Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Violence.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Violence. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Violence on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Violence, and much more. Keep on reading!

Theme of Violence – The Kite Runner Essay Example
339 words 2 pages

The theme of violence is explored in many parts of the Kite Runner. The novel is based upon a boy named Hassan (a servant boy) and Amir who is Hassan’s best friend, and master’s son. The theme of violence begins when Amir and Hassan enter Afghanistan’s annual kite-fighting tournament. This is when boys from all […]

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Fiction The Kite Runner Violence
Ethnic Conflict in Assam Essay Example
1282 words 5 pages

Jerei Hagramaya Gawo, meaning “the way forest weeps,” is a significant novel by Ratna Bharali Talukdar that explores the ethnic conflicts in North East India. Published in October 2012, it focuses on the tension between the Bodos and ‘Aadivasis’ during the 1990s. Despite a history of coexistence, discontent among these indigenous inhabitants has grown due […]

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Aggression Conflict Violence
Violence Breeds Violence Essay Example
346 words 2 pages

According to Bronte, violence is a core aspect of Heathcliff’s identity as a gothic protagonist and a symbol of rage and devastation. The mistreatment he experienced in his past has shaped his violent tendencies throughout the story. Bronte states, “from the beginning he bred bad feeling in the house”, using alliteration (the repetition of the […]

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Religion Social Class Victorian Era Violence
Rap Music Should not Be Banned Essay Example
870 words 4 pages

When we hear about rap music, negative connotations come out of our mind: violence, sex, crime, and gang. It just become like these due to the evolution of the real essence of rap music as the times go by, as it is, it evolved into what is called gangsta style of rap music wherein the […]

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Music Philippines Violence
Bowling For Columbine Analysis Essay Example
1406 words 6 pages

The sunrise signaled the start of a new day as many teens got ready for school. The hallways filled with the hundreds of students that attended school that day. It was like any other day; however, this was not the case as Columbine High School would end up being the site of a school shooting […]

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Aggression Crime Fashion Scholarship Violence
Novel lastling themes Essay Example
470 words 2 pages

Although the characters in the story came from diverse backgrounds, they all accepted and embraced each other’s personality differences. Tahr, for instance, found a unique way to communicate with the yeh-teh and formed a friendship with Paris, despite her restless nature and past betrayal. Likewise, Paris discovered that there were good people in the world […]

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Fiction Personal Society Violence War
Violence in Macbeth Essay Example
669 words 3 pages

The play, Macbeth, is a fascinating study of violent crime and its impact, particularly on those who commit it. Discuss the causes and effects of violence as they are presented in Macbeth. Although violence and murder can never be justified, its origins often . aw’ The play ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare, effectively explores and captures […]

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Macbeth Violence
Is Violent Media Good for Kids Essay Example
894 words 4 pages

Gerard Jones, in “Violent Media is Good for Kids,” expresses personal experiences about how violent comic books can often help children break through their shells of self-isolation. Because Jones largely discusses his own opinions, I feel the essay should provide more statistical evidence to support his thoughts. Although I agree with his point that children […]

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Child Media Social Psychology Violence
The Glass Castle: Life Should Be Taught Somehow Essay Example
2485 words 10 pages

After several years of keeping her childhood a secret, Jeannette Walls decided it was time to write a memoir, The Glass Castle. Walls and her siblings experience a childhood that consists of hardships and struggles that most children do not have a clue about today. The Glass Castle assesses Wall’s struggles as a child and […]

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Child The Glass The Glass Castle Violence
Stockholm Syndrome Essay Example
1016 words 4 pages

In Stockholm, Sweden, on August 23, 1973, there was an incident at Kreditbanken where two armed robbers took four bank employees hostage. These hostages were held inside the vault for five days with limited supplies and space. Throughout this time, the six individuals remained in constant communication with each other but had no contact with […]

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Aggression APA Crime Society Violence
Partition of India Portrayed in the Novels Essay Example
1216 words 5 pages

India suffered the stigma of slavery under British for about three centuries. When it got freedom, it was also not without paying the high cost in the form of partition. This historical event is significant in the world history not only as a political occurrence which gave birth to two nations, but as the most […]

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India Novel Rape Violence
Social Discrimination: “The Handmaid” Is a Novel by Katherine Lim Essay Example
3267 words 12 pages

Introduction “Power is everywhere and comes from everywhere so in this sense is neither an agency nor a structure.” (Foucault, 1998:63) Social and gendered subaltern voice due to the misuse of power has been waged largely and long embedded over cultural practices, historical accounts and literary texts of both Asian and Western. Social discrimination advocates […]

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Discrimination Ghost Rape Violence
The Significance of Music in Ruined Essay Example
1232 words 5 pages

In Lynn Nottage’s Ruined, Mama Nadi’s bar and brothel is a safe haven for all who enter. She strips soldiers of guns, she insists that filthy miners wash their hands and she keeps the place socially separated from the civil war waging just beyond the door. The customers seem to find a sense of peace […]

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Singing Violence War
The Good Girl Analysis Essay Example
369 words 2 pages

The main theme in the short story is the relationship between the Catholics and the Protestants and how the conflict can affect an innocent girl. The story takes places in Northern Ireland and is about a girl named Chrissy. She is a catholic and is going on a date with a boy named Ian who […]

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Girl Protestantism Torture Violence
Violence in ‘a Streetcar Named Desire’ Essay Example
367 words 2 pages

The rape at the end of scene 10 is clearly the key moment for the motif of violence. I think this moment ties together all of the themes that are reflected by the theme of violence, and rape not only incorporates physical but also psychological violence, further accentuating the importance of this moment. Violence is […]

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A Streetcar Named Desire Desire Rape Social Class Violence
Analysis on Hollow Claims about Fantasy Violence Essay Example
876 words 4 pages

Richard Rhodes’ article entitled “Hollow Claim about Fantasy Violence” was published on September 17, 2000 in The New York Times, Opinion section. The intended audiences of this article are the readers of The New York Times if it demands the outside-audience. However, it terms of inside-audience, the article’s target are the text-moral entrepreneurs. As what […]

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Child Fantasy Reason Violence
Toy Guns: to Play or Not to Play Essay Example
2066 words 8 pages

Children all over the world have been playing with toy guns for generations. There are some toy guns that shoot darts, some that shoot BB’s, and some that make a loud blast or noise. Some toy guns look very cartoonish and are bright colored, but some look very much like real guns, and are hard […]

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Child Crime Play Violence
Holocaust vs Rwandan Genocide Essay Example
551 words 3 pages

The definition of genocide, as stated in the text, is the act of killing, injuring, subjecting to poor conditions, preventing births, and transferring children based on national, racial, religious, or ethnic identity. This definition was established in 1948 following the holocaust. Other instances of genocide mentioned are the Rwandan Genocide, Armenian Genocide, and Cambodian Genocide. […]

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Genocide Holocaust Racism Violence
Questions for Writing a Story about Civil Disobedience Gandhi Essay Example
347 words 2 pages

By answering these 20 questions about Gandhi, you will write an amazing essay: Gandhi was a very inspirational leader. How did he motivate people to follow him and would these same techniques work today? Are there leaders that invoke the same ideals? For Gandhi, the concept of civil disobedience was extremely important. In what ways […]

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Civil Disobedience Ethics Mahatma Gandhi Violence
Can Terrorism Ever Be Justified Essay Example
918 words 4 pages

The world is currently facing the most dangerous and deadly problem of terrorism. Many innocent lives are lost and others suffer severe harm due to numerous acts of terrorism. The consequences, both physically and emotionally, often cannot be fixed, causing people to demand justice. People often wonder why these events happen, why innocent individuals have […]

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Terrorism Violence
John Adam Walsh Essay Example
2634 words 10 pages

Over the years, the society has done its best to curb the ever rising rate of child murder and homicide. Different campaigns and programs have been created to put an end to such gruesome cases committed to innocent children. Despite of these efforts however, statistics show that child murder and homicide figures continue to take […]

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Murder Violence
Martin Luther King Jr: Civil Rights Movement Impact Essay Example
2125 words 8 pages

Black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last! (Willhelm, Sidney M. pg5) This is a small portion of the speech by one […]

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Civil Rights Movement I Have a Dream Martin Luther King Violence

Popular Questions About Violence

What are the five types of violence?
There are five different types of violence and abuse: physical, emotional, economic, spiritual, and sexual. Abuse and battering is about the need for power and control.
What are some examples of violence?
A perpetrator of violence will often use a number of tactics to control and intimidate someone. Here are some examples (it's important to remember that violence can take other forms as well; these are just a few examples): Physical e.g. slapping, hitting, choking, stabbing.
What are the causes and effects of violence?
The effects of school violence can lead to division and severe mental and physical trauma for both perpetrators and victims alike. The main cause of school violence is a combination of weak community relations and a lack of a firm hand within both schools and communities.
What is the definition of violence?
Definition of violence. 1a : the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage, or destroy. b : an instance of violent treatment or procedure. 2 : injury by or as if by distortion, infringement, or profanation : outrage.
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