High School and Student Council Secretary Essay Example
High School and Student Council Secretary Essay Example

High School and Student Council Secretary Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (320 words)
  • Published: November 10, 2016
  • Type: Essay
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Hello, and good morning! My name is Sarah White and I am running for student council secretary. Before I explain to you why I am the perfect person for this position, I’d like to describe to you the responsibilities and duties a secretary has. The class secretary keeps an accurate record of meetings, student activities, programs, and sessions. They prepare the agenda for each meeting and they record the minutes while we hold our parliamentary procedures. Not just anyone can be excellent secretary, you need to be an responsible, dependable student. Which those are qualities I definitely withhold.

I’ve made honor roll my entire middle and high school years, taking challenging courses whenever possible. My absence is low and I am almost always on time. Also, being o


rganized is crucial for this position. And my organizational skills are beyond up to par. I have a place for everything. From notes, to records, all the way to wear I put my pencil. Which brings me to note taking. Being a good listener and taking good, neat notes are critical skills one must have to fulfill the duties of a secretary. And thanks to Avid, I am a master at that. I’m an amazing listener and note taker plus my handwriting is beautiful.

Another quality some people may over look is having good communicational skills. You need this to ensure all officers know when meetings are and events take place, and settle all issues and debates we may have. I have marvelous communication skills. By being outgoing, polite, and having an optimistic attitude all the time, I can ensure that no body wil

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ever miss a notice. l of these qualities make me the best choice for student council secretary. So remember, vote for me, sarah white for student council secretary. It would be my honor to serve you, and I promise to not let you down! Thank you!

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