Porn: Desensitization and Anti-Social Behavior Essay Example
The word pornography comes from the Greek meaning, whore, harlot, prostitute, and to buy or sell a woman” (Oprah,2009). The word alone is degrading to women, how bad could the actual acts be? There are so many forms pornography comes in: magazines, posters, music, videos, and the most popular, the internet. This all makes it way too easy to access. Some of the serious effects include violent and degrading acts towards women, the difference between a real sex life and the ones on TV, and the sexual problems that pornography contributes to for many, many couples. “There are more adult bookstores than MacDonald’s in the U. S each year.
Pornography is an 8 billion dollar-a year business and have annual box sales of $50 million” (Oprah, 2009). Lust aside, porn is dangerous
...and destructive for many reasons. First of all, it gives an unrealistic view of the female body. The women in these videos are stick thin, air-brushed from head to toe, make up covering any sort of blemish, and of course large fake breasts. And on top of all these additions they alter and photoshop the videos to look even more perfect! “How can a man look at these false images of "sexual perfection" and not begin to think less of his wife?
How can he not be affected by these images? And when he thinks "my wife would look better with larger breasts" or "I wish my wife would shave her pubic hair like that" is he not coveting other woman who do look that way? ”(The Marriage Bed, Inc, 2009). Men are comparing their wives to these unrealistic female figures and wanting them to change.
How is this fair to any woman? People who watch pornography get an immediate response and of course the outcome, a positive reinforcement. “It is impossible for men to watch porn and not be affected” (The Marriage Bed, Inc, 2009).
The brain is meant for learning and is vulnerable to operant conditioning. If a human is getting positively reinforced, chances are the future behaviour will increase. It is common sense; this is why people are being so affected by all these pornographic websites. Porn is not real sex; it is made specifically for money for the people who produce it. This is why the producers continue to make it. “The faster and stronger the turn on, the more likely a man will come back and pay for more” (The Marriage Bed, Inc, 2009). Realistic behaviours like love, respect, romance, and commitment are not found in pornography.
Instead they replace those aspects with the belief that spontaneous sex is common and those important behaviours are no longer necessary. “Oral sex is extremely common in pornography since it's easier to get camera close ups and therefore more visually arousing than intercourse, the more common positions used for intercourse do not film well, so porn is full of strange and impossible positions, and a lot of action and movement is more arousing than soft, slow, gentle sex, so only the fast and hard kind is shown” (The Marriage Bed, Inc, 2009).
People do not realize that everything in porn videos is specifically altered to benefit the producer. The oral sex and impossible positions don’t benefit the women, probably not even the men. All of these factors are just needs of the
camera man. In porn videos they make it seem that women don’t need any sort of foreplay and everything just naturally stimulates. And of course in the videos the men need proof of orgasms so women scream, thrash, and exaggerate during a climax and the ejaculation must be seen.
Is this what is expected of the female in relationships in today’s society? There are going to be a lot of disappointed men… Illicit sex arouses, so porn is full of fornication, adultery, lesbianism, threesomes, orgies, and rape” (The Marriage Bed, Inc, 2009) . What kind of wives are willing to bring these additions into their bedroom to spice things up? It’s disgusting that these sources of media are trying to illustrate that this is “arousing” and “fun”… it’s not acceptable. Men are bound to get bored with their own sex life. Then they blame the women that they’re the reason they aren’t getting the same stimulation. Men are like children with video games. They do not understand the difference between fiction and non-fiction.
Porn cultivates a standard that no one can live up to. “A man may also start to question his own sexuality, since the men in porn are much "better endowed" than most men, and seem to be able to have an erection at will and last as long as they choose. No real man can do the things men in porn seem to do” (The Marriage Bed, Inc, 2009). That is just it; they judge the man on the size of their penis. That is how they are getting the roles in these videos, not because they are loving and talented, but because of
something that they lucked out on, naturally. Are you beginning to see why pornography can stir up so many disputes between couples?
No wonder people lack self-confidence and don’t feel comfortable in their own body. “Women also may feel ugly or think they can not turn their husband on because they don't look like the women they see. They may start to doubt their sexuality because they can't do, or don't want to do, the things they see” (The Marriage Bed, Inc, 2009). This mainly affects women because “women are judged on the basis of appearance more often than men are” (Brym &ump; Lenton. 2008). Many women have had failed marriages because their husbands had continually compared them to the altered models.
Women have actually let-go of their appearances, which resulted in more of a conflict with their significant others. Pornography is nothing but fake sex that benefits the men for a few minutes. Is it worth losing a loved one over? “Women are tired of the battering of their husband’s constant comparisons with other women and the continual attack on their desirability as a sexual partner wounded their spirits to such a point that they gave up and became the exact opposite of the firm, gorgeous, beautifully made-up women their husbands kept trying to force them to become. (Oprah, 2009)
The worst part is all these standards are corrupted due to false images. Men are mistakenly dissatisfied with their own sex life… because of fake ones they see through the media. Pornography can lead people to desensitization and anti-social behaviours just like any other form of media. Not only have the viewers felt the side effects, but
their children. “Children with excessive pornography viewers in their home sometimes feel lonely and uncomfortable” (Carroll, 2009). Male viewers tend to be more aggressive toward women, less responsive to the pain and suffering of rape victims, and more willing to accept various myths about rape” (LeaderU, Inc,1995).
How something this serious is allowed to be viewed so openly is definitely questionable. These videos and images are so available, that children are going to be convinced that all of it is acceptable and normal. Future wives need to be aware of these issues! Our society is always talking about gender equality and how we’ve come so far, but have we?
In these videos and magazines, women are not even considered people; they’re considered nothing but a commodity. If this is still legal, there are most definitely still some inequalities. Feminist author Diana Russell notes in her book Rape and Marriage the correlation between deviant behaviour (including abuse) and pornography. She also found that pornography leads men and women to experience conflict, suffering, and sexual dissatisfaction. They have actually found that “rape rates are highest in states that have high sales of sex magazines” (LeaderU, Inc,1995).
Although it is a correlation, that is still extremely serious. Rape is a horrible thing; anything that is possibly linked to it should be stopped, immediately. Of course there are people out there who use pornography recreational, but almost everything starts out recreational. No one necessarily intends to become addicted, cause marital issues, and ruin a relationship. What starts as an “extra” usually leads to a “must”. Some believe that “pornography has no link to rape and men are just callous about rape to
begin with” (LeaderU, Inc, 1995).
So, if there are people who are already predisposed to rape, then why would we give them something, like pornography, to fuel that desire? “One of the studies frequently cited by pornographers is a Dutch study done by Kutchinsky alleging that the number of reported sex crimes dropped after legalization of pornography. His theory was that the availability of pornography siphons off dangerous sex impulses. But when the data for his "safety valve" theory were further evaluated, it was found that he lumped together voyeurism and homosexuality (which police stopped reporting after legalization) with rapes (which actually increased in number). (LeaderU, Inc, 1995)
These studies are showing that there is a serious correlation among psychological effects, physical effects, and social effects. It all reflects on negativity to women. This is not one bit beneficial to women. Even the attitudes that women perceive to have in the films are rather unrealistic. There are women like that out there, but it’s still not even close the norm. “They’re a greedy gold-digger, mindless playmate, insane nymphomaniac, or one who craves pain” (Oprah, 2009). Men love the pleasure of thinking they’re smarter, richer, and more powerful, and pornography definitely gives that satisfaction to them.
In pornography there is this false reality that women like it rough, they like being ejaculated in the face, they like being “tag-teamed”, and being screamed at. How can people fall for this garbage? That is nothing but a sign of disrespect and if these women are getting turned on by these acts, then obviously their own “job” is influencing them to forget the realism of sex and the passion and connection that
is suppose to come with it. “The focus is strictly on men and they’re reaction: is it not enough that women feel belittled, humiliated, and degraded? (Carroll, 2009).
It seems that women’s voices are silent in the topic of pornography. It seems men detach a woman’s personality from their body. If something doesn’t change, young children are going to get the wrong sense of sex and relationships. These videos and pictures are way too easy to access and parents aren’t aware of it. “The average age for a child’s first exposure to pornography is 11” (Carroll, 2009). If they’re going to allow these disgusting and explicit videos they should at least make sure not just anyone can view them.
Pornography affects everyone and the people who are getting affected the most don’t have any say about it. What kind of woman is willing to post them selves everywhere naked and have sex with an abundance of random men? That is a completely different topic but people will do anything for money. Women are treated like a piece of meat when it comes to pornography. The only benefit to pornography lasts a few seconds, and again, that’s for the men. It’s going to be interesting to see what happens to pornography in the next few years.
It will either continue to increase or someone will realize that this material isn’t okay. Men should think about this before watching it. They should ask themselves if it is worth putting their marriages at stake, or if it’s okay that their children are as easily accessed to these videos as they are, or that their daughters may one day be victimized because
of all this. What happened to passionate sex with the one you love… and respect? Pornography is nothing but a vicious circle. Pornography creates the exact opposite in real life of what it promises in fantasy life. Ironic isn’t it?
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