Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Metaphysics.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Metaphysics. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Metaphysics on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Metaphysics, and much more. Keep on reading!

Comparing Metaphysical Poems: Donne and Marvell Essay Example
1859 words 7 pages

Both of these poems are Metaphysical in many ways. The term ‘Metaphysical’ refers to matters that are literally ‘beyond the physical’ – this is things such as God, heaven and hell, the soul and the meaning of life. They looked past visible life to discover the concealed beauty beneath. Much of their work contained an […]

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John Donne Metaphysics To His Coy Mistress
The Teleological Argument Essay Example
1125 words 5 pages

The aim of the teleological argument like so many others is to attempt to prove the existence of God or another ‘Being’ that created the world. This argument is a posteriori meaning that it is based on experience and also inductive meaning that there is no certainty in the outcome. This means that this argument […]

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Argument Metaphysics Science
An essay on Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot
1494 words 6 pages

When it comes to writing an essay about Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett, there isn’t a perfect opening sentence. Through my research on the play, I’ve gradually realized this. A brief summary may suffice: two vagabonds wait at a tree for Godot, who ultimately never arrives. This premise seems straightforward enough, even to a […]

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Metaphysics Waiting For Godot
The core conditions model introduced by Carl Rogers Essay Example
1773 words 7 pages

The core conditions model introduced by Carl Rogers was originally a feat by Rogers to devise an empirical formulation of an approach to therapy that was already successful and widely implemented. Rogers attempted through his model to envelop the core concepts of his unique approach to clients specifying the features of an interpersonal environment facilitating […]

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Empathy Metaphysics Model
What did Kant think Enlightenment was Essay Example
1704 words 7 pages

Immanuel Kant was a German Philosopher who was a key figure central to modern philosophy, he argued that mankind’s perceptions, classifications and concepts shape our outlook of the world, and that rationale is the source of morality. In Germany in the late 1700’s there was a newspaper called the ‘Berlinische Monatsschrift’, this newspaper put out […]

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Age Of Enlightenment Epistemology Metaphysics
According to scholars of semiotics, all signs have orders of signification Essay Example
2309 words 9 pages

Semiotics investigates the process by which signs, including but not limited to words, pictures, gestures, and sounds, acquire and convey meaning (Tomaselli: 1991). The meanings we assign to signs are dependent on the social conventions of our cultural milieu; for instance, mopane worms are perceived as carriers of disease in America, but are considered a […]

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Metaphysics Semiotics
How useful is the concept of feudalism in explaining the history of the period Essay Example
1198 words 5 pages

It is perhaps customary to start an essay by defining the key terms of the argument. However any attempt to define feudalism is doomed to failure and illustrates the nature of the problem when using the term. Marc Bloch defined it as “a subject peasantry, widespread use of the service tenement instead of salary, supremacy […]

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History Metaphysics
Are all a priori truths are analytic Essay Example
1967 words 8 pages

In this essay I shall explore the concepts of a priori knowledge and analytic knowledge. I shall argue that Kant is mistaken when he states that some a priori truths exist which are not analytic and I shall conclude that by the very nature of how ‘a priori’ is defined, all analytic truths are a […]

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Financial News Immanuel Kant Knowledge Mathematics Metaphysics Mistake Science Truth
Logical Positivism: Influences on Philosophical, Theological and Scientific Inquiry Essay Example
3521 words 13 pages

Logical positivism was a movement that was officially established in the small Vienna Circle in the 1920s. The group of 11 mathematicians, scientists and philosophers met regularly to discuss and campaign for a change in philosophical discourse. Rather than the metaphysical and normative pretensions that epitomised philosophy throughout Europe, the group advocated for a systematic […]

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Metaphysics Reason
Vedic Influence on Western Philosophy Essay Example
2174 words 8 pages

In a time of intellectual curiosity, 19th century philosophy incorporated many Vivid-based ideas, which have since been returned to, and analyzed by, members of the 20th and 21 the century Hindu community. The ascetic teachings expressed in the Pinheads provide the belief that the negation of all internal desires is the only way to achieve […]

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Metaphysics Religion
Western Concepts Of God Essay Example
5199 words 19 pages

Though regarded as sexless, God has traditionally been referred to by the masculine pronoun. Concepts of God in philosophy are entwined with concepts of God in religion. This is most obvious in figures like Augustine and Aquinas, who sought to bring more rigor and consistency to concepts found in religion. Others, like Leibniz and Hegel, […]

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God Metaphysics
Kant, irrationalism and religion Essay Example
3786 words 14 pages

Abstract Kant is a philosopher. which dealt with human acknowledgment. He has been considered as an irrationalist. Many philosophers think that he used the irrationalism to warrant the trust in faith and to protect the faith from the scientific discipline. In this paper I shall take a position to the doctrine of Kant on recongition […]

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Immanuel Kant Metaphysics Reason Religion
Roots of Filipino Character Essay Example
250 words 1 page

unified text: 1.Pakikisama – It is the act of conforming to the majority’s will in order to get along with everyone and avoid conflicts. 2.Bahala na Attitude – It is the belief that things should be left as they are because nature will take its course. 3.Bayanihan or Team Spirit – This Filipino value promotes […]

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Metaphysics Religion Roots
Philosophy metaphysics Essay Example
3563 words 13 pages

In order to clearly reply the first inquiry. it is of import first to reply the inquiry – “what is the psyche for Aristotle” and as such give an history of how he views substance and separability. Aristotle posits in de Anima that the psyche is the substance in the sense which corresponds to the […]

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Metaphysics Physics
Ethical neutrality Essay Example
2281 words 9 pages

In the following text, when we use the term “evaluation,” we mean practical value judgments regarding the satisfactory or unsatisfactory nature of phenomena under our influence. The question at hand is the freedom of a subject from these types of evaluations, specifically, the cogency and significance of a logical rule. This question is not the […]

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Ethics Metaphysics
Healers Psychics Mediums Spiritualists Essay Example
1360 words 5 pages

Witch doctors, psychics, mediums, spiritualists are but just a few of the many names associated with Shamans. Many of us have heard these names echoed since childhood, but do we really know who these people are? In the United States these people are viewed as outcast; there hasnt been a need for them in a […]

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College Metaphysics Nature
The Problem of Evil according to Plantiga Essay Example
294 words 2 pages

Argument: Premises: 1. God exists, is omnipotent, omniscient, and wholly good 2. The tsunami caused people to suffer 3. An omniscient and omnipotent good being prevents any suffering that it can properly eliminate (that is, eliminate any suffering without eliminating an outweighing good or bringing about a greater evil) that it knows about 4. An […]

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Argument Evil God Metaphysics Problems
Doctrine Of Creation Essay Example
1321 words 5 pages

Doctrine of creation ‘What do we mean by creation? How helpful are making, emanation and/or artistic work as analogies? Is it a doctrine about the world’s beginnings or origin, or about its present or future existence, or what? Creation is often referred to as a ‘mystery’ and this is due to its perhaps ambiguous nature. […]

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God Metaphysics Theology
People Dont Appreciate What They Have Essay Example
1248 words 5 pages

In life, too many things are taken for granted. We take for granted the most valuable things in our life; the love from our families and friends, the roof over our heads, and even the air we breathe. Unfortunately, most people dont appreciate what they have until its gone. So many people have become victims […]

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Buddhism College Metaphysics Mind
Knowledge Is Power Argumentative Essay Example
1177 words 5 pages

Knowledge can be defined as the fact or state of knowing. There are many different aspects of knowledge. Knowledge comes from many different places. There are great numbers of philosophers who have tried to describe where knowledge comes from. Also knowledge can be divided into different parts according to the way we receive knowledge. There […]

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Epistemology Knowledge Metaphysics Power
Cicero – 3911 words – College Essay Example
3136 words 12 pages

Cicero, a man of both the state and philosophical temperament, often experienced clashes between these two aspects. While he gradually embraced stoicism, he did not fully adhere to its beliefs, partially due to the influence of Roman society at the time. The moral values of everyday Rome contradicted some of the early stoic ideals. As […]

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College Metaphysics Roman Republic
Analysis of Myth of Total Cinema: Bazin Essay Example
580 words 3 pages

The Myth of Total Cinema Andre Bazin in his article, The Myth of Total Cinema, asserts that motivation behind cinema is realism. He explains his theory by examining the technology of cinema. He argues that cinema was not born from the technology advancement but rather from innate desire to reproduce the realism of our world. […]

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Film Analysis Metaphysics

Popular Questions About Metaphysics

What is metaphysics, and why is it important?
Why is Metaphysics important? Metaphysics is the foundation of philosophy. Without an explanation or an interpretation of the world around us, we would be helpless to deal with reality. We could not feed ourselves, or act to preserve our lives.
Why is metaphysics considered philosophy?
Metaphysics deals with the philosophy of reality . As a branch of philosophy, Metaphysics aims at understanding the essence of the " being." Metaphysics seeks to understand the first cause of life, the reason for existence, and the ultimate nature of consciousness.
What are the problems of metaphysics?
Metaphysical Problems are mostly: (i) The origin of metaphysics, (ii) The problem of being, (iii) The problem of essence and existence, universals, appearance and reality, change and permanence, causality, freedom and determinism, unity and diversity and; (iv) The problem of substance.
What's the deal with metaphysics?
What Is Metaphysics? Metaphysics acknowledges and respects the beauty in ALL of God's Creation. Metaphysics is religion without dogma. Metaphysics does not explore religious beliefs and laws created by man, but rather, it explores the immutable laws of nature, set by The Creator, God/Universal Presence, in the creation of
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