Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Unemployment.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Unemployment. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Unemployment on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Unemployment, and much more. Keep on reading!

Damianov Press Essay Example
247 words 1 page

BACKGROUND Damianov Press The fall of communism in Burgaria created numerous opportunities for newly privatized larger companies, as well as small and medium sized enterprises. However, many businesses were greatly challenged by the 1969 crisis, Bulgaria has achieved macroeconomic stability, it has a stable currency, and its real growth is accelerating significantly. It was considered […]

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Business Process Capitalism Challenges European Union Macroeconomics Management Society Unemployment Work
Industrialization Trends Essay Example
4338 words 16 pages

235 Services-led industrialization in India: Assessment and lessons Nirvikar Singh* 1. Introduction In the past two decades, India’s economy has seen significant growth due to economic reforms. This growth has been primarily fueled by the service sector, particularly information technology (IT) and IT enabled services (ITES). However, the manufacturing sector has not experienced similar levels […]

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Economic Growth Labour Economics Society Unemployment
Nationalising South Africa’s Mining Sector Economics Essay Example
2206 words 9 pages

Since the abolishment of Apartheid, South Africa has graciously re-entered into the global economic community as an emerging economy. When compared to Sub-Saharan African countries, South Africa boasts an incredibly strong economy with plenty of room for improvement. With its resources, South African state officials have considered Nationalisation as a possible solution to alleviate these […]

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Data Mining Nationalism South Africa Unemployment
Unemployment in Pakistan: Poverty Profile Essay Example
3513 words 13 pages

Introduction Most of the studies undertaken during the last three decades to assess the extent and nature of poverty in Pakistan have used the calorie-intake and/or basic-needs approaches. The commonly used indicators in these studies are the head-count ratio (P0), the income gap (P1) and the income severity (P2). These indicators give a good impression […]

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Economic Growth Financial News Poverty Unemployment
High School Drop Outs Due to Higher Minimum Wages Essay Example
1029 words 4 pages

This is a research paper that tries to answer questions about school dropouts due to higher minimum wages. This paper tries to answer questions like; do higher minimum wages cause high school drop outs among different students in various continents? Other questions include: does real income cause high school dropouts? , do the unemployment rates […]

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Hypothesis Minimum Wage Research School Unemployment
“Goodbye, Indiana — Hello, Mexico: the Whirlpool Plant Closing*” Essay Example
969 words 4 pages

Ethics in Practice Case Was the Whirlpool Plant Closing just another “business decision”, or did it carry with it social and ethical responsibilities and implications? Explain. This was not only a business decision, but it carried social and ethical responsibilities with it because the company was thinking for the benefit of its shareholders and consumers […]

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Employment India Labour Economics Plant Unemployment
Global Flow of Silver Dbq Essay Example
1374 words 5 pages

The global flow of silver managed to redefine the social structure in many societies, as well as dramatically altered the basis of the economy in many European and Asian countries. Despite the economic change that came from the mass production of silver and its use as a standard currency, the growth of the silver industry […]

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Business Operations Currency International Trade Science Social Science Society Unemployment Wealth Work
Primark Pestle Analysis Essay Example
900 words 4 pages

PESTLE analysis of Primark in UK Introduction Every organization provided different strategies to be effective in the market. However, most of the successful organizations admired the importance of analysis in creating their approach to strategies. In an organization that target huge market and have an efficiency in bringing the demands of the market, Primark is […]

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Business Cycle Gross Domestic Product Recession Society Unemployment Work
Discuss how far recent UK economic policy Essay Example
1018 words 4 pages

Discuss how far recent UK economic policy has been successful in achieving the macroeconomic objectives BY rave_100 Discuss how far recent I-J economic policy has been successful in achieving the macroeconomic objectives. The four main macroeconomic objectives are: full employment, price stability (low and stable inflation), sustainable economic growth, and a healthy Balance of Payments. […]

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Inflation Macroeconomics Policy Unemployment
An Econometric Analysis of the Short Run Philips Curve Essay Example
523 words 2 pages

The aim of this paper is to examine the inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment in the United States. The relevance of the Phillips curve in today’s context is emphasized. Keywords such as Phillips Curve, adaptive expectations, rational expectations, instrumental variables, and Inverse Phillips Curve are mentioned. The author of this research holds a position […]

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Computer Software Database Inflation Macroeconomics Relation Scientific Method Society Technology Unemployment Work
Culture of Entrepreneurship vs. Employment Essay Example
3807 words 14 pages

Culture of Entrepreneurship versus Employment Melanie Venezuela-De Camp, PhD April Joan S. Bagman, MBA Ana Liz R. -ran, MBA Abstract This paper is part of the results of a larger graduate tracer study done for a large university. It looks into the culture of entrepreneurship versus employment among recent graduates of the business school of […]

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Education Employment Entrepreneurship Unemployment
Lecture Exam As Prices Rise Other Things Being Equal Essay Example
362 words 2 pages

The Print feature requires scripting to function. This means that either your browser does not support scripting or you have disabled it. To print this page, you need to highlight the text and select Print from the File menu. Student CHAPTER 1 Name: Student BRANDON.GIBBONS@LIVE.COM Email: Summary of Results 100% Correct out of 8 Scored […]

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Microeconomics Price Society Unemployment Work
Youth Unemployment: A Walk Along Essay Example
3197 words 12 pages

The main aim of the essay is to draw your attention to the unemployment problems faced by the youth all over the world and this problem gains recognition as financial crisis engulfs the lives of people, young and old alike. The methodology that I have followed focuses mainly on the hurdles that come across the […]

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Employment Labour Economics Unemployment Workforce
Substitute Goods Essay Example
555 words 3 pages

In economics, one kind of good (or service) is said to be a substitute good for another kind insofar as the two kinds of goods can be consumed or used in place of one another in at least some of their possible uses. Classic examples of substitute goods include margarine and butter, or petroleum and […]

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Consumer Marketing Microeconomics Society Unemployment Work
Job Opportunities High in India or Foreign Essay Example
715 words 3 pages

India’s development has attracted multinational companies, resulting in abundant job opportunities. These companies invest at a reduced cost and enjoy high profits, leading to the opening of new branches and creating many jobs. As India undergoes current development, it offers an abundance of job prospects. Many foreign companies choose to establish their branches in India, […]

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China India Outsourcing Unemployment
Unemployment Persuasive Essay Example
680 words 3 pages

Although there is a discussion about the value of free things in life, it is unquestionable that money is necessary for basic needs in society today. Having a job or career has become crucial to afford essentials like shelter, food, and clothing. The rise in unemployment rates and its significance as an issue in America […]

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Employment Loan Mortgage Loan Unemployment
Hazardous Homes in Herculaneum Essay Example
745 words 3 pages

Residents of Herculaneum, a small town in Missouri, should be compensated for the poisoning that Doe Run’s lead smelting Company causes. This is because this company has some hazardous effects to these people. The government should protect the health of these people to ensure that these people have comfortable lives. Failure to do this will […]

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Environmental Disaster Environmental Issues Law Pollution Poverty Resident Science Society Sovereign State Unemployment Work
Introduction To The Oddbins Commerce Essay Example
2528 words 10 pages

Odd binsA are a United Kingdom-basedA wineA and intoxicant retail concatenation, established in 1963 by Ahmed Pochee. A It was besides the twelvemonth Odd bins foremost opened its doors and the UK ‘s escapades in vino began in earnest. In 1963, enterpriser Ahmed Pochee starts up a little concern presenting bin-ends and odds and endss […]

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Commerce Inflation Macroeconomics Unemployment
Case of Yaounde Essay Example
2906 words 11 pages

TRANSFORMING THE URBAN LANDSCAPE: THE CASE OF YAOUNDE, CAMEROON Abstraction The unmanageable addition in urban population without relative addition in economic growing in African metropoliss is a call for concern. Most African metropoliss today are faced with this job. In order to guarantee the sustainability of their metropoliss, they are found in the quandary of […]

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Movies Political Corruption Society Unemployment Water Work
Human Resource Management In Austria Commerce Essay Example
4009 words 15 pages

Introduction Due to assorted grounds such as the legislative model and the economic backgroud, Human Resource Management ( HRM ) and employment relation systems show many fluctuations among different states worldwide. An analysis of different states may secure elaborate information being conductive to farther comparison these states with regard to their peculiar HRM and labour […]

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Commerce Employment Trade Union Unemployment
The entrepreneur is the one who takes the risks Essay Example
3607 words 14 pages

Introduction We frequently define the enterpriser as the 1 who takes the hazards. The fiscal hazard is likely the chief hazard that assumes the enterpriser, because his personal luck can be engaged and there are many costs during the stage of installing and surcease of the activity. It is many more hard to understand when […]

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Entrepreneur Finance Unemployment
The Process of Reducing or Removing Restrictions on Foreign Trade Essay Example
3001 words 11 pages

Pakistan’s economy began with inadequate industrial development, a prevalence of agriculture, inefficient infrastructure, and ultimately, political and economic instability. During the old ages, Pakistan implemented policies to enhance its industrial base by adopting a trade regime with restrictions. This included providing protection to domestic industries through high duty and non-tariff barriers. The 1960s saw the […]

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International Relations International Trade Society Trade Unemployment Work

Popular Questions About Unemployment

Does unemployment send you a 1099?
Your state unemployment office should send you the 1099-G form listing that amount, but there are ways to request the form in the mail. If you have received unemployment income at any point during the year, you will be required to complete and return IRS Form 1099-G.
What are some reasons for unemployment?
The level of unemployment varies with economic conditions and other circumstances. The causes of unemployment include increased population, rapid technological change, lack of education or skills and rising cost lead to financial, social and psychological problems.
How many weeks do you receive unemployment?
The maximum number of weeks you can receive full unemployment benefits is 30 weeks (capped at 26 weeks during periods of extended benefits and low unemployment). However, many individuals qualify for less than 30 weeks of coverage.
When do you have to pay back unemployment?
You may have to pay back unemployment benefits if your state’s unemployment commission determines that you received some benefits in error. For example, if you received a check for a week when you didn’t file a claim, or if you received a higher payment than you were entitled to, you would have to pay that back.
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