The study of philosophy is an unending quest to answer some of humanity’s vital questions and concerns. Philosophy essays can be categorized into the philosophy of literature, philosophy of religion, philosophy of science, and so much more. Philosophy essays examples can be used to understand certain theories or beliefs, especially the ones that date back centuries old. Ideologies in philosophy are not constant though, because humanity is subject to change, hence ideologies change with time.

Branches of philosophy have made it easier for college essays about philosophy more redefined to capture modern-day convictions that are relatable to today’s mankind. More than that, the essays help support or disprove older beliefs. In other cases, philosophical ideologies can be borrowed from one school of thought to another to fully understand a particular phenomenon. Although it may take a while before a new idea is accepted and practiced, new ideas are formulated every day in the race to find answers.

Ancient Greek Racism Essay Example
1168 words 5 pages

This essay sets out to investigate the types and extent of racism and tribalism that existed in Ancient Greece. This is a topic over which there has been considerable debate. Most modern scholarship converges around the belief that racism in its modern form, which is largely concerned with biological, physiological and physiognomic factors, did not […]

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Aristotle Philosophy Racism
Shifting Courses Essay Example
944 words 4 pages

I have always wanted to become a doctor. This has always been my mindset and it is the reason why I didn’t have a hard time choosing my course, BS Psychology. But looking back to my last year in high school, I realized that so many classmates of mine were still clueless on what course […]

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Business Process Education Health Management Mind Mindset Philosophy Psychology Reason Science Social Science Thought
“Be Cool to the Pizza Dude” Analysis Essay Example
613 words 3 pages

In the essay “Be Cool to the Pizza Dude,” Sarah Adams writes about the valid reasons for being cool to the pizza dude, and explains the blessings and good karma that can come from it. Adams fills her essay with four principles exampled that further explain her philosophy of being cool to the pizza dude, […]

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Children Definition Empathy Human Karma Philosophy
Thomas Edison and Hard Work Essay Example
898 words 4 pages

In this case, we can name the coiner of the expression – the American inventor Thomas Alva Edison. Edison is first reported as saying “Genius is one per cent inspiration, ninety-nine per cent perspiration” sometime around 1902 Perspiration means sweat. And when do we sweat? When we do hard work. And when do we do […]

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Hard Work Invention Philosophy Thomas Edison
Chicken Hips Essay Example
327 words 2 pages

In the essay “Chicken Hips” by Catherine Pigott, she discussed the pressure of society, and how, in context, they were pressured to think that the only way they could be appreciated was to succumb to society. I disagree that, for Catherine, joining the gym was a good idea. First of all, Catherine claims that while […]

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Chicken Philosophy
Physical Beauty vs. Inner Beauty Essay Example
634 words 3 pages

Beauty is one of the complex issues in human life. As a matter of fact, the complexity of beauty arises based on the fact that people define and view beauty differently. The fact that beauty is opinionated by mind makes it difficult to prove by law or fact. Beauty entails various qualities such as form, […]

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Beauty Mind Philosophy
Knack vs Craft in Gorgias Essay Example
720 words 3 pages

In the book Gorgias Socrates finds himself in an argument with Polus and Gorgias about whether oratory is a knack or a craft. Socrates’ opinion is that oratory is not a craft but rather a knack. When looking at the distinction between a knack and a craft it is commonly agreed upon that a knack […]

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Books Philosophy Plato Rhetoric
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel Essay Example
438 words 2 pages

I came across these words one day: “Life is like a rollercoaster. It has ups and downs. But it’s your choice to scream or enjoy the ride”. I believe that your perspective on life shall change your ride into a comedy or a tragedy. If you are a thinker who contemplates life without involving your […]

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Feeling Life Philosophy Tragedy
Einstein quote, Argumentative Essay Example
637 words 3 pages

It is widely known that Albert Einstein made a famous statement about how our humanity has been surpassed by our technology, and this has become very clear. To understand this topic, the simplest way is to ask a basic question: What is humanity? As per the dictionary definition, humanity includes the human race, human nature, […]

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Albert einstein Philosophy War Weapon
Informative Essay on Death Of A Salesman
1539 words 6 pages

The main focus here is not the term tragedy, which means “goat song” and has a connection to Dionysus’ ritual. Instead, we will primarily explore Aristotle’s concept of tragedy, which comes from the story of Dionysus and other sources. According to Aristotle’s Poetics, a crucial aspect of tragedy is the depiction of a noble and […]

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Death of a salesman Philosophy Tragedy Tragic Hero
Death of the Ball Turret Gunner Essay Example
394 words 2 pages

1. I do not find the poem shocking because I knew by the title it is about war in some way, and war is very harsh and inhumane. So it is what I expected of the poem. 2. The two bellies the speaker is talking about are the belly of the mother’s womb and the […]

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Philosophy Poetry War
Deconstructivism Essay Example
586 words 3 pages

As understood in architecture, deconstructivism was a movement developed in the postmodern architectural era that came in late 1980s. It encompasses broad ideologies that include the fragmentation process of architectural ideas, manipulation of structural surface ideas, elemental shapes of non-rectilinear forms that dislocate and distort architectural figures above others. The historical foundation of the terminology […]

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Aesthetics Architecture Philosophy Science
Deep Ecology Essay Example
2236 words 9 pages

Widely regarded to be one of the greatest spiritual leaders in the twentieth century, Sri Aurobindo was a thinker having the alacrity of the West proportionately fused with the philosophical depth of the East. Shaking the slumber of inertia, he arrived in India in 1893 with a vision and mission in mind. He knew that […]

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Ecology God Karma Philosophy
Themes of Drama: Reflections of Values
750 words 3 pages

A dramatic theme is an underlying message found within the action of the play that reflects the values of the time at which it was written or the values of the author that produced it.  The moral code depicted by that theme often drives the plot and the action of the play.  Although they are […]

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Arthur Miller Death of a salesman Oedipus Rex Philosophy Sophocles
The use of definition in Peter Fussell’s Stigmatic Uniforms Essay Example
563 words 3 pages

Extended definition not only defines but clearly explains the phrase. Extended definition has two elements. One is short to briefly concise about the topic while other is explanation. An extended element of definition is described with some more elaborations while remaining in the borderline of definition. Elements of extended definition include brief concise meaning, a […]

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Definition Philosophy Reputation
TV isn’t Violent Enough Essay Example
432 words 2 pages

The immediate and alarmist tone of Mike Oppenheim’s inductive essay, “T. V isn’t Violent Enough” is a flawless example of the ineffective strategy that Oppenheim has taken in conveying his rational and completely biased argument. The described imagery of cinema action scenes are unrealistic and not violent enough; Oppenheim’s essay falls victim to the fallacy […]

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Crime Critical Thinking Martial Arts Media Violence Movies Philosophy Reasoning Science Social Science Society Television
Dickinson’s I dreaded that first robin so Essay Example
838 words 4 pages

Dickinson’s poetry has been interpreted a number of different ways. To some she may come across suicidal, to others depressed, or even philosophical to a number of readers. In her poem number 347 her depression and feelings of inadequacy are clear. In this poem Dickinson is a diva and is like any other person, scared […]

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Crucifixion Of Jesus Emily Dickinson Literature Philosophy
Vivekananda’s thougts for modern India Essay Example
1402 words 6 pages

How is Vivekananda’s life and teachings relevant to current generation youth? For more reasons than one, writing an essay on Vivekananda’s teachings is a challenging task. One, Swami Vivekananda taught on both broad and very deep aspects (not restricted to India alone) encompassing Spiritualism, Universal values, Religion, Character building, Education, Spirit of Service and Social […]

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Hinduism India Philosophy
Love is a fallacy Essay Example
553 words 3 pages

The narrator of the story “Love is a Fallacy” relates to a freshman student in law school, intelligent, egocentric person, and outgoing always thinking he was logical. As the narrator showed us some fallacies throughout the story, he was outsmarted by Polly. What are some of the impressions that I made from reading Love is […]

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Books Critical Thinking Divorce Fiction Love Personal Philosophy Science Social Institution Social Science
Essay on principle of population
1622 words 6 pages

Thomas Malthus, in the early 19th century published an essay on the principle of population as it affects the future improvement of the society with remarks on the Speculations of Mr. Godwin, M. Condorcet, and Other Writers. He criticized the views of the Utopians who believed that life could and would definitely improve for humans […]

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Philosophy Population Principles Science
The Sapir Whorf Hypothesis Essay Example
1824 words 7 pages

Within linguistic theory, two extreme positions concerning the relationship between language and thought are commonly referred to as ‘mould theories’ and ‘cloak theories’. Mould theories represent language as ‘a mould in terms of which thought categories are cast’ (Bruner et al. 1956, p. 11). Cloak theories represent the view that ‘language is a cloak conforming […]

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Hypothesis Linguistics Philosophy Translation
The Mann Gulch Disaster Analysis Essay Example
661 words 3 pages

Conceptual blocks are defined as “mental obstacles that constrain the way problems are defined” and they “limit the number of alternative solutions people think about. ” (Whetten and Cameron, 2013, p. 183) Everyone experiences conceptual blocks and the smokejumpers were no different. 1. The smokejumpers experienced the conceptual block known as commitment when they were […]

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APA Children Decision Making Education Learning Philosophy Problem Solving Research Science Social Science Teaching

Popular Questions About Philosophy

What is a simple definition of philosophy?
Quite literally, the term "philosophy" means, "love of wisdom." In a broad sense, philosophy is an activity people undertake when they seek to understand fundamental truths about themselves, the world in which they live, and their relationships to the world and to each other.
What are the 4 types of philosophy?
There are four pillars of philosophy: theoretical philosophy (metaphysics and epistemology), practical philosophy (ethics, social and political philosophy, aesthetics), logic, and history of philosophy.
What is the main concept of philosophy?
philosophy, (from Greek, by way of Latin, philosophia, “love of wisdom”) the rational, abstract, and methodical consideration of reality as a whole or of fundamental dimensions of human existence and experience. Philosophical inquiry is a central element in the intellectual history of many civilizations.
What is philosophy in your own understanding?
Philosophy is the study or creation of theories about basic things such as the nature of existence, knowledge, and thought, or about how people should live. ... A philosophy is a particular set of ideas that a philosopher has.
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