The progress of human thought and consciousness of self and his world, has led to globalization. The global situation makes life more competitive and opens opportunities for men to achieve status and the level of a better life. The positive impact of global conditions has encouraged people to continue thinking, improving skills, and are not satisfied with what was accomplished at this time. The negative impact of globalization, unrest among the people living in an increasing because of the conflict, stress, anxiety, and frustrate. Dengan so, we must realize that life and our lives are decorated with problems, either problem that come from ourselves as well as problems that come from outside. However, with strong intentions and assistance from a counselor within the scope of guidance counseling will be successfully completed (to solve) the problems faced.
Problem Formulation
The purpose of the paper writing guidance and counse
...ling as follows:
- Mengetahui understanding guidance.
- Mengetahui understanding of counseling.
- Mengetahui and assess the understanding guidance counseling.
- Mengetahui purpose and function of guidance counseling in everyday life.
Definition of Guidance
Guidance is given to individual assistance from an expert, but not so simple to understand the meaning of the guidance. Understanding neighbor formal guidance has been cultivated since at least the early 20th century, initiated by Frank Parson in 1908. Since it appears neighbor formulation guidance in accordance with the development of guidance services, as a typical job that occupied by enthusiasts and experts. Understanding the guidance put forward by the experts to give the sense that complements each other. So to understand the meaning
of the guidance needs to consider the notion advanced by some experts as follows: "Guidance as assistance provided to individuals to be able to choose, prepare and assume a position and making progress in his chosen position" (Frank Parson, 1951).
Frank Parson formulate guidance in understanding some aspects of the guidance given to individuals to enter an occupation and achieve progress in the office. This understanding is still very specific career-oriented." Counseling helps individuals to better recognize the various information about itself" (Chiskolm, 1959).
Understanding guidance dikemukan by Chiskolm that guidance to help individuals understand themselves, understanding focuses on understanding the potential of self-owned."Tutoring is an activity that aims to increase the personal realization of every individual" (Bernard & Fullmer, 1969).
The definition put forward by Bernard & Fullmer that guidance did to increase the realization of the individual self. Can be understood that the guidance to helps individuals to actualize themselves with their environment."Guidance as education and development that emphasizes systematic learning process" (Mathewson, 1969).
Mathewson suggested guidance as education and development that emphasizes the learning process. This understanding emphasizes education and guidance as a form of self-development, the desired goal is obtained through the learning process.
From some of the understanding guidance put forward by the experts, it can be concluded about a broader understanding of the guidance, that guidance is: "A process of providing assistance to individuals in a sustainable and systematic, conducted by an expert who has received special training for it, intended for the individual to understand himself, lingkunganya and can set yourself up and adjust to the environment to be able to develop her
potential in an optimal fashion to the well-being of himself and the welfare of society "
Understanding Counselling
Counseling is a process of assistance made by an expert (called counselors) to individuals who have something problem (called konsele) that lead to the teratasinya problems facing clients. The term was first used olehFrank Parsons in 1908 when he made a career in counseling. Furthermore, also adopted by Carl Rogers who then develop an approach but based on the client (client centered). While counseling by Prayitno and Erman Amtidalam book Basics Guidance Counseling (2004:105) is the process of assistance is done through counseling interview by an expert (called counselors) to individuals who are experiencing problems (called clients) which leads to the problem teratasinya faced by clients.
Accordingly, Winkel define counseling as the most basic set of activities from guidance in an effort to help the counselee / clients face to face with the aim that the client can take responsibility for themselves on various issues or special problems.Based on the above understanding of counseling can be understood that the counseling is helping counselee / clients face to face with the aim that the client can take responsibility for themselves on various issues or special problems. In other words, improved problem faced by the counselee / client.
Definition of Guidance Counseling
Definition of guidance counseling is assistance services to both individual students / groups to be independent and develop optimally in personal relationships, social, learning, career, through a variety of services and supporting activities on the basis of prevailing norms. Accordingly, any guidance would have counseling and counseling is not necessarily any guidance.
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