokes. Shakespeare constructs Benvolio as a voice of caution and warning, which is also shown in Act 3 Scene 1 as he says ‘If we meet we shall not scape a brawl, for now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring. ’ to Mercutio, foreshadowing that Mercutio may ‘go
too far’ and causes tragedy.
In addition, Shakespeare characterises the nurse as slow-witted and easily confused by Mercutio, as evidenced by her reply to Mercutio’s mocking of her, saying ‘If you be he, sir, I desire some confidence with you. ’ after Mercutio says‘Yea, is the worst well? Very well took, I’faith, wisely, wisely. ’ Here Mercutio is being sarcastic, saying the nurse understands what Romeo tells her; though in fact she has understood nothing. Here also indicates the nurse’s malapropism and illiteracy as she uses the wrong word, ‘confidence’, for ‘conference’.
She is easily confused by Mercutio’s mocking and Romeo’s circumlocution, suggesting her low status. By presenting a contrasting character to Romeo and Mercutio, Romeo and Mercutio’s close relationship and intelligence are clearly shown as they understand each other’s thoughts and humour is easily derived from mocking the Nurse. Moreover, although Shakespeare presents both Mercutio and Romeo as enjoying mocking and bewildering the Nurse initially in Act 2 Scene 4, he then presents Romeo as more serious and courteous through decorum of language after Mercutio exits the scene.
Romeo replaces the use of prose with blank verse, rassuring the nurse by saying ‘One, gentlewoman, that God hath made, himself to mar. ’ Unlike what he says to Mercutio before, for example ‘a sail, sail’ which rudely insults the nurse, he speaks more politely and uses poetic language, as revealed when he says ‘And bring thee cords made like a tackl’d stair’, talking about his serious love for Juliet. In Luhrmann performed version, the setting has been changed to modern day and Act 2 Scene 4 is set on a beach with surroundings like marry-go-round, which symbolises that
tragedy may happen soon.
Luhrmann uses lots of happy non-diegetic sound track at the beginning of the scene but replaces the non-diegetic sound with diegetic sound when Romeo and the Nurse discuss about the marriage, showing Romeo’s change by adjusting the sound instead of switching from prose to blank verse. In addition, Luhrmann presents Romeo’s happiness for falling in love with Juliet in the scene, as revealed by the white and blue shirt he wears. He also presents Romeo as more serious and courteous as he misses the dialogue which shows Romeo’s rudeness to the nurse, for example ‘a sail, a sail’.
Moreover, Luhrmann presents Mercutio as an audacious person, which is suggested when Mercutio throws his gun up and down, clearly suggesting that he is fearless of death. A close-up is used on Mercutio’s face to show his distress when Romeo and the Nurse are speaking which shows his jealousy. Furthermore, Luhrmann characterises the Nurse as a more authoritative but less fun figure, as revealed by her luxurious red costume. Peter is cut in this scene and replaces by a body guard, suggesting the Nurse’s high status.
Luhrmann is less misogynistic and does not want Romeo to make fun of her due to her low status. Also, Luhrmann presents Romeo and Mercutio’s close relationship mainly through the use of stichomythia and the physical fighting between them. In Zeffirelli film version, it is set in Shakespeare’s day, which is more similar to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. However, Zeffirelli purely develops comedy in Act 2 Scene 4 as he believes more people will be attracted to the film if it is more interesting and comic.
Hence, he presents Romeo as
more mocking and cruel to the Nurse, but Romeo attempts to protect the nurse when Mercutio and his friends make fun of her, suggesting Romeo’s obvious change when he wants to talk about Juliet and the marriage with the nurse. In addition, Zeffirelli presents Mercutio as more unpredictable and mocking, as revealed by his physical action with the Nurse, over-stepping the boundary. Moreover, Zeffirelli demonstrates the Nurse’s stupidity and ignorance in the scene, as evidenced by her costume which physically looks like ‘a sail’, making the scene more funny and comic.
Lots of high-angle shots and point of view are used to suggest her low status as well. Also, Zeffirelli does not present Romeo and Mercutio’s close relationship through stichomythia but he uses two-shot instead when Mercutio says ‘Now art thou sociable, now art thou Romeo’, emphasising their friendship. In this play, the relationship between Romeo and Mercutio is important because the close friendship between Romeo and Mercutio is needed in order to provide a catalyst for subsequent tragedy.
In addition, Shakespeare presents Romeo as a more realistic young man through his close relationship with Mercutio and he is not the idealistic ’love’ archetype in some of Shakespeare’s contemporaries, so that the audience will enjoy the play more. Mercutio, who is constructed as a character foil to Romeo, is used to highlight the contrast between their characters and attitudes towards love. Shakespeare also uses Mercutio’s comedy to juxtapose against the intense love of Romeo and Juliet to give balance and contrast.
Mercutio’s comedy scenes, especially Act 2 Scene 4 where he meets his comic climax, evolve intense pathos for his death in Act 3 Scene 1 as well.
Therefore, their friendship is very important to the whole play. Overall, although there are a few adjustments in both Luhrmann and Zeffirelli performed versions, Romeo is mainly presented as a romantic and serious person, juxtaposing with Mercutio, who is changeable, mocking and not serious about love.
Their close friendship is suggested in both film versions. The only key difference is the character of the Nurse, who is presented as high-status in Luhrmann version but low-status and slow-witted in Zeffirelli version. As a whole, it is obvious that Act 2 Scene 4 is presented similarly in Shakespeare’s version and both performed versions because this scene is very important to the play.
The close relationship between Romeo and Mercutio is required as a catalyst for the subsequent tragedy. Also, Act 2 Scene 4 is the last scene of comedy before the play descends into the tragedy. More importantly, a comedy scene is needed as a contrast with the romance scene when Romeo discusses with the Nurse about the marriage with Juliet, which highlights the seriousness of Romeo’s love to Juliet in Act 2 Scene 4: ‘Commend me to thy lady and mistress. I protest unto thee-‘
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